Monday, February 3, 2020

China-U.S joint biotechnology development program

1-29-20  But Beijing’s willingness to turn a blind eye to unethical CRISPR research was highlighted when He Jiankui announced he had gene-edited babies.  Likewise a US-based researcher last year announced he had produced a human-monkey hybrid embryo in China to avoid “legal issues” elsewhere.
  Russia is also engaged in similar research.  And Japan has lifted its ban on human-animal hybridisation.
  Beijing, however, has specifically highlighted biological research as a national strategic priority.  Academy of Military Medical Sciences president He Fuchu said in 2015 that biomaterials were the new “strategic commanding heights” of warfare.  He is now the Academy’s vice-president.
  And in 2017 retired Chinese general Zhang Shibo wrote in his book War’s New High Land that “modern biotechnology development is gradually showing strong signs characteristic of an offensive capability”.  This includes the potential for “specific ethnic genetic attacks”.

Prof. Shi Zhengli of Wuhan Virology Lab (Shown)  LaSt name Shi!

  Moreover it’s not just coronaviruses from bats that Shi and her team have discovered and explored but also diverse novel viruses/virus antibodies in bats, including adenoviruses, adeno-associated viruses, circoviruses, paramyxoviruses, and filoviruses.  In fact Prof. Zhengli has coauthored over an astounding 130 publications on viral pathogen identification, diagnosis and epidemiology. …Shi further states that her team created a “reverse genetics system” that would be helpful for “study of the pathogenesis of this group of viruses and to develop therapeutics for future control of emerging SARS-like infections.”…  16.  Why did Prof. Zhengli receive funding from U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (the agency which deals specifically with Weapons of Mass Destruction), the U.S. Biological Defense Research Directorate of the Naval Medical Research Center, and the Department of Atomic Energy of the Government of India?
  20.  Prof. Zhengli’s C.V. indicates she received a visa to the United States to present at the U.S.-China Dialogue on the Challenges of Emerging Infections, Laboratory Safety and Global Health Security conference on January 17, 2018, in Galveston, Texas.  However, such a conference appears to not have existed.  For what purpose did she really come to Galveston — perhaps to visit the Galveston National Laboratory, a high security National Biocontainment Laboratory housing several Biosafety Level 4 research laboratories, one of the only 15 biosecurity Level 4 facilities in the United States and the largest one in the world located on an academic campus?  Was this apparently imaginary conference merely a ruse for a surreptitious rendezvous? …
  Even more concerning, on October 31, 2019, Prof. Zhengli had published a report entitled Filovirus-reactive antibodies in humans and bats in Northeast India imply zoonotic spillover, curiously funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the U.S. Biological Defense Research Directorate of the Naval Medical Research Center, and the Department of Atomic Energy of the Government of India, and edited by a microbiologist employed by the U.S. Center for Disease Control….
   Of note is the fact that the Defense Threat Reduction Agency is an agency within the U.S. Department of Defense and is the official Combat Support Agency for countering weapons of mass destruction.  Why would they be funding this project?  Could it be that these coronaviruses with filovirus reactive antibodies are being weaponised? Are they really that dangerous?  Could they actually be employed as a weapon of mass destruction?
  The organizers plan to hold further face-to-face meetings in the United States at the Galveston National Laboratory late in 2017 and in China at the Kunming Institute of Medical Biology in 2018. Topics for the next workshop at the Galveston National Laboratory will likely center around specific high biocontainment “operational” issues such as:
  •   An overall strategy and creating centers for effective high containment laboratory staff training
  •   Creating and maintaining clinical care facilities in BSL-4 space and training clinical staff
  •   Conducting “well-documented” studies under BSL-4 conditions includingpractical
    aspects of non-human primate experimentation in the BSL-4 space
  •   Development and maintenance of best practices for long-term safe and productive BSL-
    4 operations
  •   Community relations and outreach efforts and the differences and similarities between
    interacting with the communities surrounding laboratories in China and the U.S.
  •   Conducting vector studies to identify animal virus reservoirs and combat emerging
    infections caused by viral agents requiring high-containment facilities 

    Points of contact:
    Zhiming Yuan, Ph.D.
    Director, Wuhan Institute of Virology, CAS
    James W. Le Duc, Ph.D.
    Director, Galveston National Laboratory
    David R. Franz, DVM, Ph.D. Former Commander, USAMRIID
    Benjamin J. Rusek, Senior Program Officer U.S. National Academy of Sciences 001.202.839.0075

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