Thursday, January 23, 2020

“Come over into Macedonia and help us”

               Pearls of Wisdom 10:50   Morya   December 10, 1967
                                     The Round Table 
  Dust settles but to rise.  Fanned by the winds of opposition, ungoverned energies seethe in the world and disquiet the strength of divine purpose even as precious stones are covered by settling dust.  The waters of emotion as human wiles in play combine to produce the impediment of mud.  The bane of mortal struggle can be stopped, the Law of infinite love can be employed by many, and the few who inspire can draw from cosmic treasuries the energies that for ages have been held in escrow awaiting the pledge of sincere unities.  Nothing has changed in the eternal purposes, but the weariness of mortal custom betrays the glow of heaven’s continual ministrations.  From whence cometh this perpetuation of dullness that blunts penetration by the seeker whose heart as a grail retains faith in universal purpose?
  Now we draw nigh to the cyclic fashion of celebration when the rectangular concept is discarded for the old image that flowered in ancient knighthood, the image of the Round Table where every man may participate in the glow of the Central Cosmic Sun.
  Was not the comfort of the Christ born for all parts of life?  And were not all intended to bask in the supernal radiance of cosmic intent?  Behind the visible and in the realm of symbol, simile, metaphor, folktale, myth and drama lies the effortful intent of the cosmic hierarchy to bring about the dawn of greater light upon the path that shall awaken in man the sense of his own mission.  Each mystical conception that emanates through the many spiritual organizations and shines upon both just and unjust has its noble purpose.  But the carnal lies take their toll and many men prefer to swat gnats upon a camel’s back rather than to steer toward a salutary goal.
  As I bring forth in this blessed season my reminders to the sincere it is to assure you that the efforts of heaven to stimulate mankind and provide new hopes to a waiting world continue and will always do so.  We are not moved by human discord and senseless disunity.  We are moved neither by mortal ignorance nor by the elements of decay that sit as vultures upon mankind’s consciousness.
  We have sought the holy Grail.  We have heard the strains of consuming passion and felt the thrill of ecstasy that heralds the approach of the Christ-image forming within the soul.  Effort is required on our part to penetrate the shard of mankind’s recalcitrance, to assist him in an hour when his doings are ever turned away from the face of the light.  But God in His infinite mercy as we have sought Him has also shed the brilliance of His light within our souls and the flow of mercy He has not staunched.
  During the coming year mercy will cause the light to increase even in the teeth of a greedy ignorance that yields no promise to mankind of even reasonable security in the world domain, that provides no full measure of hope to the hearts of the mothers of the world nor any approach of the glowing reality of cosmic purpose in the world chalice.  World brotherhood is the means whereby men can through noble efforts carve out of the world order the tangible body of Christ that unites all hearts in one grand design.
Men wish to reap that which they have not sown,
They wish to take that which is not their own,
They wish to shun that which could atone.
  My beloved brethren, the wall of human substance encasing the world has never been so dense nor has it ever been composed of less of the substance of reality.  The trivial nature of most of the divisionary problems between individuals, families, nations and ideologies is a ridiculous price to pay for world disharmony.  Multiplied soul by soul across the faces of many nations, mankind’s problems become a blight upon nature and a despot enthroned as a many-headed beast in the world community.
  Is it any wonder then that heaven feels the passionate need to exhort you who are our beloved friends enlisted in the cause of service to mankind—you who seek your own renewal in the heavenly covenant and escape from mortal thralldom—that you will not grow weary in prayer or in well doing, that you will not forsake our word of old:  “Thou shalt...decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee”?  For it is our earnest prayer that you will not neglect in the joy of Christmas and the joy of the angels to support the strong framework that must undergird the spiritual community of the earth and that you will prepare to endure the hard brunt of psychic attacks that are leveled against our best warriors.
  Remember that after the birth of the young child it was necessary to secrete him out of the land of his birth and into Egypt.  In the darkness of Egypt the great light shone and the call of the prophet of old “Out of Egypt have I called my son” was prophetic of the Christ even as it is today prophetic of the emerging soul who comes forth from the bondage of Egypt, from the bondage of sense consciousness, from a sense of struggle and restlessness into the calm, steadfast light of the mind of God that contemplates eternal virtue and value as supreme within the domain of the individual.
  The Great Emancipator is the star of His wonder:  it is the sense of God’s magnificence, the understanding that must clothe man as a mantle, the virtue of true purity and the realization that eternity which may live in a moment is not always born in a moment.  The travail of effort spans time and when the fullness of that time cometh it bursts as a new star into view.
   That which you have called spadework, that which seems to be vain effort is never in vain if the goal is held in view; and there is no time like the present hour to intensify and intensify and intensify the fervor of the soul that the Law requires in the consciousness of every pledged brother of our Table Round.  As of old, the knights of the Spirit hold high their shining lances of light.  We cannot let the flower of divine idealism become a mere fanciful idea or even an uttered word unacted upon.
  The alchemy of action must be our cry, for the Christ Militant, as in the vision of John of Revelator, must ride forth on a white charger.  The purity of the Christ in the consciousness of the children and youth must be surpassed in the adult community by the passions of Christ-example.  This should be extended in hope to the rising youth who still retain in consciousness the image of the bad examples that they have seen in the past as blight upon the glowing escutcheon of righteous armor.
  The world community needs a renewal of integrity, of virtue, of purity that His star may renew itself in each individual.  The past is prologue; the future glows as a Sun of hope.  Let us magnify it, let us sustain it, let us expand it, let us become it.  God wills it and awaits our will to join His own.
   I love you as you love God’s will, 
                                          EL MORYA
               Pearls of Wisdom 10:51  Archangel Uriel  December 17, 1967
  Children of men, the science of the soul cannot be captured in a thimble.  The semantics of progress have been imprisoned within a mortal cage of words and seek release in a new language of the Spirit.  The science of word knowledge is as little understood by the masses of mankind as are the tongues of angels or cosmic tongues of unknown worlds.  And thus the love of God that shines forth so clearly to those who have eyes to see appears to some as the underscoring of the clouds whose darkened surfaces, haloed by a golden radiance, bid promise of the Sun.
  Great men have come and gone.  Their entrances and exits upon the stages of life leave impact but this is far too frequently surpassed by the whimsy of rising meteoric flashings, signifying pride and the desire for fame as mortal hopes for personal gain rise and wane.  Each soul has its inherent worth.  The Father of Universal Life did not create any individual bereft of purpose or magnificence, therefore a willingness to perceive the gleams of the Christ in the darkness of personal manifestation will invoke a breakthrough.
  The angels of ministration who serve with me desire to assist the lifestreams of Earth and every individual who searches and hungers for greater love, for greater understanding, for greater manifestation in the achievement of that magnification of the original cosmic purpose that constitutes truth and reality.  It is not enough, precious ones, to desire.  Desire must be fanned by the God-flame into some radius of action.  An expanding orbit is desirable, but men must claim that which they invoke.  The hopper of the mind must maintain flow, but if it become filled with a jargon of undigested material, it will reject the product of its own greedy search only to be left to feed starvingly upon that substance of questionable truth which it has predigested.
  The need of the soul then in contemplation of the magnificent purpose of the Godhead for each lifestream is to court the beauty of perspective by asking the Eternal Father to unfold the drama of dominion over the sphere of personal identity.  Thus the hallowed circle of God’s infinite purpose shall descend in proportionate measure to overlay the individual life purpose of man as it was outlined in the beginning.  The borders of that purpose together with the understanding of its ultimate fulfillment shall then be seen to widen day by day in a safe and sane manner, and the promised dominion will become a field of secure reality to each child-seeker for the God-domain.
  The angels of our band are ministers who seek to assist mankind in the harvest of eternal reality.  We do not deny that the Father has often sent us on a mission of mercy to wing our way to the most unsuspecting heart at a moment even when human desires were active.  There in some small measure it was our service to comfort men in the satiation of their little needs while, as with a penciled sunbeam, we sought to penetrate the grossness of mortal thought and feeling with the ethereal reality of the great continents of the air, the heavenly realm, the kingdom of God.  It is not that heaven seeks to provide mere creature comforts to men, but we understand that without some measure of sanity and balance which these often bring individuals would lose their way in the dark and fail utterly to regain that perspective by which the Law of love, justice and universal Being becomes known to each one.
  One of the dearest desires of the Lord Christ Jesus, often expressed to many of us in the angelic realms, is that men should make an effort to understand themselves.  The Christ of each man is the savior of that man, and unless he is able to make contact with the Christ of his own being, the redemption of the Universal Christ into which the Master Jesus entered in consciousness must remain for all intents and purposes a garment of such large proportions as to ill fit the emerging child-man.
  Mankind should understand that through attunement with the gift of light that is their own individualized Holy Christ Self they are able to attain to a state of being wherein consciousness can expand into its own reality, its own relativity, and thus achieve universal reality/universal relativity—the ability to expand and contract form, the ability to disseminate consciousness through the world ring and out into the domain of spiral nebulae and starry distances beyond comprehension.  The reach must always exceed the grasp, but the domain of the field of the Lord must be understood as having an appointed habitation or boundary circumscribed by cosmic Law and sacrosanct to the soul of each individual.
  It is when they begin to sense the Christ mission as it pertains to the unfoldment of individual purpose that men are chosen for a higher field of action.  In the magnificence of these Christ ideas, in the magnificence of this season of rejoicing between heaven and earth and even in the midst of current world turmoil we must continue to serve for the expansion of divine reality in the individual domain.         
  Sense dogma and sense theology are the ways that seemeth right unto men, the end of which are the ways of death (Proverbs 16:25), for God is not confined to dogma or to a blind theology:  His Laws are consistent and whole.  He is free and as the Author of freedom for all He is never the author of confusion but always of revelation.  The curtains of opacity are raised day by day for those whose faith permits them to see beyond the veil and the cycle of the years to the place where the Lord of universal habitation layeth out the blueprints of First Cause for each individual.
  Ain-Soph, the holy wisdom, the divine Theosophia, the Virgin of perfect perception--perfection-perception as diastole and systole of universal purpose beat out the life pulses that renew, redeem, revivify, encourage and raise the boundaries of personal vision until the whole cosmos is seen in the flame of the heart, a doorway through which the soul may plunge into an infinite river of light-reality and make his way back to the heart of God.
  Thence cometh the soul as the Lord of life and death, the renewer of the energies of the “quick and the dead” who raiseth up (as Moses raised up the brazen serpent in the wilderness, Exodus 4:3) the cross of light and hope that shines in his star.  This is the star of every man who believeth and cometh into the world where God is as an ever-expanding sphere of light that ring upon ring enduringly IS Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent.
  We have seen his star in the East and are come to worship him.  Devotedly,   
Pearls of Wisdom 10:52   Jesus Christ    December 24, 1967     
                                The Mission
   A baby’s low cry is the wail of the future.  Our Father in heaven has vested in humanity a sovereign responsibility which was captured in the command “Take dominion over the earth.”  Let the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing; they reap what they sow, but the strength of Zion as the illumined city of God captures the vision of the future.
  Except the New Jerusalem descend into manifestation the world shall remain a cage filled with the living dead and the weeping and gnashing of teeth.  The constructive spirals have been released and souls garner in hope the substance of reseeding.  When the long night of winter is broken the fallow fields of the world will yield to the springtime Sun, and the descending warmth of new hope to succeeding generations will carry the dreams that are spun of time to come.  Shall those dreams follow the ever-new pattern of divine progression, of orderly overcoming of the dismal past, or shall they unleash upon mankind the sudden destruction which it is now within his capacity to produce?
  Devious and ingenious are the ways of the purveyors of destruction who continue to create a battery of conflicting mortal opinions that assure mankind there will be no end of struggle.  Yet in the realm of the Father, in the realm of the ascended masters, in heavenly realms joy without end resounds and the fair magnitude of that city continues to draw the heads of men upward from the destructive elements that appear upon the mortal screen to the new hope that beams from the sky.
  What shall we say then unto those who await a renewal of their strength?  What shall we say to those who utter the Macedonian cry “Come over into Macedonia and help us,” to which Paul responded with diligence?  The world today, surfeited in internal conflicts within and between nations, abominable in its financial struggles and decaying in its culture, has lost much of the ability to read the akashic releases of the Brotherhood of Light.
  The words “We have seen his star in the East” spoken by the Magi who journeyed to my place of birth at Bethlehem denote their ability to read the signs of the times and to understand the sign of reality that is always present in the individual stream of life and in each succeeding heartbeat.  Thus probing the secrets of the universe with which every man is endowed wise men in every age are able to reach out into a future domain, letting the past bury its dead while exploring in the universe and in the mind of God the supernal reality of a hope that is continually renewed.
   Seldom do men realize that each act of an individual or of a group of individuals has its own peculiar impact upon world thought and action.  Thus they reason that their own thoughts and opinions are relatively unimportant and without influence.  If this were so then the law itself would be broken, for the Law of the Circle that returns to each beginning its own ending clearly reveals that impulse is sent out moment by moment by every individual.  The need to qualify these impulses with divine attributes necessitates man’s contact with his God.
  Man does not stand alone, but he is a very real part of a vast cosmic whole.  When the collective hands of a seeking humanity are viewed from higher levels it is easy to see that the Deity cannot resist response to mankind’s pleas, sending forth then the best sons of heaven into the arena of world turmoil in order that they perchance may point the way upward and provide a margin of great security for those who aspire to proclaim the goodness of God.
  Those who say “There is no God” put out the light of Life that is within and the lilt of divine joy that, wavelike, should flow thrillingly through the world community.  As such qualities are transcendent they are noticed only by those whose sense perception of things divine is affinitized with heavenly vibrations.  These stand on the qui vive, awaiting some sign from the Commander to move forward in obedience to His will, thus instituting in the world a greater onrush of freedom for all.
  Midst the cycles of the passing years again and again the arm of the Almighty  has employed those upon earth together with those in heaven in a united service to raise the level of mankind’s consciousness.  We can proclaim from the battlements neither a bulletin of victory nor one of defeat— for many small victories have created a sustaining action whereby the seed of God has brought forth much fruit, yet in the world of appalling appearances this at times seems insignificant.
  Those who see inwardly and enduringly, those who possess the capacity to reach across the span of the years are well aware of the trends of heaven and the directions thereof; but these also know full well that to embodied mankind who think along human lines despair and discouragement may go hand in hand with their lack of perspective concerning the promises of the future.  We refuse absolutely to give power to mortal consciousness that has for so long defrauded mankind of the Christ consciousness, each succeeding generation perpetuating this disenfranchisement among men.
   We assert that the gift of love that descended from God’s heart and embodied itself in my person is that same beautiful spark of divine sonship which in Adam sought to raise divine genius into manifestation upon the cross of life.  Where God is, I AM; and with this thought in heart each victorious son of the cross may seize upon the vital essence of each cosmic germ of life as the contents of a grail cup infired with liquid living light.  As men partake of this substance which is the body of God it will instill in them a unity of purpose with our Father who dwelleth in the heavens.
  Spatial explorations by mankind constitute but a superficial scratch which for practical purposes has made no real penetration into the inscrutable heavens whose story the angels are telling.  Veritably “Peace on earth, good will to men” continues to be the seemingly unattainable goal of a planet and its people.  There are those who attain segments of peace in a relative sense and then lose it when challenged.  There are others who in pride of person seek to be honored for spiritual attainment when they are yet in an infancy of initiatic manifestation.
My call of old, “He that will be great among you let him be the servant of all,” is still the key to mastery, and it always will be.  To serve is to live; for by the stripes men gather in service they are healed, and the world is made to feel and know the thoughts of the Eternal Creator.  And oh, how magnificent are His thoughts!  With what joy He has released into manifestation the components of the higher kingdom!  The jangle of the world does not reach unto the throne of God, but the power of the throne of God penetrates even the depths of worldly thought and disperses its chaff as a mighty whirlwind.
  I cannot fail to respond to the calls of embodied mankind who search out as to how they may be raised in service.  Their calls do compel the cosmic answer, and each time they read my words or become imbued with my sense of service and spirit they are partaking of my body of incorporeal substance.  As the divine fire falls upon the altar of each individual heart until it becomes a new heart of flesh yielding to the ministrations of the thoughts of God, a new strand of hope connects heaven with earth.
Each individual who walks the way of regeneration, the way in which I have walked, becomes an outpost of our Father and a miniature focus of regeneration which can be expanded to become of such ultimate service as was my own mission.  Did I not say “Greater things shall ye do because I go unto my Father,” and shall my words fall to the earth and remain unfulfilled?
   Let not your hearts be troubled over all of the problems of the world or your own personal afflictions.  It is veritably true that whom God loveth He chasteneth and ‘tis done that men might bear greater fruit.  Many seek the bane of material gain alone and would turn to spurn our cause if they thought that no profit existed in it for them.  Yet long ago I said “What shall it profit a man if he shall   gain the whole world and be a castaway?”
  In my Christmas message this year I desire to make known to those who are beginning the quest for soul reality that there is no higher mission than the mission of cosmic service.  Truly those in every walk of life who seek to serve mankind’s needs in cosmic legitimacy can also serve the kingdom of heaven by carrying forth the ideals of the heavenly realm in all mortal doings.
  When I spake long ago exhorting men to be their brothers’ keepers it was to record for time immemorial the ritual of radiant cosmic brotherhood that prompted the enactment of the cosmic drama of the nativity.  How joyous it is to contemplate these universal events—universal in the sense that they are reenacted on the heart’s altar of every soul who is striving to become the Christ—and the glorious fact that they circle round about mankind as the swiftly moving ages roll, reappearing again and again, a project memorial to the divine idea that first initiated them.
  What joyous expectancy of heart then ought to be felt by every sincere seeker for truth as he realizes that the wonders of spiritually scientific discovery can be his today.  Each one of you who desires to follow in the footsteps of the elder masters, in the footsteps of your God may do so without fear of retreat.  The need for truly dedicated followers of truth is greater today than ever before, for there are so many lifestreams on earth.  As the population has grown, resistance to the light has also mounted.  With the coming of modern laborsaving devices into manifestation mankind have found their problems multiplied.  Dalliance and discouragement go hand in hand.  Is there anyone among you who can hold with us the vision of God’s purpose through the year without end?  Yet it must be done, for the vision cannot be lost.
  I caution all then to esteem the power of faith, the power of hope and the power of charity as coequal manifestations of the Triunity of God.  Without faith it is impossible to please God, and hope is the regenerative power that unveils the future in concept preceding action, whereas charity is the abounding activity of life pursuing cosmic ideals and overriding every discouraging factor.
  What shall we say then to the little children who are coming into the world today whose renewed opportunity is in the hands of an elder generation, neither ascended nor always abounding in good works?  How shall we release a spirit of unity into a body of disunited brethren?  How shall we enfold all in light while jealousy and hatred as arrows shot out of the dark and into the dark are aimed at suppressing the light?  What shall we say that shall shatter discordant manifestations and produce the harmony of higher spheres “as above so below”?
   Without renewal and redetermination, without the continued effort to do well and to overcome, man must stand idly by while the ages pass.  With renewed determination, with faith, hope and charity, by holding our hands and doing God’s will, man becomes involved in the flow of the cosmic stream.  His energies dance with cosmic effort as he buoyantly seeks to enliven the consciousness of both the quick and the dead, he blesses those already quickened with a greater quickening as aspiration toward Infinity transcends itself, and he raises the sons of Adam from the stupor of mortal senselessness in order that they may become Christ-manifestations who shall spread the light of that star and contribute to its magnification.
  Then its beams shall spread over the field of the whole wide world and the song of the angels shall be heard over the great mountains and plains as a planet resounding in harmony resolves to cast its future in the divine matrix of brotherhood, of cosmic outreach, of individual assignation to the sign of the God without in the universe who is also the God within, defining identity and refining being in manifestation.
The souls I know who progress the most each year
Are they who by perfect love cast out all fear—
Are they who see the need to be
A Christ-manifestation eternally.
Each test that comes they pass with glee,
For life to them is meant to free
From every cord that binds and slows;
As fetters break soul consciousness glows -
And man is healed, the dead are raised,
The soul sings out, “O God be praised
For life, I AM, resurrection, too -”
I call to many and the few:
Oh hear my voice and make your choice
That God and angels may rejoice
For peace does come by word well done
Fulfilling purpose from the Sun.
Ye are my brethren, those I love,
My comfort manifest:  Be my dove -
My peace I give you, live within it,
My peace portray, oh now begin it.
Let’s keep it up and raise it high -
Good-will anthem from the sky
Opens doors as Spirit soars
To join the chorus of the Lord:
Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, good will to men.
    Lovingly, in the fashion of heaven which to you I AM telling, 

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