Wednesday, March 18, 2020

sustaining constancy and noble effort

  there is a purpose in concealment; for through discovery, initiation and realization glory after glory man comes to appreciate the unfolding wonders of the divine design.  I AM Pallas Athena.  As an elder sister of cosmic art I advocate the truth in all of its seeming evanescence as being most desirable and far to be preferred over error, which at best is incomplete in its manifestation.  Truth is so beautiful that even when partially expressed it can pass what has been called the acid test of time.  Seasons may come and go, human moods may change; but there is a changeless quality about truth that sustains constancy and noble effort whereby true and permanent achievement is won.
  I know that at times individuals are seized with the idea that they are not making proper progress.  How do they know?  Are they able to assess the greatness of soul which they already possess?  When initiations are passed immediately the reward is deposited in the bank of the soul.  It does not continually reappear as a reminder of one’s attainment but it is there, a powerful matrix waiting to be released in the moment of need.  Therefore the inherent greatness of humanity must be reckoned with as a cumulative factor and not as one that is always self-evident.      
               -Pallas Athena:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:46
  Beloved ones, when tyrants conspire to destroy the living Word it is the hour of perpetual prayer. Therefore I bid you be seated perpetually in the flame-flower of the forget-me-not....
  The usurpers of the seat of authority of the living Christ of you must not be allowed to stand.  Sinners midst the congregation of the righteous are these.  To gain your right of passage for dominion in this life you must come to the understanding that at inner levels and on the outer there are those who thoroughly disrupt and set aside your mission.  Unseen are they, never to be feared but to be reckoned with by the calculation of the stars.
  The science of Being works for those who work for it and with it.  Life is indeed a sacred science.  And as the Word does go forth I release the power of Hercules, the wisdom and the astuteness of Archangel Michael and the very presence of the blue lotus flame of Lord Himalaya.
  Vaivasvata, the great Manu/Lawgiver of ages, has stood in his retreat this day and has said “I shall stand until the victory of the Mother who does represent the Divine Woman today.  I shall stand releasing the blue lightning of the will of God.  Morya, go and see who will receive it and who will release it in purity, in perpetual prayer that the words of their mouths might be the light-emanation of the Logos given unto me for the root races of the planet.”
 Thus I come, beloved.  And I tell you, the fallen ones know that this is their last stand.  They will stop at nothing, not even the intrusion upon the phones and the holiness and the sacred circle of your very life and community.  You must be vigilant in the understanding of what is at stake--the freedom of this Church Universal and Triumphant to go forth with the banner of Maitreya and the emblem of the Lighthouse to acquaint every soul upon Earth with his own God-free being, else the setting aside and the delay of cosmic purpose in ye all.
  I tell you, you cannot wait.  You cannot afford to part with time and space, for you require all that is allotted unto you and more to be given by the grace of the Lords of Karma for that service of the covering of the Earth through all communication means possible with the true message of liberation.
  Beloved ones, there are battles that have been fought and won without the [participants’] full outer knowledge of the archangels and the false hierarchies and fallen ones pitted against the light. But when the fullness of Armageddon is outplayed physically on this planet, should it come to pass, beloved ones, it is essential, it is absolutely necessary that lifestreams have that dynamic decree book in hand and the understanding of how to use the sacred fire.
  When all hell breaks loose, as it has in this case against the Messenger and the Teaching, only those who know and practice hourly the sacred science can overcome.  Thus it is, as you might say, a foretaste of what the nations must face--your own government, the people of Mother Russia-- who one day must overturn their tyrants also as the people of the Philippines have done.
  Precious ones, many tests are ahead for the people of every nation.  You must win and then go and teach them how to win in their area of knowledge and in their field of operation.  Beloved ones, there is a pass and there is a right that you must earn to pass over that pass into a new plane of activity and attainment.  This is the meaning of the trial and the testing--the testing of the soul. There is no hierarch in heaven or saint of God who has not faced an ultimate encounter in order to move on to the plane that beckons, to the field that waits, and to greater challenges ahead.
Beloved ones, do not think that these individuals who have plotted this destruction by every means of character assassination and strategy of lie upon lie to fabricate an image of this church that is entirely untrue do not have at stake the ultimate.  They will stop at nothing to silence our voice.
  We have in our hands a movement and a community, a knowledge dispensed already that can itself dispense with all errors of the world’s major religions and restore to all humanity on each of the seven rays the essential knowledge of their oneness with God, their beingness in God, the Presence of the I AM.
  False doctrine, false pastors and false gurus are being exposed.  The walls of dogma are tumbling down.  The light is piercing, it is penetrating, and the waves that go forth from your calls and publications, your voice and your Presence are incomparable and unprecedented in recent history.
  Beloved ones, the force of light of this community must be sustained.  It must be protected.  Thus, beloved, we must have your call.  This is a perpetual prayer of the hours, it is a marathon that continues unabated.  Each and every hour the light must go forth to devour the increasing intensity of that darkness that is indeed reinforced by contingents of the astral plane going beyond this system of worlds.
  Realize then, beloved ones, that it is a maximum opportunity to stand for and in the light and to clean up those who have come out of their holes and trenches to defend the fallen ones.  And therefore by their action, by their word and work, by taking their stand against the Great White Brotherhood they may be judged.
  It has been said by the Universal Christ:  he who is not for me is against me.  This must truly be understood.  For in the hour of maximum peril to the incarnate Word on a planetary system it is not sufficient to be a bystander and say “I will not take sides, I will not get involved, I will wait and see whether or not the Messenger is truly a Messenger by the result.  If there be the victory, then I will believe. But if not, I will go my way.”
  Beloved ones, happy are ye who take sides in the Great White Brotherhood’s stand for freedom.  Happy are ye who espouse the cause of this path and this Teaching and the right of every individual to preach the word, to retain the power of speech and the freedom thereof to declare his own heart and conscience.  Happy are ye who recognize that all of the sacred freedoms are challenged in this hour and that if any minister or representative of any religious body is to be penalized because of someone’s reaction to their word, then effectively we will see the muzzling of the mouth of the ox. 
   There will not be the Word that goes forth when anyone, anytime may stand and say, “You have caused me untold anxiety, derangement, mental and physical illness, and therefore you must pay for your words.”  Beloved ones, let us not see these candles snuffed out.
  I come to reinforce the message of Godfre.  And I come to confirm the heart and the plane of the Buddhic mind from which point Lanello does release to you increasingly the light of the secret rays.  I ask you to literally camp round about this sanctuary.  I ask you to give the calls now perpetually unto the day of victory.  For we would send you and the Messenger around the world.  We would build the Inner Retreat.  We would be prepared.
  Thus we declare the will of Almighty God that this organization ought to be and shall be cut free by the legions of light from all entanglements with the fallen ones by lawsuits and any other gossip or darkness and dark deeds that are done, that this sphere of light that is community should be sealed in the whitefire of the Great Central Sun Magnet as a mother-ship of Maitreya, able to move about the world to deliver the light unencumbered by the false hierarchies and their misstatements and their perpetual war declared against the seed of Sanat Kumara.
  It is the will of God that this should take place.  And the declaration and the dispensation has gone forth from the heart of the Father.  From the heart of Alpha and the Cosmic Council the decree is sent that this woman, this child, this activity, these sons and daughters of God are now free and protected by legions of Archangel Michael and seraphim of God to speak the Word, to preach the Word.
They are sealed in blue lightning.  Contingents of angels of the first ray gather for the protection of every true Keeper of the Flame and lightbearer who has dared to affiliate himself with this Church Universal and Triumphant and to come to the altar for the casting into the sacred fire of his human creation for the refinement of the inner being unto the divinity made manifest.
  The decree is gone forth and the dispensation is given; it is the will of God, beloved.  Understand that this will that is the matrix and light to cut you free from all of the darkness and death and hell of it must be implemented and called forth and brought into manifestation by you.  The dispensation is given from the heart of the Father for the protection of His own Church and the Church of His Son and of His Holy Spirit and the Church of the Divine Mother on earth.
  Beloved ones, those who are of this mystical body must receive the dispensation, must call it forth, must give the decrees hour by hour until the City Foursquare in heaven, the New Jerusalem, is truly manifest here below and the North American continent becomes the bastion of light for all people of Earth.  Blessed ones, understand that this dispensation comes forth because of the steadiness of purpose and constancy of lightbearers and the purity of hearts and the tests that you have passed.
  I your beloved El Morya could not have gained this dispensation without certain levels of attainment having been reached by yourselves, certain inner communions and groanings of your souls with the Holy Spirit as you have chosen the right way and the higher way and determined to fight over every obstacle within yourself or that is in the world.  Blessed ones, this has been made possible and you have made it possible by your diligence to the calls to Archangel Michael.  Truly the rosary is the gift of God through his heart for your own attainment and testing. Thus, beloved, according to the measure of the decree work that is done you will see that portion of the dispensation that shall come to pass in the name of Mighty Victory.
  The rights of passage are to be earned by initiations passed by yourselves.  We have cleared the way and prepared you well.  Now, beloved, this is your individual solo flight:  to each and every one of you it is given now to mount with wings of eagles, to fly to the Sun, to bear the sword, to be the incarnate Word, to be one with Maitreya, The Faithful and True, and to know that the dispensation of the witnesses--the mighty sword of the Word going forth out of the mouth--is indeed the science of the spoken Word.
  Thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee:  and the light shall shine upon thy ways!  With all of our love we support you unto the victory, beloved.  And when it is won you will know that it is your victory--yes, by the grace of God, but your victory, your staying power, your determination, your having said in your heart “There is no other cause, for this cause alone shall I give my life in this world and in the next that the Great White Brotherhood and the Teachings of the Ascended Masters might endure until every little one of this planet and system and galaxy and beyond shall know the LORD and ascend to God whence he came.”  This is the vow of all members of the Great White Brotherhood.  So count yourself a part of that vow and know that forever, forever and forever therefore we are one!      
-Morya El:  3-2-1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger E C Prophet

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