Monday, March 9, 2020

Serapis' word

It is true--and the world is proof of it--that human rights are being employed by mankind, and the mess of human pottage ladled out as enticement to the Esau consciousness continues to defraud the firstborn sons of their eternal inheritance….
Individuals seek without for that which is already within.  Just as the entire pattern of nature is manifest in the seed, so in the divine seed the living Word is the inherent God identity, Christ identity and soul identity of every man. …
In order to create that essential spiritual fabric between self-conscious Identity (that which clearly can accept that I AM that I AM as the true Self) and the universal Presence of Life it is needful that the seeker understand to the fullest extent permissible under divine law the difference between the vacillating aspects of human life and those God-guided patterns which will render unto God those things which are God’s….
Religion has become a cloak to be worn as a badge of merit in the eyes of one’s fellowmen, whereas the seeker for truth and for contact with the hierarchy of light and the Great White Brotherhood must, of necessity, come directly under the aegis and guidance of the great master teachers….God has never forced man to accept any spiritual exercise as a requirement for attainment albeit these have been ordained by Him and are available to the seeker that he might shorten the days of his earthly travail.  God has indeed provided a beautiful link between reality and illusion through the concept of Hierarchy and universal Christhood.   -Serapis: Pearls of Wisdom 10:19
The weight of human opinion is also held to be of great import by many who profess to search for the kingdom but in reality seek the approbation and favor of men….There exists in the world today a very dangerous sense of earthly sophistication which is wholly rooted in personal pride; in the grips of this pseudo-reality individuals consider themselves qualified to be the arbiters of their own destiny….There is a long trek across the parched deserts of self-testing and tribulation before the promised land of God-realization can be attained….
Many men and women are not actually aware that the soul has been swept away from its eternal moorings…. And so the present rebellion of the elementals against the impositions of mortal men continues, and the wails of those lost in the sophistry of false supremacy will continue even as heaven continues to beckon the sons of God onward, step by step, until through their attention on God their consciousness becomes the sole reality which the ascension flame is.   -Serapis: Pearls of Wisdom 10:20
When purification of the muddied stream of human thought occurs and the fount of his energies becomes a crystal one, reflecting light and cosmic energy which buoy up the four corners of the mind and so beautifully reveal to the soul consciousness the wonders of divine reality, the soul is indeed blessed.  Our disciplines are always for the purpose of regeneration, for without this gift and activity, which descends from the Holy Spirit, man could not attain to immortal life. …
One of the greatest blessings that can ever come to an embodied individual is the reawakening of the divine sense and childlike wonder which so many had in manifestation very early in their lives….Fear not what men may do unto you but be the master of your own worlds by letting the God within hold high the standard of His love….
Religion, intended to be an implementation leading to the soul’s attainment, has become the means by which the enemy has blackened the consciousness of men and cast them into outer darkness.   In God’s name, beloved ones, it requires more than just the wish to serve Him in order to do so and it requires more than the wish to attain in order to attain!…I implore you on behalf of the Hierarchy and in the interest of winning your own ascension in the light to look up to the realm of beauty and love, of harmony, security and eternality, of joy, strength and divine wonder--and live!   -Serapis: Pearls of Wisdom 10:21
A part of nature is the faculty of memory.  For example thorns did not surround the rose in the early days of the Earth.  Certain destructive activity on the part of mankind resulted in the outpicturing by the tiny elementals of what men have called protective barbs; and thus long, sharp thorns were created as mankind’s fears and doubts were etched on nature’s memory and then lowered into the physical octave.
Religion, in the main, has supposed that God has created all things that are in existence; however mankind have not taken into account the influence of their own thoughts and feelings in the acts of creation which occur daily within their own domain….Nature has provided beautiful imagery, as environment, all over the world; and those who are perceptive to it can respond to it today in the very face of all human misqualification that has gone before….
Consider, beloved ones, the meaning of discipline of thought that demands the immaculate concept about every part of life and refuses acceptance of the patterns of error that as residual magnetism cling to the consciousness of mankind as a shroud….Cause, effect, record and memory of all that is incomplete, of all that is darkness and of all that is intransigent must be willfully abandoned by the soul who aspires to the freedom of the ascended state….
The flame must not be lost.  It must not be canceled.  It must not go out.  The flame must be upheld at all costs.  And the flame is yours, for God made it so.   -Serapis: Pearls of Wisdom 10:22
No man wishes to be the victim of a hoax, and his personal pride tells him that unless he is wary he may very well be.  Thus the sophistication of earthly reason overrides the great tangible realities of Almighty God which dwell in the invisible realm and are functional in all outer manifestation….It is lingering doubt that has lurked in the dark folds of human consciousness to become the seed of infection, spreading as a cancer throughout men’s consciousness to their own destruction. …
If the world does not soon awaken from its lethargy and communion with error, if it does not soon break through into the octaves of light and the realm of the ascended masters to perceive cosmic truth, the awful charades in which men now engage themselves will culminate in a holocaust of frightful destruction….
I urge upon all the weight of cosmic consideration.  Ponder the manifestations of life that are shown to you through the avenues of your physical and spiritual senses.  Ponder whatever God has given to you of glimpses of the Infinite.  Realize that something cannot come forth from nothing and that Infinite Mind has created man in order that he should expand his consciousness toward the mark of the Infinite.    -Serapis: Pearls of Wisdom 10:23
The idea of renewing consciousness is itself causative in creating a desire on the part of mankind to open the windows of the soul to the original purity of the God design….There is a tendency among men, which is encouraged by the brothers of the shadow and the sons of Belial who masquerade at times as angels of light, to postpone the salvation of the soul to some distant tomorrow or to the life hereafter….
Therefore we begin with the consciousness, and this renovation must admit the fire of the divine idea.   -Serapis
O Archangel Michael, being of faith,
Through my God Presence all doubt now erase,
Open my eyes, my vision renew,
Make of the many God’s chosen few.

One by one we step through the door/ Of greater faith than we’ve had before,     Cast out our sin and our doubt in the real,  /Help us to sense truth, God’s Presence to feel/  I AM, I AM, I AM a friend of God/  I AM, I AM, I AM uplifting His rod/  Of implicit faith in my purpose divine/  By Thy blazing reality now I do shine.  Amen.   Pearls of Wisdom 10:24
Did you expect when you began to search for God that you would find him without mystery?   Serapis:  Pearls of Wisdom 10:26
Where is division then among us?  It is not.  All that divides is not among us.  All that seeks to conquer is not among us, for we are enamored by His love.  -Justinius, captain of seraphic bands  Pearls of Wisdom 10:27
To be in rapport with the Teacher is to secure a portion of the Teacher’s progressive advancement. …
It is essential that your mind should not wander, that your consciousness should not waver, that you should not engage your attention in lesser things during the time that you have set aside to seek to understand these greater things.  In God’s name, beloved ones, if the instruction on the ascension were so simple, which in one sense it is, and so easily mastered, which it also is, why is it that in every generation so few are able to win this precious gift of God that is intended for all people?
According to the Karmic Board, the fault lies neither with the instruction nor with the Teacher.  If the fault lies with neither Teacher nor instruction, where does it lie? 
-Serapis:  Pearls of Wisdom 10:28
I thank you for such attention as you have given and for that capacity of divine service which you have offered.  We can ask no more, nor do we.  Your Divine Presence will always be the illuminator of the self, and the lesser light can but reflect the greater light….Sweet surrender to the Presence of God is initiated first of all in the will.  The will is the key whereby the human self has its say.
-Serapis:  Pearls of Wisdom 10:28
The parable of the wedding garment is indicative of the great Deathless Solar Body which man must weave.  The anchor of man’s identity which he must willingly cast beyond the veil is symbolical of this wedding garment….This body of light is begun in the heart of your God Presence and it is spun out of the light of the sun of that Presence as man below consciously invokes the holy energies of God….If men’s lives are lived according to the divine plan, then conformity comes not as the result of struggle but as the result of happy and joyous submission to the Christ ideal, to the God design….
The magnetism of the Divine is a lodestone that will transmute shadow in the human octave and transform the consciousness of the ascendant one so that little by little there will gradually occur in his world a lessening of the tenacious ties which mankind over the centuries have woven to persons, places, conditions, and things.  Simultaneously there will occur a renewal of the ancient covenants of the soul with the Father whereby the Son recognizes that the return home to the heart of God is most imperative….
The caduceus takes advantage of both centripetal and centrifugal forces.  It utilizes the energy known to the Hindus as Brahma and Shiva, the Creator and Destroyer….The wings at the top of the caduceus symbolize that the holy and vital energies of both sympathetic and central nervous systems around the spinal column have been raised toward the spiritual eye of perception.   -Serapis:  Pearls of Wisdom 10:29
Individuals cannot continue to flaunt the laws of brotherhood and justice; they cannot continue to disobey the infinite laws of God with impunity.  It is unrealistic then for any man to imagine that he can follow a collision course with the Karmic Board and the heavenly hierarchies by ignoring his spiritual responsibilities and the need to desire the highest gifts and graces which God has already prepared for him….  You need not expect, precious ones, that as the swoop of a great bird of paradise, heaven will come down to you and raise you instantly up into the light.  Each day you weave a strand of light substance back to the heart of your Presence by the shuttle of your attention; each strand strengthens the anchor beyond the veil and thus draws you into a state of consciousness wherein God can use you more as an effective instrument for good….
The Mosaic plagues which were brought upon the land of Egypt ultimately shattered the heart of the Pharaoh until he at last relented and let the children go free….
For the ages I remain      Serapis:  Pearls of Wisdom 10:30
Again and again we are amazed at the antics of mankind, how they seek spiritual study and spiritual deliverance while creating ever-new attitudes of imperfection and discord toward their brothers….
  When the honor flame of God is employed men’s goals become God oriented, and thus there can be no possibility of deviation or shadow of turning in the human monad who is motivated by an absolute determination toward godliness….
One of the strange little bits of information which I sometimes hesitate to pass on to students because it deals with a process that is almost mechanical is the conveyance of God’s energy down to the base of the spinal column and the reversal of that energy back to the heart of the Presence.  This process, which has sometimes been used haphazardly by those who are inept in the practice of that which is called kriya yoga, will operate perfectly automatically in those individuals whose devotion to God is great enough….
   Life is a closed corporation.  If God is the chairman of the board, then Christ is the president and the board of directiors are the ascended masters and the Karmic Board.  Heaven can be justly said to be a closed union shop where no one can actually work against the divine aims….
The ascension is the beginning of the kingdom for each one; and when every soul is taken and none left, the world itself will ascend back to the heart of God, a planet victorious.  To this end must we work and serve. 
My hands will be extended in loving welcome to thee at the hour of thy victory.
    I remain your teacher and friend,    Serapis Bey  Pearls of Wisdom 10:31

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