1) Hail, children of the light, sons of God! Hail, threefold flames that ignite the fire of creation in all the Earth in the hearts of my own! Ye are the salt of the earth. But the salt that has lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? Therefore if the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
Light, my beloved, is the essential resource of life. Come down from the Father as the crystal clear stream of immortality, men have fashioned out of it their mortality--their sense of limitation and their correspondent limitations. Therefore if the essential light be compromised, where is that light but covered with a shroud of death?
-Jesus Christ: April 5 or 6, 1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
-Jesus Christ: April 5 or 6, 1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
2) We are delighted to tell you that we have been meeting for many weeks, laying plans for this land and for the raising up of the Mother-flame as the Kundalini-fire in the very midst of her diverse yet unified peoples. We have studied the problems of many segments of society, not only of men and women but of those in varying ethnic groups, origins, karmic accountabilities, those on various echelons of development in the four planes and in the chakras.
Our path of the feminine ray is a path outlining the way of Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays. Its goal is to teach in a practical manner students of the light who have a more than ordinary dedication how to release the five secret rays from the nucleus of each of the seven chakras. This path presupposes that you have followed the disciplines of the seven chohans and of the Great Divine Director and of the Elohim Cyclopea who serve with us representing those seven rays as a path of attainment and light, even while we are the guardians of the very use of that sacred fire. Its abuse as you know can bring swift and sudden accident, crisis, illness and death. Its proper use can give joy and beauty and eternal life.
(-John William Wright, 1846)
-Portia: 7-2-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
-Portia: 7-2-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
3) Give the people their inheritance of the vision, O my beloved, and watch how the Lord will deliver America and every nation in this age! I AM leading the armies of heaven with Sanat Kumara. I enlist you as bearers of his light. Now enter as you have never entered before. For I tell you, by the dispensations made known to me this day by the Lords of Karma there is every reason to believe that more and more light and more and more miracles will manifest by your certain choice of freedom.
O my beloved, be free to be servants of the will of God. I AM here now. I AM here for the binding of all that stands between you and your very first love of that will of God. Burn through, O flaming hosts! Burn through! Burn through! Burn through!
So in the Word of the Great Guru of the people I say “Let My people go!” For this people is my people and I AM here and here to stay until the Lord has His say! And His say is: “Victory unto the light within My people this day!” Amen.
-Archangel Michael: 7-3-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
-Archangel Michael: 7-3-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
4) We would see you come together in a greater understanding of the true meaning of home and in all of those necessities of life that bring out the potential, the independence, the pioneer spirit.
You are all pioneers from the great God-Star. And at this conclusion of an age simultaneously with the dawn of another it is the arcing of the light of Sirius that is become your principal assignment, that the Great White Brotherhood and its God-government in the galaxies might have that physical focus which is necessary in order for those beings of light as well as the divine plan of God to manifest in the earth.
From century to century emissaries of Sirius, sons of God, have sought to establish the nucleus of light that would anchor that certain elevation of light that is a certain key from the God-Star in the very physical earth itself. From time to time these have succeeded but usually only temporarily.
Thus with the going out of the light of the nucleus of the God-Star itself there have come periods of darkness and misapplication of the Law, followed by chaos and old night and deterioration. Thus desolations, as the cold winds crossing the desert, have in their own time and space made the human consciousness itself a wasteland devoid of the cosmic connection with the God-Star.
Goddess of Liberty. 7-3-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
Goddess of Liberty. 7-3-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
5) In this moment those who call themselves the blacks of America can rise to new dimensions of freedom and liberty. But this can only come to pass through the mighty heartflame, through the understanding of the path of initiation, through the necessity of bowing before the God-flame of the Eternal Guru, submitting the self on the altar of God and demanding an acceleration, a purging, fervently calling upon the law of forgiveness as was preached by John the Baptist for you all--repentance and remission of sins, then the coming of the Lord Christ and his initiation of the Christ Self.
Portia and Saint Germain desire that this teaching should go forth among the blacks--that they cannot rest with outer gains of more opportunity or of laws that secure greater equality or even of increased funding for various projects to enhance education and general standards of living. These signs must not be seen as the signs of the elevation or necessarily even the progress of a people.
And therefore in an age of materialism and mechanization let not the outer signs become mistaken for the inner sign of the coming of the Lord Christ unto this my children. For it has ever been the plot of the fallen ones to make all peoples think that by the very manifestation of increased goods or a greater climate of ease that somehow progress is being made.
Though there were successes through the civil rights movement there have been setbacks; for those successes in many instances were outer. Having gained them, the people did not understand that they must go within to the inner light in order to sustain them. Thus it is not equality for bodies with varying colored skins that we would seek but true advancement on the path of initiation for souls who indeed hold the key for the entire elevation of this race of the sons and daughters of Afra.
I AM radiating in this hour a light ray from my heart to those who have been called long ago to be the shepherds of this people. Some of these shepherds-to-be are among this company of Camelot and others are yet abroad in the land serving with a great fervor of love and an understanding of justice, while those who are truly not qualified to lead yet somehow arrive in positions of leadership do serve--not with love but with competition born of a hatred which they have never surrendered into the flame, though they know not it is implanted within the subconscious. In an absence of the sense of justice therefore they serve in a sense of injustice which can never bring about harmony or the blending of all peoples in the service of Sanat Kumara.
Therefore I send forth a ray from my heart unto those who are the true shepherds of this people to elevate, to call you to action. And I summon Keepers of the Flame who recognize and sense the urgency in the heart of Saint Germain to go forth now--stumping in the name of the Mother, stumping in the name of the Lord of the World and in the name of the blessed Savior Jesus--to find the shepherds of this people, to isolate them by the sacred fire, to call them forth by love and offer to them the opportunity for the inheritance of the mantle of true shepherd.
Let none turn aside this opportunity to come under the tutelage of the Mother of the Flame who is truly our representative in the Motherhood of all races under the blessed Omega and Mother Mary and so many hosts of the Lord. Therefore let none take the teaching and separate themselves out from the teacher because the teacher does not to outer appearances qualify as being a part of the black people of this land.
No greater mistake could ever be made than for peoples to segment themselves according to outer judgment instead of the inner judgment of the heart. And yet I speak this because my children many in number have already rejected the Mother of the Flame because they have conceived of her as being what they call “white.”
My beloved ones, this will not make for ascended master consciousness or evolution to these children of my heart. And therefore prejudice runs strong in the hearts of people of all races, and it in itself is the outcropping of the projection of hatred of these fallen ones over thousands of years of manipulation of God’s people to keep them divided. For every stream and lifewave manifesting as the varying races have somewhat to offer upon this planetary body.
And if there be those who say “We will only take that which comes from our own people,” they will be sadly denied the great blessings that come East and West through this River of Life of the Mother that separates itself into divergent manifestations to show forth the glory, the beauty, and the light of her infinite presence.
Thus, my beloved, let us realize that Saint Germain has said, even as he has told me this day, that there is a tide--a tide now in the affairs of the children of Afra–that must be taken and taken in that moment when opportunity becomes a crystal light and a crystal sword….
Long, long have I waited to see this day appear! Now in this moment of opportunity and of its appearing I salute you. I AM with you and I say, go to!—I send you as the Lord has sent me.
And I will be with you! I will speak through you, and together we will turn back these fallen ones who have determined to destroy the cities of America and America as a whole by this division and by discontent and riot and all that shall not be because we are determined that it shall not be and that they shall not pass!
Sons of flame universally, hear my call! Hear my word!
Now you seek to implement this desire of our hearts, and we are here to work through you. You need only to gather together, to counsel with the Lord and His hosts, and you will receive the answers and the divine direction that is needed.
Take courage, all. And take heart! There is yet an hour to give your life to the victory of Saint Germain. Lo, I AM his servant and his chela, Lo, I AM THAT I AM.
-Afra: 7-3-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
-Afra: 7-3-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
6) These false prophets and false ministers of the Gospel are stripped of their light and they have no power to rebuke the fallen one! They entertain, they pipe their tunes to the beat of the pit, but they do not represent the Lord. And the sheep follow them. And I tell you, they shall not stand in the last day! These false ones are judged. I know whereof I speak, for I AM ever the instrument of the Holy Spirit moving in and through the people of God in every religion upon earth. I come, I AM John Baptist, forevermore the messenger of Christ….
We are here because you have withheld your voices. We are here because the hour is late and the sufficiency of light has already been transferred. Nevetheless the Almighty has sent us to pick you up, dear hearts, to give you courage as well as the warning.
You dare not turn back from this hour. You dare not withhold. And I recommend that you move in concerted force, tackling one by one the injustices of your communities and states and nations, thus moving as a band of lightbearers and holy angels. They will know not against whom to strike, for they will fear the coming of many mighty conquerors. Let the Word of the little child be heard in the land. Let the cry of the newborn babe be not stifled by Herod’s men—O so great a sin, so great a sin.
Nevertheless God has raised up a root out of Jesse and an ensign which shall stand for the people. Henceforth let there be no separation between your soul and your Christ Self. Therefore you are the root of Jesse! You are the ensign! And therefore let there not be the division in consciousness of human and divine, for God has created the finite to be the dwelling place of the Infinite.
Therefore on this day we celebrate the marriage of the soul unto the Lord Christ. Enter into this ritual of thy life and above all take the vow of the alchemical marriage.
Do not hesitate, O soul of God, to be the bride of thy Christed Self this day. For only so and thus in the mantle of thy Keeper shalt thou prevail, and thou shalt prevail in the name of I AM THAT I AM. Thou shalt prevail by the blood of the martyrs and the white robes of the saints.
Thou shalt prevail! For wherever thou art, O soul, there I AM, there is the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. Wherever thou art, O soul, I AM God! Wherever thou art, O soul, be thou made whole! Be thou made whole! and dwell forevermore in perfect love.
-John Baptist: 7-4-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
-John Baptist: 7-4-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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