Saturday, March 20, 2021

the goal of the fallen angels: keep in subjugation all evolutions and the planetary bodies they have invaded and to prevent them from rising

 15)  I come after the beginning of the Dark Cycle in Aries so that you will understand that the original conspiracy against the lightbearers and the various evolutions and creations that began long, long ago with the fall of the fallen angels did begin and have its origin with a chemical manipu­lation, a genetic manipulation, and did come about not only through this vein of addiction and supplying of people with all manner of stimulants but with other modes of conspir­acy, thereby to limit the extent of the people to rise, to take dominion, to make contact with octaves of light or to in any way challenge the fallen angels.

  Since their fall it has been the goal of the fallen angels to keep in subjugation all evolutions and the planetary bodies they have invaded and to prevent them from rising to any form of equality, to contact the power of God, to learn the secrets of the Great White Brotherhood--which they themselves have per­verted from the beginning in their arts of black magic, war and witchcraft, necromancy and sorcery.   -Saint Germain:  12-29-1984 at Camelot, Pearl 27:32


16)  Therefore the one voice who directs and reveals the right way for the economy or the affairs of state becomes the messenger of the Darjeeling Council, the single voice of truth in the field of genetics, biology, oceanography--every area, including education and the fundamentals. The truth is there.  This is the very point of the Lamb that has been slain from the foundation of the world.  This Lamb of God comes first as a principle to be espoused by Christed ones.  Then it is embodied, that the little children might receive the impartations of that communion….

  Fearlessness flame is the key to the slaying of all other beasts on the lines of the clock.  Where is there a greater hour or moment to slay this beast than as you stand squarely now with the Sun releasing the initiations of the hierarchy of Cancer?  It is the sign of the Mother, the sign of the opening of the astral plane, the sign of the opening up of the hatch out of which shall come all of thy fears parading, causing the sense of injustice and self-pity and indecision.  The fears are so numerous, beloved, it is like determining which ant to go after when you have fifty ants crawling on the table.  This is indecision when you are not focused on God but on the manifold ploys of the enemy.  

                                    -Morya:  6-23-1985 at RTR, MT, Pearl 28:30


17)   Understand what we see, beloved ones.  If those who are in embodiment today who are so beset by these diseases that truly affect the genes, who are beset by drugs that also affect the genes--if all of this war on the seat-of-the-soul chakra then produces a new generation of individuals who no longer have the genetic material to bring in a golden age and a golden-age race, what do you suppose the Cosmic Council and the Lords of Karma will do?  Do you think that they will allow the seventh root race to embody through those individuals who are incomplete, who do not have the capacity to endow them [these new souls] from their causal bodies of light with those things that are necessary to their evolution?  I tell you, they will not.   

                    -Archangel Michael:  12-6-1985 in West Germany:  Pearl 29:9


18)  Genetically their seed is sown among the tares.  By will­fulness, favoritism, desiring to be liked by these gods, mankind and even the sons of light have taken unto themselves certain genetic combinations that have given to them a propensity for pride and ambition which, beloved hearts, is indeed not their original portion but which must then be overcome by a conscious deter­mina­tion.  It is as though shoes were worn by a certain step or a certain leaning of the foot and now you would attempt to right it.  But the shoes have been worn in the wrong way and so now it is difficult to correct the step.

  I tell you, all things may come into alignment with the will of God by your desiring, by your determination, by your conscious willing….

  They are as a web of darkness.  They are almost as microbes forming a net.  It does not matter to them if some of the cells, some of the components of their conspiracy are no more.  What they desire is perpetuation of the false hierarchy itself and the consciousness of anti-God across the galaxies.  Let me tell you, beloved ones, that those key individuals who have come—and come to Earth and been here millions of years and now approach the hour of their Judgment—they then must be bound and taken by the mighty archangels because, beloved, with them goes [there can be taken] the very core of the [false hierarchy of the] initiation of Evil on their planetary home or system.   -Elohim Hercules and Amazonia:  12-30-1985 at Camelot, Pearl 29:18  


19)   I speak of the pollution that is dire in the medical profession—the backwardness, in­trigue and treachery that does put upon the bodies of this people drugs that actually interfere with the genetic strain of the race.  Beloved ones, do not be guinea pigs in your mind, your body, your soul, your spirit for anyone or anything.  

                -Saint Germain:  6-8-1986 at San Francisco, Pearl 29:59


20)  Therefore understand, beloved, how critical have been the laws handed down by the patriarchs unto the seed of the true Hebrews and lightbearers which stated that they were not to commingle that seed with the lesser creation that had been created by the fallen angels.  Now the plague has come upon the race, beloved, for the ancient Atlantean karma, worse than sodomy, of animalism whereby these laggards, these godless ones, did cohabitate with their own animal creation, producing a genetic mutation that has survived to the present for which the curse and the judgment has now descended….

  Hearts full of fire, understand that the Sons of God in earth are not in great number.  Yet the salvation of these is the reason for being of Sanat Kumara.  There is a chaff that is burned and there are the tares that are bound in bundles and burned.  Realize then that that which is saved unto everlasting life is the good wheat of the [genetic] seed of Christ.

  When you have this seed and you know that you have this seed, for the fire burns in your heart, you have two goals in life:  first, to preserve your personal integrity and to disentangle yourself from the enmeshments of karma with these fallen ones.  And second, to bring the knowledge of the Great White Brotherhood and the religion of the Divine Mother to all others who have this divine spark.  Two goals alone: disentanglement with the dark web woven by anti-minds of the UFOs and the ascent (vibrationally) of heart and mind to octaves of safety.    -Morya:  8-8-1987 at RTR, MT, Pearl 30:46


21)  Why are mankind so trusting of visitors from space whom they know not and who encroach upon their way of life, who have even limited expansion of their [mankind’s] intelligence by genetic design to see that they do not remember the Ancient of Days or archangels or their tie to their I AM Presence?  Is it not curious that throughout scripture men of God have communed with angels and yet in this hour their forgetfulness is almost complete?  I tell you, it is an interference that is conscious and willing on the part of those from space who have ever determined to subjugate the race[—and the I AM race, if they could].   

                          -Archangel Michael:  10-11-1987 at Baltimore, Pearl 30:60


22)  Blessed ones, inasmuch as a judgment has already been rendered, it does require but ratification and confirmation daily by Keepers of the Flame.  These violators of the genetic seed of the Christed ones of earth must not be allowed to tamper with, to borrow that sacred fire and thus perpetuate for aeons their robotic creation by even a microscopic portion of the Liberty-flame which itself is a part of the genetic code of lightbearers.

  Understand therefore, beloved, something that not all have considered.  When dictation after dictation does find us declaring to you the judgment of certain conditions in the Earth, this is the “green light” whereby you stand and make that call and ratify that judgment for your home, your place on Earth, your town, city, nation and solar system….

  It is most essential that you understand that Keepers of the Flame are inviolate before these aliens when you are clothed upon with our mantle, our Electronic Presence; and that Electronic Presence is always focused through the spoken Word….

  Thus as Saint Germain declared to the Messengers long ago in Colorado Springs, just because you have recently found out concerning the surveillance techniques of these fallen ones, of the governments of Earth and of aliens, just because you have recently found out that their genetic manipulation has been ongoing for hundreds of thousands of years does not mean that you should have any greater anxiety or fear today than you did yesterday when your outer mind was in blissful ignorance, for you have also known these things at inner levels.  

               -Goddess of Liberty:  7-2-1988 at RTR, MT, Pearl 31:62


23)  Let us say, beloved, that the mark of one who has this [bent] in his psychology to manifest human perfection is the mark of spiritual pride.  It is also the mark of one who engages in excessive self-condemnation, which by and by becomes the condemnation of others.  And so you see, beloved, that expectation that one should be a human god is antithetical to the path of Maitreya.  I ask you to look at this so that you may shed the snakeskin that some have brought of their inheritances from various nations around the world where this consciousness is so prevalent as to be ingrained, and we find that people do not even realize that this [tendency] has been instilled in them by Nephilim gods themselves [as genetic tares sown among genetic wheat].    

                     -Archeia Mary:  8-14-1989 at RTR, MT, Pearl  32:44


24)  But if [neglect of the integration of body, soul, mind, heart and spirit] keeps up in schoolhouses of the nation, you will surely see that these generations of children who have been subjected to all sorts of programming and interference with [unfoldment of their spiritual destiny through] their genetic code and then the process of development by [incorrect and even harmful] educational methods will simply not be able to carry forward Saint Germain’s dispensation that has been bequeathed to America [of freedom, of true religion under God the Mighty I AM Presence, and of applied science and representative government]….

  Make haste to resolve your psychology, to accelerate your chakras, to balance your beings [by right mindfulness and right diet] so that you may provide them with sound four lower bodies and a sound genetic system liberated from the drugs and the chemicals and the burdens upon the body.    

                        -Gautama Buddha:  10-4-1989 at RTR, MT, Pearl 32:48


25)   Consider the field of genetic engineering, beloved.  It went wild and was rampant on Atlantis.  Thus Atlantis was destroyed for the very process of genetically engineering crossbreeds between human and animal life.  These things are happening today as scientists in their laboratories are again finding ways and means to create the so-called perfect human or animal robot to do their bidding.  Blessed hearts, there is a crossing of the line where God says “Thus far and no farther!”  It has happened before.  It will happen again.   -Leto:  10-28-1990 at NYC, Pearl 33:45


26)  For there is not a single son or daughter of God who does go forth in His name but what that one must take up the challenge of the fallen angels.  To meet them directly you must first conquer their seed sown as tares in the genetic code of yourself, in the garment [of your soul], in the propensities of your very humanness.  Therefore, beloved, shirk not this mission.  

                     -Magda:  3-31-1991, Easter, at RTR, MT, Pearl 34:20


27)  I speak then of drugs, all types of drugs--heroin, cocaine, marijuana, et cetera.  I speak of these drugs invading the minds of people of all ages.  I speak of these drugs causing an alteration in the genetic code of individuals and eventually in their offspring.  I speak of the use of drugs throughout the world, and I say that their widespread use is preventing the light of God from rising on the spinal altar of all those who partake of them….

  There are benign beings who travel in spacecraft and there are not-so-benign beings who travel in spacecraft.  (And any Ascended Master may use a spacecraft at will or not at all.)  Some aliens come in spacecraft on the astral plane and go undetected by earth’s people. Such as these are bent on destroying civilization, extracting the genetic code of human life and stealing the genetic material of humanity in order to combine it with the “less human” genes of the evolutions of their planetary systems.  And you have heard countless reports about people who have been abducted.  

                                 -Lanello:  2-26-1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl 38:9


28)  And I tell you, the forces of anti-love have established their strongholds across the galaxies.  They have turned their backs upon Almighty God and therefore they wander about seeking what souls they may devour, stealing genes and other genetic material from human life.  These forces also create poisoned arrows of 


                               -Paul the Venetian:  7-4-1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl 38:34


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