Friday, January 17, 2020

There is no turning back of the law of cycles.

                      Pearls of Wisdom 16:21  May 27, 1973
  The goal of the two-thousand-year cycle following the mission of Jesus Christ that has been set before mankind is this:  that every man, every woman and every child should outpicture the Christ consciousness and walk the earth as a living testimony of the fiats of Alpha and Omega that were spoken through Jesus the Christ in his Sermon on the Mount and in his many other teachings….Inasmuch as this goal of life has not been outpictured and inasmuch as the Age of Pisces, which was mankind’s opportunity to attain God-mastery, is giving way to the Age of Aquarius wherein mankind shall know the freedom to create as co-creators with God in the flame of God-love, the Hierarchy is this hour gravely concerned lest humanity fail to pass the torch of the Christ consciousness of Pisces unto the God consciousness of Aquarius.
  There is no turning back of the law of cycles.  Immutable is the Being of God.  Immutable is the conscious awareness of Selfhood.  As the great wave of Eight breaks over the Earth, washing man’s creation, smoothening the pebbles of effort, who shall be left to stand in the perfection of our God when the wave goes back to sea?
  The fact that mankind have not attained to the Christ consciousness en masse but instead have made themselves the advocates of the carnal mind and its carnal living is of no concern to the impersonal Law and the oncoming tides of perfection.  The tests of Life are given; and whether they are passed or failed the next tests are given.  Mankind have always had the choice of riding the wave of God’s light into the new age or of being overcome by that wave because they are not ready.
  Hierarchy is now confronted with the question of the ages:  how to elevate mankind and mankind’s consciousness into the Golden Age during the next twenty-eight years.  Prophets have prophesied; the witnesses have given their testimony; the Messengers have proclaimed by the power of the spoken Word the eternal message of the Logos.  Yet humanity have not heeded the call.  They have turned a deaf ear to the emissaries of the Lord’s Spirit.  And by their enormous neglect, their outrageous behavior they brought upon themselves the dark cycle (of returning karma).  And now again, having been brought to judgment, they have been sentenced with their own returning karma.
  Karma too is a wave.  And albeit it is a wave of misqualified momentums of sludge and silt and flood and fire, it too can be taken at its flood to lead mankind to fortune.  Yes, mankind can ride the wave of his returning karma–but not necessarily as in a car of juggernaut whose end spells the end of man himself; for by intense invocation of the sacred fire that returning wave can be transmuted into light.  And out of that light can come the natural resources whereby humanity can claim the victory of all that they jointly hold in their causal bodies as the victory of the light of power, wisdo and love as above, so below.
  And thus although the edict of the Lords of Karma is interpreted by the elemental builders of form as a temporary rupturing of the way of life on earth as nature adjusts its cycles to contain the purification of the four lower bodies of the planet, mankind even at the eleventh hour may in a concerted effort of light’s invocation avert total cataclysm. For only as a final resort will the Lords of Karma use cataclysm as a means of ushering in the Golden Age. As the Hierarchy has said, the Law ever prefers the gentler way–the way of bringing in an age of freedom by the gentle action of the Law of Becoming that is the squaring of the Law of Being.
  Thus when mankind’s karma returns–and return it must–the outcome will be determined by the thrust of consciousness.  If it be downward, “then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us.”  And if it be upward, then the passing of life over the ascending spiral may be made without trial and tribulation.
  The prognosis is not good, neither is the prognostication. Hence we look to provide a way of escape and a shortening of the days for the elect’s sake.  As the Hierarchies of Light are concerned with the passing of the children of reality over the Red Sea and the rising tide thereof and with their safety from the spewings that have been sent forth out of the mouth of the red dragon, so the forces of darkness and their legions march against time under the direction of the brothers of the shadow.  They would steer civilization downward into spirals of death through the wholesale slaughter of the innocents, an all-out nuclear war, the invasion of America and its take-over by foreign powers who would impose a foreign way of life.  They seek the enslavement of the soul unto the death, and they stand ready to use mankind’s own returning karma to achieve their ends.  They await with glee the hour of its descent, for in that hour they shall raise all manner of havoc to distract humanity from those invocations that are necessary for the transmutation of their misqualified momentums.
  Thus on the one hand you have the Lord God and the elemental forces under the direction of the Elohim using a cataclysm of light to usher in a golden age, and on the other hand you have the prince of this world and his lieutenants attempting to use a cataclysm of darkness against the children of the light unto their destruction.
  Life jackets must be secured for those who would carry the torch of illumination released from the hand of the Mother for the perpetuation of the culture of the World Mother and the true teachings of the Christ.
  As in the last days of Atlantis when “God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.  Make thee an ark of gopher wood...” and as the warning came to Lot “Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed,” so the word of the Lord goes forth in this hour.  Those that have ears to hear, let them hear.
  Be prepared for cataclysm but do not expect it lest by your very attention you cause it to come to pass.  Be prepared for foreign invasion and foreign take-over but do not expect it lest by your attention you cause it to come to pass.  Be prepared for economic collapse, for famine and pestilence and for the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place but expect it not lest by your attention you cause it to come to pass.  It is better to have a life preserver and to never use it than to need one that you do not have….
  The commandment “Get thee up into the high mountain” is the command to raise consciousness to the level of God-awareness whereby man perceives that his salvation can be secured only through communion with Life and with the essence of Life that is the Holy Spirit–a return to nature, to outdoor living, to the expanding of the spirit to include the beings of the elements and their service.
  Exercise of the physical body through walking and hiking in the countryside, in the hills and in the mountains restores the balance of nature to the four lower bodies and establishes the citadel of the flame of peace…. 
  I AM the guardian of your safety twenty-four hours a day by the power of the all-seeing Eye of God, and my legions shall emerge from the hills to secure you in the hour of triumph.           
                                 -Lanello, and K-17 for the Cosmic Secret Service

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