Sunday, February 16, 2020

the loss of real standards/responsibility in America and the West

10-7-19  Westerners have been for generations infused with a conviction that a nation’s central bank must, under threat of great ‘moral hazard’, be kept separate and independent of that nation’s government.  The reasons are unclear, but since this mythology qualifies as a biblical pronouncement, it is by nature not open to question.  The proposition is, of course, nonsense. How can a country manage its affairs without having control of its own money and its own central bank? Think of a corporation having no access to its own money or credit, having to depend on an outside “unrelated and independent” third party for all funding, a party with no common interests whatever with this corporation, and with its own commercial interests often diametrically opposed to those of the company.  Even worse, imagine the company having to “borrow” its own money from this independent source, and repay with interest.  How could that possibly make sense? Welcome to the world of secret bankers and privately-owned central banks, like the Bank of England, of France and Germany, and the US Federal Reserve, the ultimate source of financial crises, of recessions and depressions and of wars.  -Romanoff
  For years, bottled water companies have been voluntarily including rPET in their containers.  Many bottled water companies have embraced using rPET packaging, offering their product in containers that are made of 50, 75, or even 100 percent rPET.  Beverage Marketing Corporation reports that, for those bottled water companies that use rPET, the average amount of rPET per container went from 3.3 to 18.2 percent between 2008 and 2017...
  Two very different processes result in very different cost structures.  In 2017, the estimated average cost to produce virgin PET was $0.52-0.56 per pound, while the cost to process and produce rPET was estimated at $0.60-0.65 per pound.  It is no wonder that end users sometimes prefer to purchase virgin PET.  ...\
  PET plastic is infinitely recyclable because, if necessary, recycling facilities can use additives during the recycling process to raise the recycled PET’s intrinsic viscosity (IV), a measure of the molecular weight of the polymer that reflects the melting point, crystallinity, and tensile strength of the material.
    Bottled water is comprehensively regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a packaged food product and it provides a consistently safe and reliable source of drinking water.  And, by federal law, the FDA regulations governing the safety and quality of bottled water must be at least as stringent as the EPA regulations that govern tap water.  In some cases, such as for lead, bottled water regulations are substantially more stringent.
  Bottled Water and Tap Water: Just the Facts
Drinking Water Research Foundation October, 2011
page13image5856 page13image6016 STANDARDS OF QUALITY FOR BOTTLED WATER
FDA’s regulations also provide, at great length and detail, standards of quality (SOQs) for bottled water products (21 CFR 165.110(b)). These regulations establish enforceable, quantifiable limits for 91 microbiological, physical, chemical, and radiological substances. These are the standards that are comparable to EPA’s MCLs for tap water, and will be discussed in greater detail below.  In general, FDA relies on the “agency of jurisdiction,” which usually refers to the state or local government, for the oversight of source water (21 CFR 129.35).
  Natural mineral water brand Valvert in Belgium has launched its new bottle made entirely from recycled PET (rPET), a first for Nestlé in Europe. This innovation is a step further toward meeting Nestlé’s commitment to increase the rPET content in its water bottles to 35% globally by 2025.  Valvert utilizes only already used bottles to produce the new bottle, and no new virgin PET needs to be created. The brand has been able to secure a reliable supply of the high-quality, food grade rPET that is required for bottled water.

-Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet:  3-17-1985 at Camelot
    As the quantity of the call goes forth, as the quotient of the sacred fire descends, as hearts are one as Above so below in our own hearts and woven together in the heart of the Messenger so we may act and act again to prevent the untimely passing from the screen of life of many souls of light who must play their role in this particular hour, which is critical even before the sight of Alpha and Omega, as the Father/Mother God have told me this day....For it is a critical turning point in the nations. You have realized that many hours and key dates in this century and past have been critical But this is an hour for the mounting of the forces of freedom for a defense and for the strengthening of the spine of America and the spine of her leaders!  We take then this offering of your hearts for the strengthening of those spines, beginning with the White House and the Congress.   
  We begin therefore and we are determined that the freedom fighters of this world in every nation shall have the full support of the people of Light in every nation!  We are God-determined that they shall have the supply, food, medical care and those equipments that are absolutely necessary to wage warfare in the physical octave against those fallen ones and Satanists that move through Soviet forces to destroy Afghanistan, to take over other nations and to come into this hemisphere! 
   We say:  They shall not pass in the name of Almighty God!  They shall not pass in the name of Almighty God!  And we shall have the victory!  But in this hour, beloved ones, the corrupt ones gather in Central and South America who have been corrupt for so long, who have taken advantage of the people and denied them in their condemnation and placed upon them ignorance.  And even in some quarters holy church has promoted ignorance instead of enlightenment through the dynamic decree and through the call to me.  Beloved hearts, in the face of all of this adversarial contact that we face there we still demand the victory!  We still demand the overturning of the right and left extremists and the fanatics and murderers who move against the children of the light!   But, beloved hearts, it will take more than a miracle:  it will take the absolute intercession of Almighty God through you!            
-Archangel Michael:  3-5-1985 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet

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