Sunday, February 28, 2021

America must pass her tests

1)   The net of competition is to be found in manifestation everywhere in the religious societies of the world.  It is a sad thing that the use of hypnosis in the pulpit and various other modes of control of the human mind, designed to attract the children of men to the personality of religious leaders, is very prevalent today.  Now it is never the intention of the Great White Brotherhood, or the Great White Lodge, to found a cult rooted in human personality; but rather is it the will of God to uphold the principles of truth that have within themselves the inherent power to deliver men from the spoilers. …

  Students of the light should mark well, then, that there are three distinct forces at work in the world today.  One of these forces is dialectical materialism, the official philosophy of the Communist world; however all forms of atheism and of materialism fall under this regime—either knowingly or unknowingly.  Ethics in business and government have been replaced by means to the profit end so that the youth of the world for many years now have been bombarded by a most sinister and well-directed program to accentuate baser aspects of the sex force in man.  One of the purposes of such action is of course the undermining of American society, for the masters in the Kremlin know well that Ancient Rome and other civilizations did fall because of demoralization and decay of their youth who at a very early age entered into all forms of corrupt dalliance.

  The second force that functions in the world today in a negative way is the establishment of false religious activities by those who knowingly or unknowingly practice to deceive mankind and mix and blend truth and error in a compound of their own creation, cloaking the whole in a semblance of virtue and using every form of control to divert mankind to their own ends in the name of righteousness.

  The third force at work is benign and constitutes the entire aspect of our world servers who, in honesty and sincerity of purpose, would elevate the cause of the Christ as first and foremost in man—and whose every wish is to serve the cause of Hierarchy and the great ascended masters in order to free mankind from all of their involvements with outer personality which has never brought them freedom even through all the years of the past.  The forces of truth and justice and true spiritual power then are caught between a godless Communism and a pseudo-religious force mightily entrenched in the world which runs the gamut all the way from the ordinary teller of fortunes to the most highly respected religious organizations on Earth.             

                                            -Hilarion:  Pearls of Wisdom 7:38


2)   Come into the timeless world in which we dwell, a world under the eternal banyan tree, a world where the meditation of man’s heart becomes acceptable in the eyes of God, in the eyes of the crystal radiance of eternal purpose, when the souls of men respond to the gentle humility of the Eternal Master.  For in our contacts with the Brotherhood of Light, the Great White Brotherhood down through the centuries we have always noticed the beautiful manifestation of infinite love—that the higher we go in the cosmic spectrum of the ascended masters the closer we come to the heart of God, the more gentle, the more dignified, the more gracious is the mien of ascended ones in the higher echelons of life where purity and natural beauty of cosmic selfhood is made known….

  Do men see then that this is the time for uncovering much of the discordant elements of the past that have sought to rule mankind and usurp the authority of God?  This is a time for exposure of the dark plots to undermine the government of the United States and power of true democracy which always takes into account the karma of the people and never comes about with the idea of equality, which is completely foreign to cosmic law.   -Gautama Buddha:  12-31-1969 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearl 26:15


3)   We are Neptune and Luara.  We survey the plight of the seas and their pollution through man’s insensitivity to life in its most elementary and complex forms.  Well-meaning souls, members of world bodies working at international levels seek to restrain dumping into the sea of sewage, industrial waste, chemicals, pesticides and oil—all of which place an enormous burden upon the beings of purity, both physical and etheric, whose home is the sea.  They tend God’s sea garden.  They are the caretakers of a once pristine paradise that is rapidly becoming known as a paradise lost.   -Neptune and Luara:  Pearl 23:17  


4)   I come to infire you with holy purpose of overturning these fallen ones in every nation who must be bound by the sword of the living Word in this year and in this century!  For the hour approaches, blessed hearts, when their own sword of Damocles is about to fall….

  I draw you, O souls of the world, to the heart of America.  I have raised you up out of the nations.  I have called you from afar.  My voice has spoken in your heart.

  Understand, you purple fiery hearts moving toward the fiery-hearted state of Texas:  I have called you to defend a bastion of liberty, a border of light, a line of sacred fire that I have drawn!  And I draw it with my life!  I multiply my causal body over and over and over again until you think you see the rolling of the tumbling tumbleweed.  And it is my fiery causal body rolling down the highways, rolling across the plains, rolling now on that border that they may not pass!  And my legions of light stretch forth to east and to west from that state and there reinforce that border of light!    

                         -Saint Germain:  1-6-1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:15


5)  The bureaucracy that is abuilding and has been so abuilding in this nation since earlier in the century, especially under the New Deal, now resembles those periods in India, in China and even in Russia when through the centuries there has taken place the buildup of an overwhelming system of red tape, of petty servants and favors whereby ultimately the light vested in a government no longer flowed to the people nor were the people’s needs satisfied by the government.   -Saint Germain:  4-22-1984, Easter, at  Camelot, Pearl 27:31A


6)  We are concerned with international intrigue coming from many nations--of organized crime in league with World Communism where it suits their mutual ends, especially in drug trafficking, in pornography and prostitution and all manner of violent crime.  Beloved hearts, the siphoning of the life of business and free enterprise system by organized crime is a problem in every nation.  The demoralization of the people, their intimidation that continues by threat, blackmail and murder (of which you are wholly unaware)--these things ought not to be.  And as you demonstrated when you gave your weekend in a prayer vigil on organized crime, results can be forthcoming when hearts are one in a united purpose….

  However some of our best servants are found in the most impractical spiritual organizations where the emphasis is upon personal attainment of siddhis (powers) and withdrawal from the world in the Hindu tradition.  Others are trapped in cults of idolatry centering on a psychic teacher who, instead of directing his students’ devotion to their Mighty I AM Presence, directs it to himself, flattering his students with past-life readings and regressions (largely inaccurate and highly detrimental to their soul progress on the path) as well as private messages purported to be from our bands.  And therefore in both cases, where their light might be applied through their exercise of the spoken Word to the alleviation of the world conditions you are tackling every day, it is directed instead into areas that have nothing whatsoever to do with the outcome of current crisis or future global war.   

                               -Morya:  4-22-1984, Easter, at  Camelot, Pearl 27:31A


7)  Beloved, the heart is the seat of consciousness and seat of life.  Guard the heart.  Guard the heart, beloved.  It is your citadel of the Central Sun here below….Purify the heart, beloved.  Let it not be fatted.  Let it not become obese with the weight of inordinate desiring whether of false appetites or whether of bloated consciousness of the astral plane that is seething with toxins of those vices that deny the merciful presence of the heart of the Divine Mother within you toward all.…Thus the profane, beloved, will defile the heart as they would steal the rhythm of the heartbeat of God and his sons and daughters and then play it with electronic sound and syncopated beat to disturb the very formative process even of the physical heart of unborn within the womb.

  I say to you, beloved, all must be tested.  Do not walk about with sadness of “sackcloth and mourning” but rather rejoice to see that every difficult karma coming your way, which may or may not be heralded in the signs of your stars, must be seen as a path of initiation under Maitreya.  Pass your tests and if karma is a part of them, it shall be dissolved by sacred fire, and if it be not, then woe to those who condemn another for having a so-called heavy karma!  We have a right to test!  You have a right to be tested.  And therefore I did initiate the testing of the heart. I did initiate the initiations of the heart in this place, for America must pass her tests.

-Gautama Buddha:  11-28-1988 at Chicago, Pearl 31:84


the plot to undermine wellbeing

1-18-21  The Dsazak interview video was recorded at the Nipah Virus international conference in Singapore on December 9 and 10, 2019….

  The second, more dangerous phase, which started in 2019, involved gain-of-function (GoF) research at Wuhan I. of Virology on coronaviruses and chimeras in humanized mice from the lab of Ralph S. Baric of the University of North Carolina….At the 28:10 mark of the podcast interview, Daszak observed that some coronaviruses can "get into human cells in the lab," and others can cause SARS disease in "humanized mouse models.”…

  Daszak at the 29:54 mark appears to reveal that the goal of the GoF experiments was to develop a pan-coronavirus vaccine for many different types of coronaviruses.

  Based on his response it is evident that just before the start of the pandemic, the WIV was modifying coronaviruses in the lab. "You can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily." What he then mentioned has become the telltale trait of SARS-CoV-2, its spike protein: "Spike protein drives a lot of what happens with the coronavirus, zoonotic risk."  Daszak mentions the WIV's collaboration with Baric: "and we work with Ralph Baric at UNC [University of North Carolina] to do this."  As has been suggested by proponents that SARS-CoV-2 is a chimera made in a lab, he speaks of inserting the spike protein "into a backbone of another virus" and then doing "some work in the lab….Now the logical progression for vaccines is, if you are going to develop a vaccine for SARS, people are going to use pandemic SARS, but let’s try to insert these other related diseases and get a better vaccine.”…in 2015, Daszak points out that experiments involving humanized mice have the highest degree of risk.


  The crusty mowlde masquerades as legitimate culture while undermining the decency of lusty souls.  Freedom of the press was not intended to give license to  corrupters of youthful minds; neither was it intended to be used to confuse and disorganize the populace, flooding their brains with jingoistic propaganda and prejudicial discriminations.  Rather the power of light was intended to emanate from a free press and exalt everyone into a rightful sense of cosmic destiny….                         In the main, few are born and come to years with a right understanding of the universal purpose.  And of necessity personal destinies, which often run crosscurrent to the universal flow, are periodically thwarted and broken.  The pages of history are full of the downfall of tyrants and the overthrow of monsters of misdirected purpose.  Failures and successes in many fields draw recognition while the average man moves into the burial ground of mediocrity.  Nothing is further from the plan of God and nature than these counterfeits of the golden mean.                                                   How ill-equipped is the concept of a destiny which can be shaped by human misconceptions.  How noble are they who acknowledge an Intellect, a Mind, a Spiritual Overseer, a Creator whose forethought, greater even than that of His emissaries, is revealed as a mountain of universal purpose to be scaled by the brave who do not hesitate or fear to trust the wisdom of those early climbers of the rugged summit peaks.    

                                            -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 5:31


  If ever the cause of freedom is to triumph it must find its champions!…People believe in the lie of co-existence because they do not thoroughly understand the aims and methods of those who would subjugate the Earth to dialectical materialism in all of its purposeless and fiendish sloth!  Dear hearts, that is just what it is, human sloth that refuses to throw off the yoke of tyranny, believing that it must co-exist with evil.  That the world must someday be free from every form of bondage is an accepted statement.  I ask you, how shall this ever come to pass when the political forces of countries behind the iron curtain are working tirelessly to enslave the free world, and the free world dawdles?…                                                                                                  I will tell you, blessed ones:  it is simply because lines of economic supply are so linked to businessmen whose livelihood is related to products and services which destroy the youth that well-meaning individuals do not dare to take a stand for the cause of freedom lest they be deprived of bread, butter or status in their respective communities.  Now they may salve their consciences by stating that if they did not supply these demands others would, but in the day of judgment when all are called to account, this poor excuse will be of no avail.  I AM more concerned however with the youth themselves who are the innocent victims of so much advertising control and perversion from the healthful aspects of wholesome man and womanhood….

  The dramatic and cultural channels of the free world have been more and more deliberately committed to the spread of immorality and sordid examples of human turgidity.  It is time this stench were cast out as an unwanted traitor to the aims of freedom.  Do you suppose the people of Russia would desire to have such undermining filth divert them from the purpose of fulfilling their own objectives?  Why then must our own beloved America submit?  Why do not the free world and the churches of the free world seek the downright overthrow of all such calumny?    -Saint Germain:  Pearl 6:25


  we seek to free mankind from the mechanical sense itself and not from mere apparatus….Now there are two forces at work which relate to scientific mechanization, both of which could have ill effects upon mankind.  The one is the complacent sense of taking all achievement for granted without appreciating or analyzing the tremendous efforts men have made to improve their lot.  The other is complete absorption with mechanical concepts whereby all is seen through the outer examinations of physical science which attributes both cause and effect to the material universe….

  Men may toss aside the most beautiful jewel with the wave of the hand and deem it but glass or claptrap; but if the sparkle within the stone is significant of its true value, then no amount of human attempt at devaluation can rob the object of its cherished quality….

  The purpose of life is definitely not for the attainment of name or fame or even accumulation of the world’s goods under seal of temporal power….The impact of the idea of personal advancement in a statused society is very great today, and forces of education have been deployed around mortal attainment whereas the attainment of immortality plays second fiddle, as mankind would say it, to the pure purposes of the reality of man which are undermined by the unreal human miasma to which mankind pay allegiance.

  The tremendous accent which man and society have placed upon personal advancement has only reinforced the human ego and made mankind vulnerable to a host of psychopathic diseases, most of which stem from an exaggerated sense of self-importance and the frustration of nonfulfillment.  This lack of identification with universal purpose and almost total involvement in the mesh of self frequently manifests as emotional hysteria.  The impact of overwrought emotions on the unstable mind oriented around self-attainment creates out of the unreal a false sense of existence.  Like a rat caught in a maze the human nervous system collapses and men’s hearts fail them for fear because of the tensions this hour has generated upon earth.   

                                          -Master R:   Pearls of Wisdom 8:20


  Veils of ignorance and envy and jealousy can now be put to the torch, for they are uncovered!  The Dark Cycle must be seen always as opportunity when those insidious forces lurking within the subconscious are now uncovered and ready to be taken by the astute sons of God who truly understand and exercise the science of the Word.

  Think then of all that has harassed humanity and undermined the most noble purposes of heaven and you will find them in the dragon’s tail, ready to be seized.  Think for a moment of a tailless dragon and you will find the impotent one.  For without the tail as perversion of the Mother-flame, there is neither balance nor ability to navigate in form.

  Thus upon the entire misqualified energy of the Mother the dragon as culmination of Serpent and his seed plots a course of destruction of the children of the light.  Seize the sword from the hand of the fallen one and the battle is lost and light is victorious.  Remove then the sting from the scorpion and you can even tame the wild beast.

Understand the principle of riding upon all of that accumulated misqualified energy.  

As you ride upon it as the Buddha in meditation, you are mining from the very earth itself the precious energy of Life which when transmuted becomes the precipitation of all that is necessary for the victory….

  Thus nowhere can you go where God is not.  You simply must learn to understand form and formlessness and its perversion by the fallen ones.  They have perverted form, they have perverted formlessness. And we say, so what?  In the eye and in the heart and in the hand of mighty conquerors of life which you are, no thing however unclean, however blasphemous can for a moment stay the hand and light of your victory.  It is simply the deft understanding of how to deal with energy.   -God and Goddess Meru:  Pearl 23:40     



Saturday, February 27, 2021

Dr. Ralph Baric Was Reviewing Moderna’s Coronavirus Vaccine in December 2019!


the age becomes more subtle and covert


very short review of recent Russia


9-25-2019   honeytrap operation’s set of videos shows compromised elites in India


9-26-19  Madhya Pradesh honey trap racket, it has now discovered that gang leader Shweta Jain targeted girls from poor families, promised them scholarships and pushed them into prostitution.  So far, 12 IAS officers and 8 former ministers have been named in the racket.


Oct 2019   By all account, this has turned out to be the most sensational sex racket in India that managed to capture licentiousness of dozens of top politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen in most advanced digital gadgets including mobile phones and spy cameras.  The gang used hidden cameras in lipsticks and goggles to record sexual acts….She had married her college time beau Vijay after a six-year-long affair against the will of her parents.  Vijay, a cloth merchant in Sagar, is understood to be a partner in his wife’s crimes.  He reportedly encouraged his beautiful wife to dabble in BJP politics and befriend rich and famous of the city and beyond.  Over time,

Shweta’s charm offensive was so pervasive that she was made an office-bearer of the Bhartiya Janata Yuva Morcha. The post afforded her ample opportunities to socialise with top BJP leaders and through them IAS and IPS officers.  She was said to be pretty close to getting nomination from an assembly seat in Sagar in 2013 but a video that went viral ahead of the election stymied her plan.  The video purportedly has Shweta in a compromising position with her car driver.  Undeterred, she campaigned for the BJP in the 2013 and 2018 assembly elections. 


Friday, February 26, 2021

$170 billion taxpayer funds for monopoly capitalism to run US educational system

2-16-21   American Rescue Plan also comes with $35 billion for colleges and universities, bringing total relief funding for higher education to around $70 billion.

The budget proposal — which is double the size of the largest government spending packages to date — could be fast-tracked into law by the end of the month. Democrats are advancing the bill through a process known as budget reconciliation, which requires only a simple majority.  After an all-night vote-a-rama (debate on reconciliation bills is limited to 20 hours) on February 5, Vice President Kamala Harris arrived to cast her first tie-breaking vote, advancing the measure over unanimous Republican opposition.  Though not yet law, the relief package, as well as the hundreds of proposed Republican amendments, serve as blueprints for future laws. Budget resolutions direct congressional committees to write certain spending and tax bills and enable them to pass with a simple majority.

The new COVID-19 relief plan proposes $170 billion in funding for K-12 schools, colleges, and universities, with an additional $35 billion earmarked for higher education. This money will go toward helping campuses meet COVID-19 safety standards, reduce class sizes, invest in virtual technology, and offer summer school to make up for last year's disruptions. It will also provide financial assistance to millions of college students in the form of grants.

Many college students stand to benefit from larger stimulus checks ($1,400), increased unemployment aid ($400 per week), higher child tax credits ($3,000 per child), and renters' relief (the proposal would give another $30 billion to renters and small landlords).

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

I send forth a ray of hope for progress on the path

1)  From my viewpoint today, together you collectively resemble somewhat a very lovely Himalayan mountain range of snowcapped peaks, some towering over the others it is true, but all reflecting beautifully the light of infinite love in parental enfoldment as it seeks to guide the children of its heart….Thus is born consideration for one another and your common needs rather than just the thought about each one’s own.  So too you come to a richer understanding of the service required of an ascended master who must have an outreach that will try to enfold all.                      Now the contrast is the human characteristics which stem from fear and hasty judgments.  These frequently lead to ill-tempered bickering over insignificant matters including attention paid to the letter of the Law while the Spirit thereof is flaunted in the desecration of inharmony.  Such was never intended to be in any ascended master activity or service of light.  Therefore you will applaud the following reminder of the blessed words of Cyclopea who said that no human being who did not control his feeling would ever control his own thought.  Will you make the effort for the sake of my service for mankind to do this, one and all?   You can if you will try, for I am helping you right now today.  

                                         -Morya:  Pearls of Wisdom 2:45


2)  The most subtle and yet transient illusion is centered around individuality and the manifestation of each person in the universe as a distinct separate identity.  Blessed ones, I refer now to the grand illusion of separation.  Let me hasten to assure you that there is absolutely no separation in the universe whatsoever!  Let me hasten to assure you that of all delusions this is the most painful to unascended beings and the root cause of most all unhappiness!  

                                   -Djwal Kul:  Pearl  4:4


3)  Be not entangled with the yoke of bondage which differing religious opinions sometimes brings about.  Understand, blessed ones of the planet Earth, that many manifestations of the Father-Mother God are necessary in order to reach the various levels of consciousness of embodied humanity.  There is no enmity between one manifestation of God and another.  There is only the cosmic outreach from the heart of the Spirit of God intended to save that which is lost in planes of matter.  The almost total involvement of mankind in flesh-and-blood consciousness has thwarted many of the plans of God for his creation; but all of this is only temporary, and the golden age which has long been in preparation is daily coming closer into manifestation.  No one need wait for the golden age in order to externalize its character by engaging in the practice of the golden rule.    

                                        -Maha Chohan:  Pearls of Wisdom 9:28


4)   Jesus’ statement “Except the days [of tribu­lation] should be shortened, there should be no flesh saved” and his promise “But for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened” must be understood in the context of current world crisis, world karma, and world attitudes toward deliverance.  Bear in mind that all of the negation in manifestation among men and upon the planetary body is the result of human creation, human propensities and human inertia or misdirected momentums.  At the same time it cannot be denied that the sinister forces and the dark ones—by reason of their very parasitic, vampire natures--will attempt to rob mankind of his heritage of good wherever they can and to divert for their own use the flow of God’s precious energy released to man each moment.  Both of these trends must be reversed ere mankind’s salvation can draw nigh.  And it is the responsibility of all who call this planet home to see that these conditions are reversed.     

                                        -Lanto:  Pearls of Wisdom 11:2


5)   Blessed ones, understand the soul.  The soul has awareness of its own.  The soul knows.  And deep within the recesses of consciousness, the reason for all things is apparent to that blessed emerging Identity that comes forth from chrysalis into manifestation.  One day with God is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day.   The power of the soul to compress and to expand consciousness of time is the means whereby the divine outreach is served in teaching the inner man to know what is right and what is wrong.   

                                                -Kuan Yin:  Pearl  12:20


6)  What a tragedy it is that mankind must always analyze, categorize and attempt to put a mark upon the minds of one another.  Then when the angels of illumination come to infire and infuse the mind with a greater perception of the Christ, they find that although Mater will respond, the human consciousness does not respond.  It is not an open door.  It does not perceive; hence it does not receive.  I am here to tell you that the fixation of the dark ones, the Luciferians, upon your consciousness has limited you and mankind en masse to one-tenth of their present mental capacity.  And I speak of that which is possible now without even an increase in the power of illumination’s flame. You do not even realize how general is this misconception–an almost universal brainwashing that only the few have the intelligence to pursue the study of wisdom….

  There is a gap between the schools of heaven and the schools of earth.  For on the etheric plane we adjust the course to the pupil, but on earth the pupil must adjust to the course and either sink or swim, as you would say.   We never allow a pupil to sink, for we would consider that it would be our fault and not the pupil’s fault.  There are many dedicated educators among mankind who share this philosophy, for they have learned it in our retreat. …

  The very electron itself is intelligent and self-luminous and can release to you more fire, white-yellow fire, of the Diamond Shining mind of God….

  We are searching for souls who will devote themselves to the portrayal of the divine life, of life as it is lived in the fourteen etheric cities which are above the seas and the deserts of the Earth.  For these are the cities from whence you come, and these are the cities to which you are taken after the loss of the physical body.  And so all of you have dwelled in these cities at one time or another between embodiments….

  I perceive that between you and the realm of glorious light, the light of wisdom’s mighty flowing river, there is a river of darkness that has its focus on the astral plane and within the astral bodies.  In some of you it penetrates into the brain and into the neck area and into your lower bodies.  This is the flood that the dragon has sent forth against the Divine Woman and Her seed.  Most of you have accepted it much as you would accept a muddy river that must be forged.  You have been in the world, the world has been muddied, and some has come off and intermingled with your consciousness….  

  Thus I come as the Mother urging Her children on to new heights of glory and attainment, showing you how with just a little more effort so much greatness and glory can be won for God, for Hierarchy, and for your fellowman.  Make the effort this day!  Abide in the gratitude of divine love for wisdom’s flame!  Make the effort!  Come up higher!  And as you rise each step of the way, you will find the trailing garments of the angels of our bands are within the reach of your very hands.  And you will reach out to grasp the golden robe of one who tarries in your midst, and you will thereby be blessed forever with a charge of holiness and the desire to be holy because wisdom, above all, is holiness.

  I seal you with the kiss of the archangels who minister unto you to nourish you in fires of Be-ness, consciousness and victory.    -Archeia Christine:  Pearls of Wisdom 16:49     


7)  Our Messenger is sensitized and most sensitive to our vibration.  And therefore the rebuke for outer conditions is always rooted in the rebuke of inner vibration, the intangible--that something that must be dissolved even as it has crystallized in the astral or mental body in order for you to penetrate higher octaves and higher vibrations.

  This is an ongoing process day by day.  And this is why we have applauded and assisted El Morya in the extension and outreach of this organization in order to provide chelas with this opportunity to serve in a world sense and to accelerate in the course of service by having that supervision that is so necessary to point out the unwindings of  human consciousness as these come forth in the course of service itself.

  Life must be outplayed--the great Superconscious Being, the Monad of Life, as well as the subconscious.  And it is the outplaying of these spirals, beloved, that enables you to view passing scenes of reality and unreality.  I give you then, my hearts, the key to objectivity on the path.  This key is in my Person and in my own path which, by the grace of the Universal Christ, I made my own--and by that grace alone….

  Beloved hearts, readiness for confrontation with any part of God is certainly a most serious science of the soul.  It is a part of the seraphic science.  For the seraphim themselves are the great confronters of man’s identity and of his soul.  Mighty seraphs welcome the opportunity to confront the soul of light on the path of life.

  Blessed hearts, remember love.  My love impels me to give you all that the great Law will allow.  My love impels me to understand the present plight of your soul, the dilemma of your inner being in contradistinction to the outer manifestation—even the dilemma of your karma.  But I AM Maitreya.  Each and every one of you knows me well.  You know my face, my footprint, my vibration.  You have heard my comings and my goings in inner temples of the Spirit.

  I say then this is a most august occasion.  For it is an hour out of a cosmic cycle when I may sit with you as we have not sat together in this group for many an aeon.  It is an hour when there might pass between us the secrets of the heart, confessions, and affirmations of good.  It is an hour when I may be myself with those students who have dutifully and in most cases lovingly prepared themselves for my coming.  I send a single ray of hope to every heart on earth that is affiliated with the heart of this messenger by devotion to the flame of Life.  I send forth a ray of hope for progress on the path, for increasing God Self-awareness.   

  I send hope now to those who have not tied themselves to the Great White Brotherhood.  And through my aura the Great White Brotherhood extends its outreach into the earth--gathering, gathering unto itself those whose hands reach out to touch our garment but who cannot quite reach.  Thus I extend the rope of hope.  And the hand may grasp it and hold then that which is real--that which will not steal from them their own Self-consciousness in God….

  Let this little bird (in Maitreya’s heart) teach you the mystery of perfect love and perfect service and, my beloved, perfect freedom within the disciplined environment of a cosmic grid.  You see, whether that grid be planet Earth or another world or the sea or the sky or the earth or your favorite place or your most unfavorite place, Camelot or the cities of the nations, Serapis Bey’s retreat or your own untransmuted human creation--that cosmic grid represents your opportunity for service unto victory.    Contemplate the little bird and then determine whether it is “God and my right” as your own private interpretation of the Word or “God and my right” as your own mighty I AM Presence and Christ Self that will become the leading authority in your life, the leading authority as the mighty lifestream that not only connects you to the great God-Star but pulls you in year by year as you the soul are the anchor and God Himself is the great mother ship. 

-Maitreya:  12-4-1980 at Summit University, Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 23:51


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

You have your youth so long as you consecrate the sacred fire

1)  It seems, beloved ones, that even when these impending deadlines have threatened mankind such as before the Flood of Noah, the mankind of Earth were not too stirred about them.  And they continued to eat and to drink and to make merry and to indulge in vanities of the flesh.  Therefore the Flood came and took them.  Before the falling of the continent of Atlantis, countless times the mankind of Earth were warned.  There was a tremendous vibratory action which was released to warn the people, and there was even a materialization of great cosmic beings who actually appeared physically to warn the people.  And yet they continued--mind you, beloved ones--as they were and did not respond.  Just the few, beloved ones, responded….

  Beloved ones, all of the astral creation and the astral densities must fall down as the walls of Jericho before the concentrated calls of sincere students of light.  The light of God and the sacred fire could not fail if the entire world went down!…

  And then when you say “I AM” it will be in recognition of your eternal being in mortal and immortal manifestation--seemingly mortal only until your ascension but in reality always immortal both before and thereafter.  For the flame of your immortality lives now within your being and but awaits transmutation of the dross temporarily manifesting in the physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies.  

             -Maha Chohan:  7-2-1962 at Washington, DC via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearl 50:6


2)  Beloved ones, there are many abroad in the land today who mock the teachings of the ascended masters, who would not in a thousand years come near to the flame, for enticement of the outer world does keep them bound to a round of senseless pleasures.  Indeed these could not go on without others to keep the flame for them.  But you can well understand that it would be fruitless to spend your hours in pursuit of such lifestreams.   

                     -Saint Germain:  5-6-1967 at Colorado Springs via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 60:45


3)  It is true--and the world is proof of it--that human rights are being employed by mankind, and the mess of human pottage ladled out as enticement to the Esau consciousness continues to defraud firstborn sons of their eternal inheritance.  But the divine right is another thing.  The divine right is the immortal plan for universal man.  The Monadic intent--i.e., man’s God designed individuality and his natural gravitation toward the oneness of his true Self--is its first principle or foundation stone in which the inherent pattern of unique Christ-manifestation is self-contained.   

                                            -Serapis Bey:  Pearl 10:19


4)  When we urge men to recognize the perfection of God there are times when for purposes of contrast we unveil those unfortunate astral sequences and scenarios of half existence which offer a shadowland of enticement to the human monad.  We pray that men will swiftly learn to discern the differences between the glamor of astral existence and the brilliance of real living that frees man to rise into the arms of God with the balm of sweet surrender that lends serenity to the soul moving onward.          

                                                -Archeia Mary:  Pearl 15:38


5)  Like fallen ones who in their attempt to level hierarchy would make themselves equal with sons and daughters of God, these psychic channels would cause our Messengers and their work with the living Word to become muddied by the flood of psychic material being released by the false hierarchy.  Let it be so!  They have freewill.  As the grass of the field, they have their day; for the wind passeth over them and they are gone, to be remembered no more.  But the day of the true Messengers of Hierarchy shall be as the giant redwood marking cycles of  spiritual-material evolution of the race and as the snow-covered Himalayas outlining the pinnacles of soul attainment.  Thus prophets have come in every age, and their day is the day of salvation (self-elevation) of the race of mankind.  And the coming of the Messenger is always the preparing of the way for the coming of a new level of Christ consciousness.  “Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.”  In every century Messengers have proclaimed the living truth that should free mankind from age-worn doctrine and dogma.  In this age they have come to prepare the world to receive their own Christ-identity and the I AM Presence “coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”  

                                              -Morya:  Pearls of Wisdom 18:16


6)  There is indeed a method in the madness of fallen ones, and their method is contrived to implement a diabolical plot.  The purpose of the fallen ones in their setting-forth of the false teaching is to establish false goals, to implant within the consciousness of mankind their enticements, their desires and their ambitions so that mankind will tie up all of the energy that God has given them in pursuing false goals.  They have determined to take from mankind the one true goal of life, to destroy the vision of the goal, the rationale of the Logos pertaining to that goal and the God-desire within the soul to attain the God-appointed goal.   

                                                 -Kuthumi:  Pearl 19:2


7)   Seek ye first this kingdom, this kingdom that is the consciousness of God which we bear, and all these things of success shall be added.  For when you have the pearl of great price, the white stone and the new name which no man knoweth save the Father then you have, you see, an internal magnet and all good will come to thee.  For the law of karma does decree it….Therefore if you give despite and revenge, so it will come again.   But when you give light and treasures of your heart and when you minister to life, beloved, this too will come again as the wave of heaven breaking on the shores of being, comforting thy soul in time of Earth’s troubles or another ancient karma that may return but for which you have prepared yourself by banking the fires of the resurrection….

  You see, by freewill you may lose the identity of the soul in God by denial of that light where you are or simply by failure to invoke it and confirm the eternal covenant. By freewill you may make your pact with the Devil--that deified evil embodied by fallen angels who have taken the left-handed path.  They have exercised freewill to espouse the causes of darkness.  And there are many in physical embodiment else, beloved, there would not be what we would almost call a “thriving” church of Satan upon earth today.  The church itself may not be so much thriving as earth itself for those who have not heard of the Satanic church yet imbibe its tenets by their own agreement with perverse forms of life and denial in their own bodies of the light of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit and Divine Mother….

  It stands to reason then that those who come newly into the ranks of service of God must understand that they also will go through the process of expanding the aura ring upon ring as the giant redwoods.  And as rings of the aura expand to contain more of the consciousness of God in the seven rays through your chakras, so you are also expanding the great causal body above you….Thus there are many callings and seven paths to individualization of this Christ-flame.  Thus all are not equal in quality and all are not equal in the quantity of light they have chosen to outpicture.   

                 -Archangel Michael:  5-24-1986 at Vancouver, B.C., Pearl 29:52


8)  Thus the careful enticement of lightbearers of the world who embody the Spirit of America is that which has become and has ever been the strategy of these fallen ones.  It is a part of the strategy of this International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy to wear down the people of East and West through drugs and rock music and abortion, debilitating their bodies and weakening them through all manner of toxic substances--and then the disinformation and then the programming and the deprogramming of them from a way of life that is free to the seeming carefreeness of a totalitarian rule.  

         -Elohim Cyclopea:  7-5-1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 29:66


9)  When you take this stand, beloved, you will become the targets of the attackers of youth.  These are foul spirits--bastard ones, fallen angels and devils, the lowest of the low--used by false hierarchies who do not soil their hands but use the lowest types of criminal elements on the astral plane to do their dirty work.  Blessed ones, adults have avoided the encounter, the confrontation, the wrestling with the “beasts” that sit upon their children….

  The breaking down of the family, breaking down of neighborhood communities—this, beloved ones, is a fragmenting of society and the separation of members of karmic groups as well as individuals of varying ages so that they cannot learn from one another and ripen and mature as the mature inspire those coming up and the youth introduce the new wave of a new age that can also challenge those in the middle of life or retiring.

  Community then must be a stronghold of values, of serving together, of meeting one another’s needs and of establishing goals and priorities, not the least of which is the protection of that circle of lives….There are devils in the motion-picture industry programming youth to bravado of fallen angels, to the daredevil life and devil-may-care attitude.   -Meru:  4-19-1987 at Dallas, Easter, Pearl 30:19


10)  How did you lose it, beloved?  I can tell you the fallen angels known as serpents are more than cunning.  They have perverted the signs and the signals of the Kabbalah and therefore used it to imprison souls of light.  Not by mere enticement or pride of eye or  glitter of body did they draw you away but by the very black magic that is the misuse of the set of the sefirot.  The counterfeit set [of the ten sefirot] had been created by the one Din in the intensity of the judgment itself, the judgment that [the fallen ones] meted out upon the children of God.  And thus Evil did gain hold in the manner described to you by the Messenger according to the teachings of the Zohar.   

            -Saint Germain:  6-27-1992 at RTR, MT, Pearl 35:26


11)  Now, beloved, you have opportunity. What is the meaning of youth?  The point of youth, its reality and meaning, is sacred fire.  You have your youth so long as you consecrate the sacred fire in the chakras of your being and center that fire in the heart.  You need not think that because you made this or that mistake in your life that you cannot achieve this oneness….

   And when you wanted to go back up the mountain you could not go up the mountain.  For that descent into pleasures of the world cost you your immortality.  Therefore today you are mortal.  All in embodiment are mortal.  So you see, through the divine spark you seek to move through your mortality, to understand what is the carnal mind and the dweller-on-the-threshold, to understand what are traps of the seed of the wicked and enticements and baubles and trinkets.  You must move through your mortality--through it, through all of its layers.    -Sponsors of Youth from Out the Great Central Sun:  7-2-1996 at RTR, MT, Pearl 46:11  
