Sunday, January 26, 2020

so shall the ageless magic of God be manifest in the young of heart

                Pearls of Wisdom 11:32 
    We who understand the fiery element know that human emotions actually do give rise to pestilence in the world.  Through the phenomenon known as mutation intense concentrations of negative thought and feeling patterns that are released into the atmosphere by the undisciplined use of energy create new forms of virus which, once having been launched, continue as parasitic organisms to prey upon mankind….
   Often the outer world, lacking yet in the knowledge of the inner sciences, is of the opinion that spiritual power because it is invisible is ineffective in fighting against physical organisms.  I want to tell you, beloved ones, that the power of the Spirit and the power of prayer, the power of the invisible world when properly harnessed and called into action by embodied mankind can produce more so-called miraculous corrections of disturbing conditions  than most people would ever dream possible.  We can understand how those whose faith is rooted in visible things can deny that which they do not see.  But on the other hand they do not see the wind nor can they measure with their eyes the impact of heat.  When they are in an air-conditioned room they need a thermometer in order to determine the temperature outside even when they can see through a window.  There are many stars in the skies that they do not see with the naked eye, but by the use of powerful telescopes they can confirm their existence.  Mankind cannot see into the heart of an atom, yet they have learned to split the atom and to unleash its energies.  Using scientific instruments they are able to extend their vision; yet in times past many of the now visible things were invisible and considered but theory.
  Those of us who function above the physical sciences in the ranges of the great cosmic light do not need to take these things by faith, for we can see them clearly.  It is you who are embodied upon the Earth in a sphere of relative limitation who require faith in order to accomplish as we do in this realm of light.  The burden of proof rests then upon those who require it.   Many outer conditions can be brought under effective control by the power of the mind and Spirit of God when faith enables man to step forth and to perform that which without faith he would never consider possible….
  Spiritual fire is most effective in healing such cases, for an invocation made to the mighty I AM Presence of the disturbed individual can result in a release of spiritually regenerative fire into the entire consciousness, including the four lower bodies of the individual.  This corrective panacea from the spiritual pharmacopoeia of the cosmos can soothe, realign and transmute the  being of the disturbed individual.  The soothing is of course the action of divine love.  The realignment is the corrective power of the Holy Spirit that takes the deranged substance of the mind and rearranges it.  Transmutation is the necessary change within the thought and feeling processes whereby the symptoms are permanently corrected and the individual is freed from all undesirable tendencies.
  We know that as scientific research moves forward the truth of what we say will become proven and acknowledged fact.  If scientists would divorce themselves from prevalent theories on mental disease and begin to analyze the causative factors in the physical plane as I have outlined them, they would soon be uncovering not only the primary cause of mental and emotional disorders but also their cure.
  It must be remembered that electromagnetic coils create a forcefield which is carried over from one coil to another.  All substance is in a state of vibration.  Healthy tissue and healthy matter have one rate of vibration; unhealthy tissue and unhealthy matter have another. …we urge that more worthy goals be put before the eyes of the young.  Do not saddle them with your own burdens and doubts.  Teach them to reach for the stars; so shall the ageless magic of God be manifest in the young of heart.o shall the ageless magic of God be manifest in the young of heart.

                    I remain Prince Oromasis, hierarch with
                                      Diana, of the fire element

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