Saturday, March 20, 2021

genes are the most sensitive vessel of your entire world

1)  Man’s attempt to alter the structure of the DNA molecule and thereby gain control of the human embryo is not new; successfully accomplished in past eras, it may be achieved once again in this age.  When respected and rightly implemented by wise men of divine attainment this feat of science will present such marvelous possibilities to the race as to appear miraculous–albeit all miracles are the demonstration of natural law.  However the great danger in such discoveries lies in their misuse by corrupt men who, while playing God in the realm of matter, neglect to play God as they ought in the realm of Spirit.   

                                        -Maitreya:  Pearls of Wisdom 14:41  ………………………………………………………………............................

2)  The heel is symbol not only of the reproductive organs but also of genes and chromosomes and DNA spiral which conveys in matter the Christic-light sealed in the seed and the egg of man and woman.  Inroads into the very light of the soul itself are being attempted once again by reembodied Atlantean scientists–serpents in your midst who contemplate the submission of the entire human race to their devilish designs (all in the guise of good) through alteration of the genetic code, selective breeding of the seed of Serpent with the seed of Christ to produce a supposed superior race having the cunning of the fallen ones enhanced by the light of the Woman.  They also contemplate behavior modification for mankind’s passive role-playing in the perverted matrices of Serpent and of course euthanasia, misnamed ‘mercy killing’, and the abortion of the life of the innocents in the womb of the Mother. They shall not pass! 

  Awake, awake ye sons and daughters of light!  Awake, put on strength, thou who art the arm of the Lord in all the Earth!  Awake as in the ancient days when thou camest in the generations of old with the Ancient of Days vowing to save the Woman and her seed!  Art thou not the band of chosen ones that hath cut Rahab to ribbons and wounded the dragon to death?    -Sanat Kumara:  Pearl 22:46


3)  Thus, beloved ones, any pathway that is a pathway of ease must be looked at as circumspect.  Realize this and take heart, for we have mounted the mountains of cosmos and we are ever spiraling in the expansion of the God-flame of individual attainment itself.  All who have gone before you of the Great White Brotherhood have submitted.  And though they went through their Gethsemane and the burden of the dark night of the soul and the dark night of the Spirit, they pressed on to the light….

  Each one of the cells and molecules of your being distorted by impressions of the fallen ones’ manipulations and chemicals themselves is being expanded, softened, and now brought into alignment with the inner magnet and matrix of the Mother’s heart.

  Omega, Omega, O light, Omega—now fasten Thyself within the Matter sphere. Omega, let these Thy chalices now appear with radiant light year upon year, cycle upon cycle.  Let Thy light flow.  Let there be now this inner alignment and this raising.  Thus the divine mold contains the divine manifestation, and here on earth we prepare the body of God to contain the more perfect image of the living Word.

  Omega, Omega, Omega, our Mother of Light!--O come now, Thou Brooding One, enter these planes and octaves.  Let Thy light flash forth.  Call Thy children home.  Let them be drawn into Thy sacred heart.  Omega, Omega, Omega, O Thy light, O Thy light!--how it shines within the souls of these Thy children, Thyself in manifestation.  We who are Elohim bow before the light of the Universal Mother.

  O Alpha, Alpha, Alpha light!now descend into thy sons and daughters of Terra.  Alpha out of the Central Sun, come forth!  Elohim call in the name of Thy children.  Send them!  Send them!  Send them unto light, unto Elohim!  Helios, Helios and Vesta, bright star, bright Sun, Shining One--let Thy rippling light accelerate now within this forcefield, within this tabernacle.  O light, change now!  change now!  change now!  [Intonation]    -Elohim Arcturus:  Pearl 23:36


4)    And whence cometh the lesser creation?  It is also the product of genetic manipulation.  And therefore one can look back and further back and discover these self-styled Darwinians who, in the very origination of the evil of their hearts, determined to enslave the Christic-light against whom they rebelled in the courts of heaven.

  Thus there are levels of rebels called fallen ones.  And the Watchers represented a class all of their own who responded to the lust of power, to the mockery of God, to the entering in of the misuse of the life-force itself.   -Enoch:  12-29-1980 at Camelot, Pearl 24:5  


5)  How great is the misuse of the sacred fire and of science when it is used to destroy the genetic code of life, to manipulate the nucleus of the atom, and when the control even of brain-waves at a distance becomes the plot of arch-deceivers of mankind!

  They have also returned.  Therefore there is a certain matter of urgency in your response to pursue the violet flame and to become alchemists on one of the seven rays.  For you see, they represent the counterpoint to your own divine identity--that identity that has had a superior education and training and even knowledge of science in previous incarnations to this one.  Beloved hearts, the fallen Atlanteans were also a part of this crossbreeding of fallen angels with the races of men.   

                      -Saint Germain:  12-30-1980 at Camelot, Pearl 24:7


6)  It required a statement en masse of the people to denounce and turn back the theories of the super-race and genetic engineering propounded by Hitler and those who were a party to his ideas who were also in the United States.  The warlords, the scientists of fallen Atlantis, were all a part of this conspiracy against the children of the light.  My beloved, so great was the black magic practiced upon the people that the only way to turn it back was to have it utterly and totally exposed.  

           -Archangel Jophiel and Christine:  1-1-1981 at Camelot, Pearl 24:12


7)   Most blessed hearts, love on earth is an initiation failed by the vast majority of the people.  And the energy of love as misuse of the creative fires, manipulation of the genetic code, has produced every variation from the theme of Christ in man and beast.  And the bestial nature of fallen ones is perverted love.  Just as everywhere you look you can find perfect love, so everywhere you look you can see its inversion.  

                             -Serapis Bey:  4-19-1981 at Camelot, Pearl 24:25


8)  And so we have seen in the decades that followed that Second World War, not the rising up of ascended master youth but the putting down of that youth by the fallen angels and the Watchers who remain abroad in the land and at inner levels—and who, day by day, are being brought to the judgment by your calls that are fervent and determined and most necessary. …

  And therefore we have seen the rise of genetic engineering and pollution by the misuse of the light of chemistry, which again is the misuse of the light of Alpha and Omega in the fiery core of every atom of matter substance.    

                           -Saint Germain:  5-3-1981 at Camelot, Pearl 24:27


9)  Beloved ones, under our office of the second ray, you must realize, there are many, many concerns of the misuse of the mind of God and the attempt to distort that mind in the people of earth. Whether through genetic engineering, whether through manipulation through psychotronics, whether through the drug culture, whether through all forms of misuse of the sacred fire:  the onslaught is upon the mind of the people of the world.  And that mind--such a fine-tuned instrument that can, on contact and immediately, be aware of God through Elohim--is drawn to lower levels of carnality and greed, self-indulgence, or mere intellectual chicanery, which we state as such because it is the most confining, anti-Christ pursuit when it is based solely upon empirical evidence and a certain narrow and dry formula, from which Francis Bacon attempted to liberate the West and the race.   -Elohim Apollo and Lumina:  1-1-1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:10  


10)  Needless to say, our message to you concerning the sanctity of life and of the offspring of the sons and daughters of God is clear and given as directed by us.  It is most necessary that you give (guarded) attention to those who consider themselves the authority of Earth’s destiny and all of her inhabitants.  Whether through control by limiting population or control by increased population you can see that they desire to have at their fingertips either of the two alternatives.  And therefore they would assume the power of the sixth ray.  They would displace the entire path of initiation.  -Elohim Peace and Aloha:  1-3-1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:14 


11)  Beware then the vibration of Styx.  Beware the vibration of all of those who sing the songs of the River of Death.  For they take you, my beloved, with them coursing.  And the subtlety of the River of Death moving through then these rock stars is that the river flows downward, deeper and deeper into the canyons of the astral plane, until you arrive at the destination that was intended from the beginning of the spiral--the place of hell itself. 


                   -Helios and Vesta:  5-2-1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:31


12)   For this is what the legalization of marijuana is.  It is the legalization of death.  It is like legalizing abortion, euthanasia, all forms of genetic engineering, and suicide itself.  It is the guarantee of the individual that he will be protected in the right to die.  There are some who cannot die, for they have never lived.  We are not concerned with these, for they must ultimately succumb to the law of their own mortality and to their own lifewave.  We are concerned with the living who have become the dead and who must be raised from the tomb.  You must raise Jairus’ daughter!    -Lady Meru:  6-13-1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:35  


13)  In addition, as you know, these fallen ones who once had the divine spark lost their light and also joined their own godless creation.  The giants and the overlords and those who have manipulated the life-force and the genetic strain of earth’s evolutions thus set about taking command of the Earth and standing at the helm of the ship of state, nation by nation.

  Beloved hearts, these individuals have positioned themselves, as you well know, to the right, to the left, and in the middle of the entire political and economic spectrum.  Thus you will understand how the seed of light, the seed of Christ and the tares sown among the good seed are now intertwined karmically in many situations upon earth—a sprinkling of the sons of God and many of the fallen ones occupying seats of power in all fields.  

                         -Saint Germain:  10-6-1983 at Camelot, Pearl 26:50


14)  The genes are the most sensitive vessel of your entire world, and these chalices of light affect your thinking even as your thinking affects them.  You not only propagate children by your genetic code, you propagate world consciousness, Christ consciousness by what you are and what you carry.  And therefore the stamp of your identity moment by moment goes forth!    

-Jesus Christ:  11-24-1983, Thanksgiving, at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 26:56    ……………………………………………………………….........................

   Let the entire program for the defense of America be implemented swiftly without regard to reactions of the fallen ones who are at the head of the state of Mother Russia, who have seized that throne of Mother Russia, who have it not by authority of the Great White Brotherhood and are using that light of the Ancient of Days which they have usurped, calling themselves the Supreme Soviet.  Let them be bound, let them be judged, and let them hear that this day the power of the Elohim of Peace does withdraw from that seat of government in Russia all light ever vested in the tribe of Reuben reincarnated there!     -Elohim Peace and Aloha:  6-10-1984 at Camelot, Pearl 32:14       


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