Wednesday, March 31, 2021

if you do not see reality

1)  Address your appeals therefore to the Holy Christ Self of men, except when individuals express a natural willingness to learn.  Only then give them our words and our teachings which are cups that carry light and salvation to all….

  As has been said, a great leader places himself above his followers only when it is a question of bearing responsibility.  When you call with all the intensity of your being for your own perfection in the light, believing beloved Victory when he tells you that your own victory is possible today--there and then you make it possible!  Communion with us must be on our level, do you see?  We cannot have communion with the changing outer self, which from day to day runs hot and cold, much of the time being lukewarm.  We appeal to and reach your soul through your Holy Christ Self.  And believe me, that is how we are reaching you right now….

  This life which you call your own flowing in your veins is in truth the consecrated wine of the Father which He has sacrificed (sanctified) for you by placing the essence of His own Presence within it.  The Father requires no suffering or loss save the surrender of that which is unreal but gives to you His love and that temporal dominion over His life which is your portion….

  All students who are willing to drink of my cup (because they would be teachers of men) will assuredly call for the full implementation of the Law of Love which we the ascended masters offer.  Thus by our transforming power shall they verily drink that communion which makes of every communicant the selfsame manifestation of the son of God that I AM.  To this table I welcome you evermore, brother or sister of light.  Again I say, come, drink of the water of eternal life freely!  

                                -Jesus the Christ:  Pearls of Wisdom 3:12


2)  Consecration can be understood quite well in the statement “I AM using life’s

energy for a specific and singular purpose in accordance with the divine Plan for me!”  To do this consciously makes you a co-creator with God, a master-artist and master-builder, drawing then upon life’s friends--the earth, the water, air and sunshine--to live and breathe beauty into everything, everywhere!

  Now to set apart a people for the diamond heart -to set aside a people through whom we can perform a great planetary service by anchoring in unascended lifestreams the capacity for cooperative effort between the Immortals, angels and men is a valiant service.  You then who are chosen and choose to respond in dignity are a special people.  Individuals should recognize that although none are unique and all have equal opportunity, the Law has offered many positions of cosmic import to individuals--positions which in themselves are unique opportunities.  These stewardships make possible an intense acceleration of personal evolution, permitting lifestreams to make their ascension much earlier and to advance far more rapidly afterwards to realms of greater glory and service, worlds without end….

  The Great White Brotherhood in its efforts to acquaint mankind with the need for world unity hopes to create through example and radiation that utopian climate which is productive of the greatest expansion of eternal understanding in matters which for so long a time have been recognized and disputed about even by those men who, while advocating their establishment, still could not seem to subdue their animal-like tendencies long enough to cooperate in the many areas which avowedly they do hold in common agreement with others.  For example, some Christians would not assist a recognized constructive plan if it was conceived by Moslems--and vice versa….

  It does not appear to be clear to many people how that the ascended masters and the Great White Brotherhood often have ordained or directed individuals in the past—even assisting them in forming an organization or group through which the Masters and the Brotherhood could disseminate information and render a profound service—and then find that at a later date the “control” of these same groups or organizations was wrested away from the Masters and the Brotherhood while the activity degenerated into a mere outer husk or shell of its former self….The key to all of this, dear hearts, lies in freewill which unascended beings have to choose what they will do.  No Master or Brotherhood--even the greatest of all--has the cosmic right to hold control over individuals unless they are requested by them to do so!  God the Mighty I AM Presence has of course upheld His own edict and has not enforced His perfect will upon man--although certainly most men will acknowledge that at times it would appear to be better if He had!  Often unbelievers or materialists creep into organizations and the sinister force always seeks to gnaw at the heartcenter of all constructive organizations sponsored by the Great Brotherhood.  Individuals seeking God’s light are no exception and real protection is need for all in keeping the faith!…

  If men have faith let each one show it by their works if God’s will is to leap into action!  I prefer not to leave it alone to those few dedicated ones to uphold our endeavors but to see a great divine unity with the tiniest part responding to God’s blessings in sweet and simple gladness.  Who is willing to answer our call?  

                                                -Morya:  Pearl 3:36


3)  Mary, the beloved Mother of Jesus, and lovely Lady Venus have asked me to form a triangle of faith for the next three months and pour special love and protection to all children of the world.  I AM asking those of you who have responsive hearts to call daily to all three of us and direct that we use your hearts’ energy in the eternal purpose, protecting, guiding and directing the young and tender as well as those more mature students in finding meaning and purpose in life….Call to me daily, asking me to cut you free from all doubt and to give you my feeling of immortal faith!  Ask for my shield of protection all about you and those you love!  Its efficacy will in itself be an external proof of our answering nearness, our love, our constancy and of our faith in action.  

                                        -Archangel Michael:  Pearl 3:36


4)  I say, for the saints who have walked before you, for the patriots of light and of freedom in every nation who have lived and died for the freedom of their people, let us live to preserve freedom in America and in every nation!  Let us live because millions have gone before us who have been willing to be martyred for Christ, for freedom, and for the love of their country!

  Millions in the Soviet Union and in China have lost their lives for the love of that Mother-flame, of Mother Russia, and of the wisdom of China.  They are the saints robed in white who are on the etheric plane, not yet ascended, and who cry out “How long, O Lord?  How long?  How long will our brothers and our sisters on Earth bear the cross of the crucifixion?”  And the LORD God answers “It is not yet--not yet time or space to draw them into the whitefire core.”…

  The five secret rays must be balanced in the secret-ray chakras by the power of the test of the ten.  This initiation has been outlined to you by Gautama Buddha in his series on the Buddhic light (In Quietly Comes the Buddha Gautama Buddha outlines the initiations of Buddhic light, the ten perfections of the Law on the path to realizing one’s Buddha nature).  And so you see, the wisdom of the East and of the Lord of the World becomes the initiation of the American people under the hierarch of the Royal Teton who is also an Eastern master Lord Confucius.

  See then how the masters contain all of the cultures of the world. See then how there is no respecter of pure sons and daughters of God, no respecter of persons among the masters.  For we love all who enshrine that Christ-flame….

  I release violet flame to dissolve all superstition, all factionalism, all narrow-mindedness, all chauvinism which is a false attachment to the nation based on pride of ego.  Let your attachment to your nation then be the attachment to the mandala of the Christ and of the original thirteen who are the masters who govern the destiny of that mandala of karma and of dharma which is the fiery destiny of that nation to fulfill.  I come to release the light of freedom for the canceling out of all witchcraft and black magic!  In order to release this energy into the city of San Francisco I require your authority and your assent in this octave.  I ask you then to repeat the words

“I AM the light and authority of Saint Germain in San Francisco!” [Audience repeats: “I AM the light and authority of Saint Germain in San Francisco!”]  So be it!…

  So let the phoenix bird rise!  Let the culture of the Mother go forth! I send forth the fiat, prophecy, will, and energy so that you might fulfill the mandate!  So be it!  Let it be released!  Angels of violet flame, now saturate this city and its environs and those communities that are a part of the Bay Area.  And let the word go forth that Saint Germain has come to town, that I AM here and that I AM come to stay as long as there are Keepers of the Flame in this city who are willing to keep that flame of freedom!…I AM the representative of the Cosmic Virgin!  I carry the flame of freedom for Omega, for the Divine Mother, for the Goddess of Purity!  I carry that flame!  And my zeal and my joy and my fervor for freedom is the love of the Divine Mother for me and the love that I return to Her.  

  And so the wish of the Divine Mother is to establish firmly in the physical plane a focus of the Church Universal and Triumphant, of Summit International, to have a headquarters in this city that is worthy of the ascended masters and worthy of the flame of the Mother….

  Step by step, as each member of this community will hold the balance of life for the thirty-three, they will open the door and make possible the coming to the fore in this age of many, many souls of light and children of the One who are waiting, waiting for the word of truth and for the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood.  Now I say, who will respond to help the Divine Mother this day, and who will respond to keep the flame of freedom in order to make this focus be a reality?  [Some in audience say “I will!”]….So release that energy to fulfill your goal, and remember this simple truth:  “The LORD giveth and the LORD taketh away.”  

  What you have today is yours to keep or yours to give away.  If you do not give it to the ascended masters today, ere the cycles pass and the decades are fulfilled, you will discover at the end of this mortal round that the LORD God will take that which you have failed to give.  Therefore the decision to give is whether or not to give now or to have it taken later.  Strangely enough, mankind do not remember this principle of life.  

             -Saint Germain:  10-13-1975 at San Francisco, Pearl 62:46


5)  Such a perfect one was he that the Ancient of Days determined that as much of the path of the Mystery School as the Great Law would allow should be demonstrated by example in his mission. The testing of that mission and his ability to sustain those initiations in [the] outer [world] were the subject of our training sessions during his eighteen years in the Orient.

  A student, yea, a scholar and a sage he became, passing through the schools of preparation and receiving from my heart the empowerment of Gautama and Sanat Kumara to return to the scene of the darkest karma on planet earth, none other than Palestine, the crossroads of the Middle East, the place of the Mother and the place of grave darkness and movements of many lifewaves and evolutions who had been pitted against the living Word on their own home stars and so continued that momentum in that era and time.

  Thus the greatest light is sent to the darkest corner to expose, to accuse by way of isolating error that all may choose the right, the left, north or south, east or west.  You know direction is everything, beloved, and the all.  Jesus the Master, love of my heart!…

  My beloved, with what great joy I receive you here as I received the youth Jesus!  For the dispensation is truly opened and I may begin anew, taking those who have apprenticed themselves before the Darjeeling Master and Saint Germain and the Great Divine Director, those who have disciplined themselves by the Law of Love before the living Christ.   

                       -Maitreya:  7-2-1984 at RTR, MT, Pearl 27:47a


6)  When you think of Astrea you think of the cosmic circle and sword of blue flame.  You hear the buzzing sound as the concrete karmas are disturbed and pulverized.  You think of intense action and you think of the puncturing of unreality.  Yet when the light descends after all of the debris loosened by Astrea is cast into the violet flame, then you know just what is the sweetness of the light!  Then you have and hold in your heart a compartment of your heaven-world, an element of your causal body of light.

  To establish the love tie to the great Dharmakaya that you once called your own and shall again call your own you must sustain around yourself the matrix of the circle and sword of blue flame….

  Those then who are able to carry their own cross of karma and then some (because they are adept in invoking and directing the violet flame into burdens too hard for most folks to bear) are called upon again and again to carry an extra apportionment of world karma.  As this dispensation is to the benefit of the billions of Earth’s evolutions, so it is to the benefit of the individual who applies for it in the spirit of invoking the violet flame of forgiveness “seventy times seven” on behalf of those who “know not what they do.”…

  And you think that if you were to change your circumstances, somehow this weight would be removed from you.  Well, I tell you, it will not be removed from you except by your decrees to the violet flame, except by your call to Astrea, except by your appeal to the Five Hearts:  the sacred heart of Jesus, the immaculate heart of Mary, the purple fiery heart of Saint Germain, the diamond heart of El Morya and the magnanimous heart of Lanello--and then to the Buddhic hearts of Lord Padma Sambhava, Lord Maitreya, Lord Manjushri, Lord Gautama, Lord Sanat Kumara, the Buddha of the Ruby Ray, the Five Dhyani Buddhas and last but not least the Avalokitesvara Kuan Yin.

  So, beloved ones, there is no getting out of your present state of consciousness and on with your ascension without boring through the many layers of the weight of world depression (which is also a manifestation of mankind’s karma) until finally you get through that thick layer of dark, dank, oppressive astral cloud and you arrive at the opening of the blue sky and Sun, and lo, the heaven-world is before you!…

  If you choose to embody the light of the living Christ to the glory of God and not to the vainglory of the human ego, your initiators will be Lord Jesus Christ and Lord Maitreya with the participation of many other saints and ascended masters along the way….

  Well, you might as well face the reality:  the path is hard and it will get harder and harder, eliminating those who have no nerve for the fight, no love for the outcome, no concern for those who suffer and might be healed if they would only make some sacrifice to put on the mantle of their Christhood.  Blessed ones, this is an indulgent civilization!  And we see that even where parents have not indulged their children, their children have definitely managed to indulge themselves!…

  I tell you, beloved ones, it does take maximum alertness on your part to escape all of the plots and ploys that come upon you--even through minor, puny devils--to take you from your one-pointed dedication to your life’s course.  It is about time you did pass every test and not just one now and then!  It is about time that you shrugged from yourself, as Atlas shrugged–yes, shrugged-off all sense of a self that is not God….

  Cheat a little here, cheat a little there, and pretty soon you have so many holes pricked in the aura of being that you are a leaky vessel, leaking from every point of denial….This is the time to kneel before the cosmic cross of whitefire and to remember that the crown of victory is at the top of the cross.  And if you endure your initiations, that crown shall also be yours and you shall sit with Christ in glory and know all the promises of scripture fulfilled in you.  Now is not the time to falter!  Now is not the time for that state of mind that says “Well, maybe...well, maybe,” and then looks askance and says “That was two thousand years ago.  There are no more deaths by crucifixion today.”…  

  And will there come a day when as far as this life is concerned and as far as you are concerned, there is no point of identity left that can be saved or rescued by Astrea or by anyone because you have taken too long to indulge your free will, you have squandered your life-force, you are spiritually bankrupt and now there is not a thing that can be done for you, for that indulgence has turned in upon you to devour you as a spiritual as well as physical cancer of selfishness and self-love?

  I AM Astrea; I AM Purity.  I come in that hour and I let that cosmic circle and sword of blue flame spin.  And it does spin and it does draw from that which was once a living soul all negative energy, all karma.  And is there anything left?  No, there is not even a period at the end of the sentence of that life whereby that soul could be restored.  We are Purity and Astrea.  We paint a panorama of the worst-case scenario so that you can paint over it the saga of your victory.  Yes, you can erase all of the above with the cosmic eraser, the violet flame, but you have to do it and you have to do it now!…

  And the only difference between the high and the mighty and the fallen angels and you is that they know their time is short!  You seem to have forgotten that your time is also short. Yes, their time is short but they are using every moment of it in seeking to devour you!…

  Remember, if you do not see reality, it is because you will not see it, because you made a decision not to see it because you are accommodating your self-indulgences….

  Right now you have the means to transcend yourself through the spiritual accoutrements that tie in to the physical body itself–spiritual centers, spiritual light--spiritual light, think of it!  In every physical atom, in the sun of every cell, in every particle of life there is yet that essence of Elohim!…

  You may scream at us and say:  “We do not want to hear all of this!  We do not want to hear that we are responsible, that we are accountable, that we may no longer pipe our tunes and expect ascended masters to dance to them!”  Well, we come with reality, for we are reality.  We come with that God-love, for we are that God-love.  We come with that God-purity, for we are that God-purity . We come with our circle and sword of blue flame and we say:  we love you with a love profound:  It is the love of the Father-Mother God….This is our message of Good Friday. Take it or leave it!  [48-second standing ovation]    -Elohim Purity and

               Astrea:  4-9-1993 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 36:23



the Banner of Maitreya

 1)   Now the Great White Brotherhood is not a fable nor is it a mysterious organization to be dangled before the uninitiated as something which sets you apart from others or distinguishes you with temporal honor, neither is it intended to extinguish you in the ignominy of sincere but abject humility but rather in the dignity of divine providence to provide an avenue or protected outlet where the Christ-light of the many can go forth in ordered service, divine dignity and ever-living purity.                  

                                        -Maitreya:  Pearls of Wisdom 3:5    ……………………………………………………………………................ 

2)  Freedom is not license; it is freedom to be creative as God is--to show forth mercy and honor unto Him who seeks to cleanse, to purify, to ennoble and to raise all life into His level of existence.  Without purification, without transmutation no crown would be possible.   -Maitreya:  1–1-1967 at Colorado Springs, Pearl 27:14    …………………………………………………………………......................…

3)  And therefore I say:  O Gabriel, thou Messenger of God, go forth tonight to the mystic East and carry the ribbons of our light streaming forth from the Banner of Maitreya.  Go forth to the West, O beloved Zadkiel, and say “Hail to thee, O thou West!”  To the farthest West carry this banner--the Banner of Maitreya.  And we say also then to that great and magnificent Prince Michael:  go forth to the East.  And we say also unto that blessed and magnificent Lord Uriel:  go forth to the West.

  And we say unto Lord Morya El:  go forth to the South and carry unto the people of South America and the Southern Hemisphere the light of Maitreya’s Banner.  And we say unto Saint Germain:  go forth to the North.

  And let there be a polar action that shall cause the very axis of the Earth to understand that the rod of power within the heart of the Earth, manifesting from the heart of Lord Gautama at Shamballa, is activated tonight in the magnetization according to the law of amber--of that great static charge of cosmic power from the Great Central Sun that shall direct a rising tide of cosmic energy upon the Earth planet itself, which energy shall go forth to initiate the Earth and cause her to understand that if she does not fulfill her cosmic purpose, she shall reel to and fro as a drunken man--and this shall come to pass because the Laws of God will have been violated.   -Maitreya:  3-25-1967 at Colorado Springs, Pearl 27:15


4)  Cosmic initiation looms before these young people if they will only understand that the means is not through LSD or erotic experience but through the renaissance of a spiritual culture which they once rejected in the very times of life when Enoch, the seventh from Adam, was winning his victory; when Joseph stood in highest honor at Pharaoh’s court; when Solomon was building his temple; when Christ was walking in the cornfields; when Saint Francis was counseling his disciples (1181-1226); and even when the Brothers of Light first began to acquaint the Western world with the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood (1875).   -Maitreya:  Pearl 10:34


5)  And therefore the key to all progress is in wearing of garments of the living Christ and entering in to His reality.  This is life--abundant life!  This is truth--all truth!  This is oneness with the Father.  And the proof of this is in the eating thereof:  if you eat his flesh and drink his blood by becoming like him in your thoughts, your outer forms can change, your minds can change.   -Maitreya:  7-2-1969 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearl 27:19


6)  It behooves us, one and all working together--the ascended hosts of light, the unascended body of devotees--to determine that the Banner of Maitreya which is the Banner of the Cosmic Christ shall not be let down in this age; that the Banner of the Cosmic Virgin shall not be let down; that men and women and children shall rally together to proclaim the virtue of the divine art, divine music, divine culture of integrity and honor, of justice in business, in commerce, in all dealings with the nations and among the nations, all exchanges between the states.  For, precious hearts of light, it is the grace and comfort of the Mother-flame that is needed.   

                            -Maitreya:  9-3-1972 at Atlanta via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 27:43


7)   And some will see me while they sleep at night; and some will retain the memory of that image.  All will know the comfort of having the real Father of Life focus the power of Alpha.  And my Presence shall be to them as a rod of authority, and they shall feel the sacred scepter of the Law.  And they shall learn to love, to honor, to obey, and to respect the Laws of the Father-Mother God.

  And I shall tutor the souls of these little ones in precepts holy; for each one does have a very special work, a divine plan you know, sent from Alpha and Omega.  And from the strands of my heart I shall weave a mighty cable of light, and I shall weave the strands of their hearts also blending the fires of the Cosmic Christ with the Christ Self.   -Maitreya:  Pearls of Wisdom 16:35


8)  Here you have the privilege to be counted among the living, so I say:  defend all that has gone before, all the work of saints and sages and teachers in every land.  Defend their honor, their mission, their momentum as they place upon you now their momentum of overcoming victory.

   I AM the Teacher of teachers.  -Maitreya:  3-24-1974 at Detroit, Pearl 27:53


9)  A sage is one who has a profound awareness of the path of chelaship.  The sage is not Guru, but the sage has become a teacher of the teachings of the Guru.  The sage is one who is wise by co-measurement, by a correct assessment of self.  I bid you to that inner discipline.  I bid you to the calling, for the children of China are yearning for their sages to return, and the children of India yearn for the holy Mother, and the children of America await the sane word of the practical life of honor and love.   -Maitreya:  3-24-1979 at Camelot, Pearl 43:44


10)  Indeed you are learning at inner levels.  Indeed your higher bodies are participating.  Indeed your souls come and go to inner retreats.  This is why it is called a university of the Spirit! 

  Beloved hearts, this term has naught to do with the world’s conception of a university according the degrees of this world.  You have not heard of degrees being awarded, for there are none that can be given.  For the degrees are of the Spirit and spiritual and they are worn with great honor as you receive them at inner levels.  

                -Maitreya:  12-4-1980 at Summit U., Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 23:51


11)  Thus I am known as the Great Initiator as I am the instrument of God’s initiations unto His own and for the mantle and honor He has bestowed upon me.  Remember, I am the vessel as you are the vessel.  And you may also choose what is to be poured into the vessel, what rare wine of the Spirit may be distilled by your soul that its essence might nourish and enliven those cast aside and left for dead on the road of life.  And how do you become the one who determines what is poured into the vessel?  It is an alchemy, a chemistry in itself to line the vessel with the particular virtues that will magnetize the polarity of those virtues, creating the wholeness of that virtue I AM THAT I AM as Above so below!…Receive me then in the name of the least of these my brethren.  Receive me then in the name of the little child or littlest angel or crystal carol or summer song of love.  -Maitreya:  3-24-1985 at Camelot, Pearl 28:53


12)  Understand therefore their determination to nullify and preempt the light of the ruby ray.  But they shall not pass--they have not passed!  And for the implementation of God’s holy will in this hour you must remain in the integrity of the cosmic honor flame and fear not to speak out in denunciation of fallen ones and their pernicious ways purveying a culture of death through rock and drugs.  

-Maitreya:  7-14-1985 at Camelot, Pearl 28:41


13)  And I, Maitreya, will not leave off from probing to the very core of your being!  And my angels are fiery spirits and they come with a yellow fire that you cannot even imagine.  It penetrates and uncovers and exposes.  And if this is what you want from the Mystery School, this is what it portends.  And let all those who want some flattery for their egos and psychic talk of nonsense--let them go out, let them find false gurus! 

                      -Maitreya:  12-31-1985 at Camelot, Pearl 29:19


14)  Henceforth wherever you go angels and all will note that you have attended here.  You have endured.  You have concluded your course with joy.  And let all upon this planet know that I, Maitreya, am sponsor of those who deal justly with their God and with all life, those who place justice and honor and mercy as standard of all interchange with life.  Let those who have known me deliver this my mandate to all and become it.  Let the age of Maitreya be marked by bearers of freedom’s flame.  Let Earth be penetrated with violet fire.   -Maitreya:  12-11-1988 at RTR, MT, Pearl 31:85


15)  Thus there is a futility in rebellion against the Law, beloved.  And you must understand that too much of this mortal stuff within the subconscious disqualifies the individual from the path of chelaship even under the beloved El Morya who has certainly stuck out his neck and stretched that neck to the limits on behalf of those who did not have sufficient inner wholeness to be able to sustain a relationship in honor to this great one [El Morya], who has come to save his own and Sanat Kumara’s [chelas].

  Therefore it is true and learn the lesson well:  the individual must have enough balance within himself, within his psyche to hold friendship with the Guru, not to fear the Guru!  And therefore fear having been cast out, doubt will also disappear.  But out of doubt, beloved, [which is willful] withholding of trust [in the Guru] there does come hatred of the Guru.  You may have covered it over many times and sugarcoated it again, but yet it remains [in both the subconscious and unconscious….

  You must understand that she (who walks in me and I in her [i.e., the Messenger]) understands with profound compassion division in the members [of one’s psyche as well as] the mantle of Guru [as] focalpoint for hatred of the dweller[-on-the-threshold].  Yes, there is a polarization but it is so that you might choose (even by the appearance of the one sent to you as Messenger) between your own Messenger–who is Christ the Lord, the Holy One of God within you–and [its antithesis personified in] the dweller.  Thus there is indeed a polarization; and the personages, the players of absolute reality and unreality within thy life become self-evident [on the road to the inner Buddha]….

  Therefore I say, by freewill pick your Guru, any ascended master, and stick to that one like glue and trust that one and do not attempt to be your own Messenger, your own Teacher, your own doctor, lawyer or Indian chief.  Blessed ones, you cannot.   

-Maitreya:  7-4-1989 at RTR, MT, Pearl 32:37


16)  In truth when men understand the ritual of forgiveness and the ritual of honor they will understand that as they reach out from their hearts to enfold one whom they meet with true and unbiased love, there flows from their hearts to that one an energy of upliftment that in contacting the receptive heart is raised exponentially into higher dimensions until by the power of the square root the cosmic cube glows within that energy and amplifies it by love.  This positively-charged energy then returns to the sender, assuring him that the blessings he will reap for the joy he has released to another will be a permanent part of his world forever.   -Maitreya:  12-31-1989 at RTR, MT, Pearl 33:1   


17)  Rise to the level of the true person that you are, to true dignity and honor that life has given to you.  O such a mighty bestowal!…And when I say I will restore America to her Christhood I am speaking of America as the I AM race and [I am speaking of] the I AM race embodied in every nation, in every race, in every area of the planet.  

I come to restore that Christhood in you who have let it go down.   -Maitreya:  7-4-1992 at RTR, MT, Pearl 35:42


Honor is the flame that differentiates man and beast.

1)  In this kingdom of light, the promised land wherein dwells the one virtue of God, there will manifest first in the hearts of the people a spirit of divine unity and compassion and understanding and honor.

  Cosmic honor, beloved ones, is vital.  So long as mankind do not have the honor within their own heart to intend to do the will of God, how can they possibly attune to the vibratory action of the kingdom of God?    

-Micah:  6-3-1962 at Washington D.C. via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearl 55:13


2)  I AM the presence of the flame of justice.  I AM the presence of allegiance.  I AM the salute of the honor flame.  Honor is the Word.  Those who have not the honor of self-respect are found to be untrustworthy in the service of the Law….

  I say, surrender not one erg of energy to the Tempter and see how you can reestablish the borders of the citadel of being and the citadel of this land with light, with nobility, with the cosmic honor flame, and with the consciousness of the Elohim. 

                       -Godfre:  2-22-1975 at San Francisco, Pearl 62:25


3)  Let them then challenge every policy, every doctrine and every dogma, wherever it is found in church and state, that is not in keeping with the principles of Christ and Buddha.  Let every Keeper of the Flame be staunch in the cosmic honor flame, in the understanding that where there is compromise, the least compromise, in the individual life of the Keeper of the Flame there will be failure.  There, whatever project, whatever plan you are engaged in is doomed to fail….

  Let every Keeper of the Flame then be Armed Freedom!  Let your defense be truth and honor.  Let your defense be the sacred fire.  Let your defense be your integrity, which is your integration with the God-flame….Before the American people can understand what it means to be the cosmic honor guard of an entire lifewave, they must know soul freedom….

  You are those children for whom these patriots gave their lives and fortunes and their sacred honor.  You are the children of the Mother. Now it is your time, now it is your space to walk the path of initiation.  In the honor and in the integrity of Abraham Lincoln I AM come!  And do you know that that gifted sculptor who carved Armed Freedom, Thomas Crawford, did not live to see the raising of the statue on the nation’s Capitol but was taken from the screen of life because he was willing to give his life to focus the matrix of the Cosmic Mother of Freedom?   

               -Goddess of Freedom:  6-30-1976 at Washington D.C., Pearl 44:21


4)  Mercy is the flame of family and of filial piety wherein the cosmic honor flame, pure white, is ensconced.   In this kingdom of light, the promised land wherein dwells the one virtue of God, there will manifest first in the hearts of the people a spirit of divine unity and compassion and understanding and honor….The tender, forgiving love that binds together the members of each family unit is the same love which binds up the wounds of the nations.   

                                   -Kuan Yin:  Pearl 23:8


5)  Now we come to the time in history when Americans, the true members of the I AM race, may be dwelling anywhere upon the planet, in any nation.  And those who are true members of that race are those who carry Christ-light in dignity and in honor, who merit the title of sons and daughters of God. The members of that race are the sheep of the ascended masters who know the voice of truth and follow that voice, by the flame of obedience, unto the death and unto life--the death of the ego and the life of the divine Self.

  We see then how most attempts to appease the enemy with the dollar, to compromise standards, to feed the enemy from the granaries of America have failed to win the hearts of mankind for the flame of the Mother or the flameof freedom. …

  I see travail and I see victory.  I see it.  I hold the concept of victory and I AM the victory within you, each and every one. And I AM that victory for every child, every soul upon the planet.  And I AM relentless, I AM determined, and I AM the action of the cosmic honor flame.

  Precious ones, never, never, never compromise your honor.  For your honor is your sacred name and your sacred identity.  If you allow that honor to be trampled upon, you have no identity; you are counted among the herds of cattle upon hillsides.  Honor is the flame that differentiates man and beast.

  Therefore keep the cosmic honor flame.  Keep it as burnished steel, as whitefire light.  And know that as you keep that honor I AM the flaming presence in the center of honor.  And I AM with you always, even to the transformation, the transfiguration, of America and her people.   

                      -Godfre:  12-28-1973 at Mexico City, Pearl 55:15


6)  Above all things you might pray for from the Holy Kumaras, pray for the cosmic honor flame.  And measure all actions, all musings of the mind by the honor that was the signet of your Thomas Becket, your Thomas More, whom you honor as your Chief and Counsellor.  Is honor not the quality that you so laud in your Teacher?

  Will you not then make it your own?  Without your word as your honor, without your actions as your honor how can you walk the straight and narrow path wherein you commit wrong toward none but good toward all?

  That is the beauty of the honor flame.  When you speak in honor, when you do not repeat gossip, when you do not engage in criticism, condemnation and judgment, especially during the cycle of Capricorn,  you will see how you liberate yourself to enter in to the cosmic honor flame, which is a positive attribute of the sign of Capricorn.  It is a high honor.  And out of honor come the blessings of the Great Divine Director, whose great blue causal body amplifies the God-power of the Capricorn hierarchy.

  Have you thought when you make your major choices in life that there is one right choice and a thousand other options?  What leads you to right choice?  It is honor, beloved, honor in daily decisions.  And if sometime you may tarnish your honor, you can polish it again by right action and a profound humility, calling upon the law of forgiveness so that you might be given another opportunity to perform not one but many righteous deeds….The ascended hosts of the Great White Brotherhood cannot guarantee the stability of the earth, but you can guarantee the stability of your own heart, your own mind, your own honor, your own path and your own resolution to balance karma every day of your life.   

        -Sanat Kumara with Lady Venus:  1-2-1994 at RTR, MY, Pearl 37:10


7)   So do fiery salamanders come!  So do they move in your midst, beloved ones.  I ask you to stand in honor of elemental life and bow to their hearts….

  Call to God Harmony!  Call to the victors of harmony throughout the Earth!  And dedicate yourselves this day, if you have the courage and determina­tion to do 

so--yes, ­dedicate yourselves this day to the perfecting of harmony within your members, within various systems of the physical body, within the four quadrants of your body also:  the etheric, mental, desire and physical bodies.  All of these must be in harmony.  And with that harmony what will take place?  Very soon, beloved, sacred fire of the Divine Mother shall begin to rise on the altar of your being.   -Micah:  4-20-1997 at Los Angeles, Pearl 45:16   ………………………………………………………………….