Friday, February 21, 2020

cancel out all ignorance and every false testimony

  Therefore let the great circle of our oneness and our love cancel out all division, all misunderstanding, all ignorance and every false testimony as in the case of the blind men and the elephant--all giving varied reports of the same spectacle but never arriving at the point of reality which is the heart:  heart perspective!…Behold, I make all things new by the flame of the heart, by the vision of the heart, by the wisdom of the heart that is the endless stream of the endless Source….
  Beloved ones, the reward for love is great.  But those who deserve it often do not receive it because they are the ones who are the busy ones or the fighters—driving, working, serving.  And therefore let us pause together.  Let us be still then in these lower vehicles and let us feel the chakras shining as the seven Elohim, shining as the Sun and the stars!…
let us not allow our ways and means to compromise the goal or to cause us to tarry or lose sight of the goal.  The goal is the star appearing, the star of Aquarius that has appeared over the Sun of my birth.  O beloved ones, the true star is the herald of the coming of the devotee, the Mighty I AM Presence of each one.  Remember your star!…
  You are eternal here and now. This place is your eternal abode, and I speak not of finite coordinates but of this place as the point of the eye of the Mind of God—the seat of your consciousness.  Find that seat now.  Feel it in the base of the brain and in the spine. Feel it in your heart!  Feel it in your soul!  Feel it in all of your being! That which you feel is God.  It is God, I tell you!  It is not some combination of physical senses.  Nay! That awareness of God in yourself is something above and beyond the form, yet it registers on the form….
But as it always is, the more vast the compendium of knowledge the greater the requirement of the teacher to organize. …
  You see, beloved ones, the tests are flying full and sure. We want you to experience the sense of mastery, of dominion, the enormous pleasure of having finished a day and dealt with that force, that driving force of irritation, and conquered and risen above every foible of the senses directed against your heart….
  Remember that anything that seeks to taunt you from the seat of the Buddha in the secret chamber of the heart must be noted as the enemy--not the person necessarily, for it is often a loved one, but the force attempting to use that one….Often it is a matter of stance.  How do you hold yourself?  Are you in readiness for the next delivery of God or thrust of the sinister force, or are you, as they say these days “laid-back”? …
  Whenever there is agreement in a principle of God a nucleus is formed--a bond of love. And that bond of love actually begins to consume the area of disagreement and error which may be in the mind of your friend or may be in your own mind, for we ourselves must see our own misconceptions, n’est-ce pas?  Perhaps you have noticed on a number of occasions that by your words and actions you may have caused some great grief and burden….Beloved ones, assume that those who come to you are injured and maimed and scarred, for they are. They have been in many battles of life. If you find them ornery or thick-skinned, this is a defense mechanism they have set up for a very deep hurt….
  Much of the cause of your failure of many tests is that you have not stopped to rid yourself of the human habit to express that aggravation, that arrogance--all coming from the need of the carnal mind to assert itself. It is not real! It has no power to dominate your personality! I speak directly to you, and all of you know whereof I speak!…Each and every time you begin to conceive of sin, an act of sin, you lose the protection of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. …
  Beloved ones, if you remove yourselves from time and space and always find the center of the cross, you will dwell forevermore in the house of the Lord, the secret chamber of the heart, the sacred heart of Jesus whose heart I have made my own, imploring that Christ and therefore intensifying the purple fiery heart in his honor.  In that heart there is no desire for hashish, there is no desire for heroin….Fear is what binds you to the alternative path and method. …Cease then, cease from toying with the idea of unreality! Cease from the idea that you have ever been enslaved. The slaves of death must live in a consciousness of death!…Thus the only place where the consciousness of death and the astral plane can be canceled out is in the point of the will of the chela in this octave!…
  The higher helps the lower. As you accept help in humility, you can extend help. If you do not receive from the one above you, you cannot give to the one below you whose progress is utterly stopped because you yourself have stopped….
  One day the world must always turn against the living Christ.  And I do not think that any among you would consciously turn down the light of your Christ consciousness to be accepted by men, yet some of you do this unconsciously to avoid the challenge or the hurt or the public criticism.  Beloved ones, you can only go so far with this little game as you fit yourself in and out of society’s cliques….

  The “sorrowful way” comes only to the one who has not surrendered.  As soon as you surrender you are free--that is the key.  This is my crash course in passing every test.    
                             -Saint Germain:  7-6-1984 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT 
                                        via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet

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