Tuesday, February 9, 2021

How Order of Skull and Bones has run USA, by A. Sutton

      -Skull and Bones Society building at Yale U.

Antony Sutton in his America's Secret Establishment: 

    For Hegelians the State is almighty, and seen as "the march of God on earth." Indeed a State religion. Progress in the Hegelian State is through contrived conflict: the clash of opposites makes for progress. If you can control the opposites, you dominate the nature of the outcome.  We trace the extraordinary Skull and Bones influence in a major Hegelian conflict: Naziism vs. Communism. Skull and Bones members were in the dominant decision-making positions—Bush, Harriman, Stimson, Lovett, and so on—all Bonesmen, and instrumental in guiding the conflict through use of "right" and "left."  They financed and encouraged the growths of both philosophies and controlled the outcome to a significant extent. This was aided by the "reductionist" division in science, the opposite of historical "wholeness." By dividing science and learning into narrower and narrower segments, it became easier to control the whole through the parts.          This disastrous, destructive philosophy, the source of both Naziism and Marxism, has infected and corrupted our constitutional republic. Much of the blame for this corruption is with an elitist group of Yalie "Bonesmen." Their 

symbol of Skull and Bones and their Hegelian philosophy says it all, although with typical duplicity, they would have you believe otherwise. 

Hegelianism glorifies the State, the vehicle for the dissemination of statist and materialist ideas and policies in education, science, politics and economics. 

  Wonder why we have a "dumbed-down" society? Look no further than the Bonesman troika who imported the Prussian education system into the U.S. in the 19 vh Century. A political philosophy in direct opposition to the classical liberalism nurtured in 19 vh Century British and American history. In classical liberalism, the State is always 

subordinate to the individual. In Hegelian Statism, as we see in Naziism and Marxism, the State is supreme, and the individual exists only to serve the State. 

  Our two-party Republican-Democrat (= one Hegelian party, no one else welcome or allowed) system is a reflection of this Hegelianism. A small group - a very small group --by using Hegel, can manipulate, and to some extent, control society for its own purposes. 

  More than that, reflect on their pirate flag. An emblem found on poison bottles, the symbol of the Nazi Death Head Division in World War Two. Not only did Skull and Bones become a major force in drug smuggling (the Bush and Prescott families in the 1860s), but in true Hegelian fashion, generated the antithesis, 

the so-called "war on drugs." This hypocritical policy maintains the price of drugs, controls supply, and puts millions in jail while the gainers, in great part, are none other than the same "Bonesmen" who pass the laws to 

prohibit (Bonesman Taft, 1904). 

  In education the Dewey system was initiated and promoted by Skull and Bones members. Dewey was an ardent statist, and a believer in the Hegelian idea that the child exists to be trained to serve the State. This requires suppression of individualist tendencies and a careful spoon-feeding of approved knowledge….

  The activities of The Order are directed towards changing our society, changing the world, to bring about a New World Order. This will be a planned order with heavily restricted individual freedom, without Constitutional protection, without national boundaries or cultural distinction. We deduce this objective by examining and then summing up the actions of individual members: there has been a consistent pattern of activity over one hundred years….

  In brief, the State is supreme and conflict is used to bring about the ideal society. Individuals find freedom in obedience to the rulers. So who or what is the State?  Obviously it's a self-appointed elite….The movement that will topple The Order will be extremely simple and most effective. It will be ten thousand or a million Americans who come to the conclusion that they don't want the State to be boss, that they prefer to live under the protection of the Constitution. They will make their own independent decision to thwart The Order, and it will take ten thousand or a million forms. 

  The only weakness is communication. The Order has so wrecked education that reading comprehension is difficult for many—that's part of the brainwashing program. But there are more than enough readers. Most people prefer to talk anyway. …

  In fact there is another largely unrecorded history and it tells a story quite different than our sanitized textbooks. It tells a story of the deliberate creation of war, the knowing finance of revolution to change governments, and the use of conflict to create a New World Order….

  Rxtract from a Scotland Yard Intelligence Report.  "Martens is very much in the limelight. There appears to be no doubt about his connection with the 

Guarantee (sic) Trust Company. Although it is surprising that so large and influential an enterprise should have dealings with a Bolshevik concern." 

  Scotland Yard had picked up an accurate report that the Soviets were deeply involved with Guaranty Trust of New York, but they couldn't believe it, and dropped this line of investigation.  Yet the FBI presumably can't bring 

itself to investigate David Rockefeller as a potential Soviet agent, but if Joe Smith of Hoboken, N.J. was lunching weekly with the KGB, you can be sure the FBI would be on his tail….

  Th. Roosevelt wrote Senator Sherman and described Edward Harriman as a man of "deep seated corruption," an "undesirable citizen" and "an enemy of the Republic." 3 …

  Averill Harriman said:  “On the Russian side one of the most troublesome myths is that America is run by a ‘ruling circle,' made up of Wall Streeters and industrialists who have an interest in continuing the cold war and the arms race to prop up the 'capitalist' economy. Anybody who knows American politics knows what 

nonsense this is."  Also wrote on June 30, 1944:

“Stalin paid tribute to the assistance rendered by the United States to Soviet industry before and during the war. He said that about two-thirds of all the large industrial enterprises in the Soviet Union had been built with United States help or technical assistance." 

  Stalin could have added that the other one-third of Soviet industry had been built by British, German, French, Italian, Finnish, Czech and Japanese companies.

cited a State Department telegram dated February 12, 1944 from Harriman to Roosevelt. Said Weintal, "You told Roosevelt that you were convinced that the Soviets did not want to introduce a Communist government into Poland." So up jumped 79-year-old Harriman from the dinner table and waved his fists at 70-year-old Weintal. Shouted Harriman, "If you print anything like that in your book, I'll break your jaw.”…

  In 1917 lawyer/Bonesman Thomas Thacher was in Russia with William Boyce Thompson's Red Cross Mission.  After consultations in New York, Thacher was then sent to London to confer with Lord Northcliffe about the Bolshevik Revolution and then to Paris for similar talks with the French Government. 

  The Thatcher memorandum not only urges recognition of the barely surviving Soviet Government, which in early 1918 controlled only a very small portion of Russia, but also military assistance for the Soviet Army and intervention to keep the Japanese out of Siberia until the Bolsheviks could take over. In 1917 Thatcher was in Russia with William Boyce Thompson's Red Cross Mission. After consultations in 

New York, Thatcher was then sent to London to confer with Lord Northcliffe about the Bolshevik Revolution and then to Paris for similar talks with the French Government. 

The Thatcher memorandum not only urges recognition of the barely surviving Soviet Government, which in early 1918 controlled only a very small portion of Russia, but also military assistance for the Soviet Army and intervention to keep the Japanese out of Siberia until the Bolsheviks could take over.

  Hon. William Kent, Washington, D.C. 

Dear Billy:              May 29, 1919 U.S. Tariff Commission, 

This will introduce to you my friend, Professor Evans Clark, now associated with the Bureau of Information of the Russian Soviet Republic. He wants to talk with you about the recognition of Wolchak, the raising of the blockade, etc., 

and get your advice in regard to backing up the senators who would be apt to stand up and make a brave fight. Won't you do what you can for him. 

As I see it, we are taking a (unreadable) Russia that will leave our, until now, mightily good reputation, badly damaged. 

Hope to see you in Washington soon. 

 Faithfully yours, A. P. (Amos Pinchot, Skull and Bones, a founder of ACLU) 

  For assistance Evans Clark turned to The Order. On May 29, 1919, Amos Pinchot wrote fellow Skull & Bones member and strong Republican William Kent about raising the blockade against the Soviets. William Kent (The Order'87) was on the U.S. Tariff Commission and in turn wrote Senator Lenroot to request an interview for "Professor" Evans Clark. In brief, two members of The Order, Pinchot and Kent, cooperated to push a known Bolshevik operator onto an unsuspecting Senator. Neither member of The Order advised Senator Lenroot about Clark's affiliation with the Soviet Bureau.

  Between 1917 and 1921 the Soviets pushed their control of Russia into Siberia and the Caucasus. As we have noted, the United States intervened in Siberia along the Trans-Siberian Railroad. Histories of U.S. Intervention by George Kennan and the Soviets maintain this was an anti-Soviet intervention. In fact, it was nothing of the kind. The U.S. spread troops along the Siberian railroad only to keep out the Japanese, not to 

keep out the Soviets.

  Serebrovsky pointed out that Azneft had no rotary drills, and that Russian enterprise could not supply them. Rotary drilling, however, was essential for the success of the plan. -U.S. State Dept. Decimal File, 316-137-221. 

  He then announced: "But just here American capital is going to support us. The American firm International Barnsdall Corporation has submitted a plan ... Lack of equipment prevents us from increasing the production of 

the oil industry of Baku by ourselves. The American firm . . . will provide the equipment, start drilling in the oil fields and organize the technical production of oil with deep pumps."  

  During the next few years International Barnsdall, together with the Lucey Manufacturing Company and other major foreign oil well equipment firms, fulfilled Serebrovsky's program. Massive imports of equipment came from the United States. International Barnsdall inaugurated the rotary drilling program, initiated Azneft 

drilling crews into its operational problems, and reorganized oil well pumping with deep well electrical pumps. 

  The first International Barnsdall concession was signed in October 1921, and was followed in September of 1922 by two further agreements. There is no doubt that Barnsdall did work under the agreements. Prauda reported groups of American oil field workers on their way to the oil fields, and a couple of months 

previously the United States, Constantinople Consulate, had reported that Philip Chadbourn, the Barnsdall Caucasus representative, had passed through on his way out of Russia. The U.S. State Department Archives contain an intriguing quotation from Rykov, dated October 1922: 

  "The one comparatively bright spot in Russia is the petroleum industry, and this is due largely to the fact that a number of American workers have been brought into the oil fields to superintend their operation." 

  Who, or what, was International Barnsdall Corporation? The Chairman of International Barnsdall Corporation was Matthew C. Brush whom we previously identified as The Order's "front man." 

  Guaranty Trust, Lee, Higginson Company and W.A. Harriman owned Barnsdall Corporation, and International Barnsdall Corporation was owned 75 % by the Barnsdall Corporation and 25% by H. Mason Day. The Guaranty Trust interest was represented by Eugene W. Stetson (also a Vice President of Guaranty Trust), whose son, Eugene W. Stetson Jr., was initiated into The Order in 1934. The Lee Higginson interest was represented by Frederick Winthrop Allen (The Order '00). 

 The Soviets acquired modern mining and transportation facilities for their manganese deposits, acquired foreign exchange, and finally shattered American foreign policy concerning loans to the U.S.S.R., in a series of 

business agreements with W.A. Harriman Company and Guaranty Trust. 1 

  On July 12, 1925 a concession agreement was made between the W.A. Harriman Company of New York and the U.S.S.R. for exploitation of the Chiaturi manganese deposits and extensive introduction of modern mining and transportation methods.  The Chairman of the Georgian Manganese Company, the Harriman operating company on the site in Russia, 

was none other than The Order's "front man" Matthew C. Brush.

  While The Order carried out its -plans to develop Russia, the State Department could do nothing. Its bureaucrats sat in Washington D.C. like a bunch of mesmerized jack-rabbits. Firstly, in the 1920s loans to the Soviet Union were strictly against U.S. law. While American citizens could enter Russia at their own risk, there were no diplomatic relations and no government support or sanction for 

commercial activity. Public and government sentiment in the United States was overwhelmingly against the Soviets--not least for the widespread atrocities committed in the name of the Revolution. Secondly, the Harriman-Guaranty syndicate, which reflected The Order, did not inform the State Dept. of its plans.

  We reproduce on page 155 a memorandum from Evan E. Young in Division of Eastern European Affairs to Assistant Secretary of State Carr. Note this is a memorandum at the upper levels of the State Department.  Young specifically writes vis-a-vis Guaranty Trust: "there are certain and very definite reasons why I consider it very unwise for the Department to initiate any investigation with respect to the reported manganese concession."  And Assistant Secretary of State Carr scribbles on the bottom, "I defer to your judgment upon this" (presumably after the suggested oral communication).

  The Order kept a hold on every non-government strategic position related to the Soviet Union. Nothing appears to have escaped their attention. For example, the Anglo-Russian Chamber of Commerce was created in 1920 to promote trade with Russia - desperately needed by the Soviets to restore idle Tsarist industry. The 

Chairman of its Executive Committee, the key post in the Chamber, was held by Samuel R. Bertron (The Order '85), a Vice President of Guaranty Trust and formerly a member of the 1917 Root Mission to Russia. Elihu Root, Chairman of the Mission, was, of course, the personal attorney to William Collins Whitney (The Order '63), one of the key members of The Order. The letter from Bertron's Anglo-Russian Chamber of Com- merce to State Department, printed on page 158 is noteworthy because  asks the question: "What date trading in Russian credits was prohibited in the United States by Federal authorities?" 

  This means that The Order was well aware in 1921 that "credits" to the U.S.S.R. were illegal and indeed were not made legal until President Roosevelt took office in 1933. However, illegal or not, within 18 months of this Bertron letter, Guaranty Trust established more than trading in Russian credits. Guaranty Trust made a joint banking agreement with the Soviets and installed a Guaranty Trust Vice President, Max May, as director in charge of the foreign division of this Soviet -Dank, the RUSKOMBANK.

  That, dear readers, is why governments need censorship. That's why even 50 years after some events, it is almost impossible for independent researchers (not the bootlickers) to get key documents declassified. 

  Simpson, Thatcher & Bartlett represented the Soviet State Bank in  U.S. and was the vehicle used by The Order to inform State Department of activities that might otherwise be blocked by low level bureaucrats following the government rulebook. 

  All this Soviet-building activity recorded in the Lusk Committee and State Department files was carefully concealed from the American public. What the public was told can only be described as a pack of lies, from beginning to end. 

  To demonstrate the degree of falsehood, we reprint here a page on Russia" from a document "Excerpt from a statement entitled 'Foreign Relations' by the Honorable Frank B. Kellogg, Secretary of State, published by the Republican National Committee, Bulletin No. 5, 1928." 

  Among the falsehoods promoted by Secretary Kellogg is the following: "the Government of the United States has maintained the position that it would be both futile and unwise to enter into relations with the Soviet Government." 

  In fact, at this very time the United States, with implicit government approval, was involved in planning the First Five Year Plan in Russia. The planning work was done actively by American firms.  

  Construction of the Soviet dialectic arm continued throughout the 1930s up to World War II. In 1941 W.A. Harriman was appointed Lend Lease Administrator to assure the flow of United States 'echnology and products to the Soviet Union. Examination of- Lend -ease records shows that U.S. law was violated. The law required military goods only to be shipped. In fact, industrial equipment in extraordinary amounts was also shipped and Treasury Department currency plates so that the Soviets could freely print U.S. dollars.

  In brief, the creation of the Soviet Union stems from The Order. The early survival of the Soviet Union stems from The Order. The development of the Soviet Union stems from The Order. But above all, this story has been concealed from the American public.

  The records of the U.S. Control Council for Germany contain the post-war intelligence interviews with prominent Nazis. From these we have verification that the major conduit for funds to Hitler was Fritz Thyssen and his Bank fur Handel and Schiff, previously called von Heydt's Bank. This information coincides with evidence in Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler and Hitler's Secret Backers, even to the names of the people and banks involved, i.e., Thyssen, Harriman, Guaranty Trust, von Heydt, Carter, and so on. 

  The document reproduced on page 167 slipped through U.S. censorship because the Office of Director of Intelligence did not know of the link between Fritz Thyssen and the Harriman interests in New York. Documents linking Wall Street to Hitler have for the most part been removed from U.S. Control Council records. In any event, 

we reproduce here the Intelligence report identifying Fritz Thyssen and his Bank fur Handel und Schiff (No. EF/Me/1 of September 4, 1945) and page 13 of the interrogation of Fritz Thyssen entitled "Financial Support of the Nazi Party." 

  The Harrimans had a financial interest in, and E. Roland Harriman The Order 1917), Averell's brother, was a director of this Union Banking Corporation. The Union Banking Corporation of New York City was a joint Thyssen-Harriman operation with the following directors in 1932: E. Roland Harriman Vice President of W.A. Harriman & Co., New York (The Order 1917) 

H.J. Kouwenhoven, Nazi banker, managing partner of August Thyssen Bank and Bank voor Handel Scheepvaart N.V. (the transfer bank for Thyssen's funds) 

Knight Wooley (The Order 1917), Director of Guaranty Trust, New York and Director Federal Reserve Bank of N. Y. 

Cornelius Lievense, President, Union Banking Corp. and Director of Holland-American Investment Corp. 

Ellery Sedgewick James, Partner, Brown Brothers, & Co., New York 

(The Order 1917) 

Johann Groninger (Nazi), Director of Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart and Vereinigte Stahlwerke (Thyssen's steel operations) 

J.L. Guinter, Director Union Banking Corp 

Prescott Sheldon Bush, Partner, Brown Brothers. Harriman. Father of President G. H. W. Bush (The Order 1917)

  Out of war and revolution come opportunities for profit. 

Conflict can be used for profit by corporations under control and influence of The Order. In World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnamese War we can cite examples of American corporations that traded with "the enemy" for profit.

  Another example of profit from war is recorded in the document on page 173. This records the association of RCA and the Nazis in World War II. RCA was essentially a Morgan-Rockefeller firm and so linked to The Order. 

  Yet another example is that of Chase Bank. Chase was linked to The Order through the Rockefeller family (Percy Rockefeller, The Order 1900) and Vice-President Reeve Schley (Yale, Scroll & Key).  Directors of Chase in The Order included Frederick Allen (The Order 1900), W.E.S. Griswold (The Order 1899) and Cornelius Vanderbilt, whose brother Gwynne Vanderbilt (The Order 1899) represented the family before his 

death. President of Chase was Winthrop Aldrich. This was :he Harvard branch of the Aldrich family, another branch is Yale and The Order.

  The extent of Chase collaboration with Nazis is staggering—and this was at a time when Nelson Rockefeller had an intelligence job in Washington aimed AGAINST Nazi operations in Latin America.



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