Tuesday, March 3, 2020

revolving door between CDC and big pharma--$30 billion in profit yearly on vaccines

  The CDC Immunization Safety Office is  responsible for investigating  the safety and effectiveness of all new vaccinations; once an investigation is considered complete, a recommendation is then made to the  CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) who then  determines whether the new vaccine will be added to the current  vaccination schedule….
  Each of the 12  members of the CDC's  ACIP  Committee has a significant influence on the health of nearly every member of the American population. Because they are responsible for adding to  and/or altering the national vaccine schedule, it is of critical importance that they remain objective and unbiased before determining whether a new vaccination is appropriate for use, particularly in the bodies of vulnerable young children.
  Unfortunately, a significant number of  ACIP  committee members  receive direct financial returns when more vaccinations are added to the current schedule.  Many own vaccination related patent(s) and/or stock shares of the pharmaceutical companies responsible for supplying new vaccines to the public. Others receive research grant money, funding for their academic departments, or payments for the oversight of vaccine safety trials….In total, 56 individual patents were found to be owned or shared by one or more members of the ACIP committee or other committees within the CDC.
  The vaccination industry currently generates $30 billion in profit each year, some of which reaches the hands of the very people who create the vaccine schedule.  Despite concerns connecting vaccinations to the increase in autism and a host of other disorders, the number of recommended vaccines continues to grow each year. With a new federal administration interested in uncovering the dirty secrets hidden within alliances between CDC members and vaccine manufacturers, we may begin to see a wave of personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits related directly to unethical behaviors which have led to numerous unsafe vaccines being pushed on an unknowing public.  https://www.lawfirms.com/resources/environment/environment-health/cdc-members-own-more-50-patents-connected-vaccinations

  It is estimated that it takes between two and three million dollars to raise an autistic child.  Think about the current cost economically.  And as the proportions of autistic children continue to increase, the cost over the next thirty years of raising millions of young people on the spectrum will be astronomical!  -p.4 
  In the vaccine world, there is a revolving door that allows people to go back and forth between the CDC and big pharma, gaining lucrative positions in the process.  Yes, the CDC and vaccine manufacturers have an incestuous relationship (which you will learn about in this document), for far too long. This is exactly why we can not allow either the CDC or the pharmaceutical industry to be in charge of the neutral and unbiased research that needs to be done on vaccines. The fox has been watching the henhouse long enough.   -p. 14     -Dr. Alan Palmer   http://www.chiropractic.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/1200-studies-The-Truth-Will-Prevail-3.pdf

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