Saturday, January 4, 2020

Ends Justify Means in Church and State

Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 19 No. 13 Kuthumi and the Brothers of the Golden Robe March 28, 1976    The Ends Justify the Means in Church and State 

To All Who Are Willing to Give Their Lives That Truth Might Live:
"Whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." < 1 >
  In the long history of the black brotherhood's usurpation of the power of Christ, the wisdom of Christ, and the love of Christ there are events unknown and unchronicied in the annals of men.  From the archives of the Great White Brotherhood we therefore set forth those events which must be known, which must be recorded in order that the sons and daughters of God and the children of God might fulfill their fiery destiny in the thousand-year cycle inaugurated by the mission of the two witnesses. <2>
  Let us speak of the many souls who have witnessed for Christ and for Hierarchy and who have paid the ultimate price with the ultimate sacrifice.  Let us speak of those who have given their lives that truth and freedom might live.  And let us say with Abraham Lincoln, patriarch of the New Israel, we shall live, we shall love, and we shall make the ultimate sacrifice of the carnal mind "that these dead shall not have died in vain." <3>
  It was the Jesuit Busenbaum who wrote in 1650  'When the end is lawful the means are also lawful."  The life of Ignatius Loyola read from akasha <4> reveals the preparation, careful and cunning, by the false hierarchy of one motivated by the seeds of spiritual pride and spiritual ambition sown in the subconscious by the enemy long before he embodied in the final decade of the fifteenth century to found within the Church the at once sinister and sacred society at times approved and at times suppressed by the pope--the Society of Jesus.
  The youngest son of a family of nobility and wealth, Ignatius by his own confession was "a man given to the vanities of the world whose chief delight consisted in martial exercises, with a great and vain desire to win renown."  Sharing the pride of his teacher as well as the L of his name Loyola was ambitious in the domination of matter not "by My Spirit" but by might and by power. <5> And until his "conversion" during his convalescence from leg injuries suffered during his military career, his pride in material conquest exceeded and indeed was the expression of his sensuality.
  By a strange circumstance of fate manipulated by the fallen ones Loyola--the proud spirit, the militant, the fastidious organizer--now donned the cloak of religious austerities, performing extreme penance for his sins, scourging himself and spending hours in prayer to the Lord.  His ends being the ends of his teacher, himself at times the subconscious and then the conscious channel of Lucifer, he as one of seven who founded the society in 1540 in a perversion of the Christ consciousness became the means of the infiltration of the Church with the philosophy of Lucifer himself.
  It is well to remember that in training its representatives the false hierarchy attempts to make of Christ and of the holy orders of the Church a mechanical mockery.  In the pride of the intellect they quote Scripture, they imitate Christ and his followers, they wear the garb of self-mortification, they stress all of the right virtues, they denounce vices and excesses, they espouse humility as the sister of obedience yet remain robot-like in their expression of both. But they do not always succeed.  Despite its dark and degenerate spirals the Society of Jesus today is made up of 30 percent sons of light--whose devotion directly to God and his Christ has shielded their pure souls from the sullied stream of consciousness which originated in Ignatius Loyola. The remaining 70 percent consists partly of dark souls and partly of those children of God who whether through pride or ignorance (their own ignoring of the inner law of Christ) have allowed themselves to be programmed after the ways of the dark souls.
  The Spiritual Exercises written by Loyola are replete with the doctrines of the Devil well woven into the true teachings of Christ.  Like his consciousness, which became the field for the sowing of the tares among the wheat, his writings so combined the greatest light and the greatest darkness that they cannot be separated except in the day of the harvest when the Lord will send His angels to gather the wheat of the Christ consciousness and to bind the tares of the luciferian consciousness that they might be consumed in the sacred fire. <6> Combining the social sense with the use of mechanical manipulation in the mind of the founder, the false hierarchy attempted to use the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience as a means to justify the ends of the fallen ones--those ends being the control of both the Church and the Pope by the Archdeceiver himself who thenceforth would work to use the founders as puppets on the string of the larger scheme of Antichrist.  But there was one exception among the seven who remained wholly pure in the sight of God and man, the one who has been revered as the patron of missionaries and remains to this day the light and the flame of the Society of Jesus--Saint Francis Xavier.
  The plot would not be complete without the appearance of the fallen ones in a mock vision of the Lord God and His Christ--this to convince his companions and all who would follow after them that the society had been ordained from on high.  He described his vision of Jesus carrying the cross on his shoulder and, standing at his side, the eternal Father Himself who spoke to Jesus and said "I wish you to take this man for your servant," whereupon Jesus took Ignatius unto himself and said "My will is that you should serve us."
  I now declare to the body of God on earth that which is known by the body of God in heaven that this experience in the life of Ignatius Loyola was not in the Holy Spirit and therefore was not a valid contact with the Father and the Son.  Rather it was an experience in which, being possessed of that pride which goeth before the fall, <7> he succumbed to the flattery of two members of the false hierarchy (impostors of the Father and the Son), which flattery they have used again and again, and successfully so, on those who are psychically--personality--oriented.  The desire for flattery and for phenomena, the desire to win renown and the desire for extreme austerities (often a substitute for soul surrender) never required by the savior of souls but always demanded by the seducer of souls left him wide open to the psychic machinations of the fallen ones.
  Convinced of his conviction he went forth conquering and to conquer "for Christ "-- a lie he told himself over and again until his lie became his truth.  Actually he went forth for the fulfillment of the insatiable desire of the ego to gain the powers of the prince of this world. The egos of Loyola and Lucifer meshed as one and the same, vibration for vibration.  Alas, the greatest darkness is found in the shadows of the greatest light.  Know then, where there is the highest manifestation of absolute Good there will be the confrontation of absolute Evil--and this within the arena of the mind, the heart and the soul of God's own children evolving in the planes of Mater.
  Fanatical manifestations on the right always lead to fanatical manifestations on the left.  And the swing of the pendulum of the human consciousness from right to left, from left to right, is an activity of the law of compensation.  For in the planes of relativity in the duality of the not-Self, for every right there is a wrong, for every wrong there is a right.  Until human goodness and human badness are abandoned for the one Good whom Christ declared to be God, <8> there will always be that warfare within the soul of which Paul spoke, "The good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do." <9> Until people are free of the desire for conquest in this world--of each other, of money and things, of minds and souls, of nations and not-Self goals--whether in religion or in mass political movements, they will continue to reembody first on the left, then on the right, then on the left and then on the right, carrying their momentum of carnal zeal to this or that arena of a thousand and one human causes.  The cause of God in church or state ceases to be the cause of God when people employ hatred, hypnosis of the self and other selves, mass manipulation or unrighteous and unlawful means to attain their ends.
  Without the mind of God people are the products of the mass subconscious, the victims of their own carnal mind and of the archdeceivers who personify it.  To further the ends of the ego people convince themselves that they are engaged in the activities of God when God has no part with their activities; and in their deceptions of one another they have become self-deceived. They are told by the false hierarchy that they are servants of the Most High God.  They are told that they are acting within the circle of the holy of holies, and they know not that they have gone outside the circumference of His consciousness in their justification of the means by which they seek to attain their ends.
  Jesus called his disciples from among the humble fishermen, saying "Come, I will make you fishers of men." <1 0> He knew only too well that a regimented mental body could not be the instrument of the Christ mind.  Likewise the Brotherhood has used Gautama's Eightfold Path and the techniques of Zen Buddhism to break the logic of the carnal mind in the devotees of the East whose orientation for thousands of years has been the pursuit of knowledge, many times to the exclusion of understanding.
  Not so the false hierarchy.  Well trained was Loyola, and that training has become the mark of the Jesuit priest, although many sincere souls are to be counted among the order--souls unlike the founder,  motivated selflessly in truth. Loyola cloaked his spiritual/material ambitions in the humanly justifiable pursuits of the intellect as a means of service to mankind, which in some but not all members of the order has replaced the flame of wisdom and the pursuit of God for the sake of God alone.
  We do not deny that one of the greatest points of vulnerability within the Church has been the ignorance of the masses.  The teaching orders under the Office of the World Teachers, under the Brothers of the Golden Robe, and under Lord Maitreya and Lord Buddha are essential to the elevation and the evolution of the Christ consciousness in mankind.  It is indeed the ministry of Christ and of the true Church to educate not only ministers and teachers but also the people themselves.
  The Church is obliged to preach and to teach in every nation upon earth in order that the children of God might be receptive to the truth that shall make them free in utter defiance of all ignorance and superstition. <1 1 > 
  The seeming subservience of his society to the greater glory of God and the good of souls notwithstanding, the false hierarchy sought to use Loyola's militant order to make education an end in itself and not the means to spirituality and the spiritual life.  His sworn obedience to the Pope, "the cause and principle foundation" of the society, was another clever device of the false hierarchy--not only a means to justify the ends of the control of Antichrist within the Church but also a means to bring them about. This sworn allegiance to the Vicar of Christ gained for the Jesuits an outer innocence and an inner immunity to their own karma. Let me explain.
  The history of the society abounds with the mistrust by both church and state of Loyola and all who followed him.  This mistrust was based on the sinister vibration which many of its members carried, a vibration which always registered on the souls of lightbearers, although positive proof as fact and figure was not always established.  They were expelled from nation after nation for their nefarious practices and their lust for power, wealth and control of the governments and the economies of the state.  In 1773 the order was suppressed by the Pope (Clement XIV) only to be reinstated by the Vatican in 1814 (Pope Pius VII).  As late as 1957 the Jesuits were rebuked by the Pope (Pius XII) during the congregation of the society held in Rome.
  Now the fallen ones who control from the astral plane the outer manifestation of the false teachers and their teachings know that if they are to gain their ends they must often compromise by allowing their representatives to manifest some semblance of obedience to God and to His laws, thereby making just enough positive karma of their own to protect them from their own negative karma.  By stating their allegiance to the Vicar of Christ, the fourth vow taken by the elite of the society, members of the order gained acceptance which even led to canonization within the Church.  Furthermore by the oath of obedience they have enlisted the protection of the Church for their luciferian philosophy and practices within its very walls.  By accepting the Society of Jesus as part of the Church the Church has extended to that society the momentum of its good karma made in the service of Christ and humanity.  This good karma then forestalls the descent of the society's bad karma upon itself.  And the very presence of the lightbearers within the order was itself an atonement for the workings of the wicked.
  This is the psychology of the fallen ones as they work their science of point-counterpoint, always seeking to tie souls of light to souls of darkness and vice versa in order to stay the hand of impending karma; for they know that the Lords of Karma will always protect the children of the light.  Nevertheless that "always" is not forever.  For having had sufficient opportunity to separate themselves out from the fallen ones and the mass consciousness in the alchemy of the Christ and having refused to obey the mandate "Come apart and be a separate and chosen people, elect unto God," <12> the children of God by their choice or by their not-choice, by their sympathy with the wicked must jointly bear the returning karma of the wicked and their wicked generation.
  This manipulation of the society within the Church "took" because the Church herself has never been free of the taint of the luciferian philosophy of the end justifying the means.  This taint was in the consciousness of the Apostle Peter who was appointed by the Lord as his first Vicar on earth.  Peter was of a practical nature and he often acted impetuously from the standpoint of the necessity of the now rather than from the foundation of the Holy Spirit and from that which was honorable in the sight of God.
  Although he pleaded with his Lord, saying "I will lay down my life for thy sake," <13> Jesus knew that his fervor was not founded on his attainment of the Christ, but rather on his childlike belief in Christ.  Was it not he who had attempted to deny his Lord the supreme sacrifice of the crucifixion and the washing of his feet by the waters of the Word? <14>
Jesus knew that the seeds of spiritual pride and spiritual ambition had already been implanted in the heart of Peter and he had warned him "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat."
  In a virulent rebuke of Peter's carnal state of consciousness he turned to him and said, "Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offense unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God but those that be of men." <16> This moving episode between the disciple and his Lord leaves us the legacy of a very important teaching:  Satan or any member of the false hierarchy can temporarily manifest through anyone, even the chosen devotee.  This holds true whether the Satanic being be on the physical or the astral plane.
  In his final warning to the one who would go forth to build the Church upon the rock of the Christ consciousness he said 'Verily, verily, I say unto thee, the cock shall not crow till thou hast denied me thrice." <17> And three times Peter was questioned "Art not thou also one of his disciples?"  And thrice he denied it and said "I am not." < 18> Using the name of God "I AM" to deny his Lord, he in his threefold denial denied himself the power of heaven manifest in the trinity of the threefold flame.  He thought it expedient in order to save his life to deny his Lord.  In this act the seeds of power politics which were to plague the Church down through the centuries were sown.  
  In this act he lost the mantle of the Spirit of the Christ; and though he went forth to conquer in matter and ultimately laid down his physical life, being crucified for his Lord in Rome, he did not receive the robe of his righteousness.  He failed his test.  He failed to totally surrender his soul.  Yet many who came after him to consecrate their lives to the witness of Christ within the Church did not fail their tests.  They did not fail to totally surrender their souls.
  Thus he who sought to save his life lost that life.  Although Peter retained that portion of Christ's consciousness which he was able to bear, it was not sufficient to transfer the wholeness of the flame of Christ to the Church.  The full Spirit of the Lord being denied to Peter as the head of the Church was denied to the people as the body.  This denial of the Spirit is reflected in the sometimes incomplete ritual of Holy Communion. To this day it is general practice in the Catholic Church that communicants receive the bread (the matter aspect), the body of Christ, but are denied the wine (the Spirit aspect), the blood, the vital essence of the life, the Spirit and the mind of Jesus Christ.  Whereas the taint of Peter's consciousness has never been wholly removed from the structure of the Church, the wholeness--the omnipotence, the omniscience and the omnipresence of the Spirit has manifested in the Church through the individual consecration of the lives of the saints directly by Jesus Christ.  The Society of Jesus taken as a whole and weighed in the balance of the Trinity is, like the Church, found wanting in that Spirit.
  Therefore the spiritual mantle of Jesus' momentum in the hour of his ascension fell to John the Beloved who fulfilled the inner blueprint of the law in love, who laid the foundation for a mystical Christianity and who inscribed the Book of Revelation as the eternal message of his Lord to Christians of all ages to come, whereupon he ascended from the Isle of Patios.  <19> Peter however incarnated again and again, each time failing to lose his life for the sake of Christ.  As the result of his continual compromise with truth Peter to this hour has not made his ascension.  And by the same seeds of compromise the Church, seeking to save its life in matter, is losing its life in Christ.
  Jesus asked "What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" <20> We ask--have the Church and the Society of Jesus within the Church gained the whole world and lost their own soul and the soul of Christ?  In each succeeding embodiment Peter fell on the line of the analytical mind, sacrificing the ultimate spiritual goal for the immediate material gain.
  Peter's denial of his Lord manifested again in his denial of his Lord's Church when in the person of King Henry VIII of England--because it was now both convenient and expedient to the survival of his ego and its sensual indulgences--he sanctioned divorce on the pretext that he might produce an heir to the throne.  It was altogether practical in his mind to employ the means of founding the Church of England and declaring himself as its head to justify the end of saving his life--the saving of his seed that he in his seed might continue to rule England.
  The issue however was not divorce:  it was power.  Henry VIII could not, would not tolerate another human being having the authority to tell him what he could or could not do.  Having the temporal authority of the crown of England he now desired the scepter of spiritual authority as well. That which he lost as Peter he sought to regain as Henry.  Lacking the virtues of self-sacrifice, surrender to God and service to mankind he sought to take heaven by force. <21 > But this he could not do.  And neither he nor his successors have ever worn the mantle of the true Vicar of Christ.
  The Lords of Karma gave to the soul of Peter the opportunity to balance the karma of denying his Lord, the karma of failing to witness unto his Lord and failing to stand by him in the hour of his crucifixion.  Had he borne witness to the flame of the true Church, had he been willing to lose his life of self-indulgence for the sake of Christ, he would have preserved his life in Christ and he would have preserved the unity, the integrity and the honor of the Faith.  But no, he would not; he would not.  And therefore the luciferian divide-and-conquer tactics fanned through the interplay of power politics between church and state entered and split the house of the Lord and the soul of Peter.
  And to Thomas More, my compatriot on the path, he left the life of the martyr.  For his own ego's sake he was willing to sacrifice the life of the one he loved most; and the one he loved most was altogether willing in his love for God to lose his life for the sake of Christ.  May the words of this true saint of the Church be inscribed in the heart of every Keeper of the Flame: "Give me, good Lord, a longing to be with Thee; not for the avoiding of the calamities of this wicked world, nor so much for the avoiding of the pains of purgatory, nor the pains of Hell neither, nor so much for the attaining of the joys of Heaven in respect of mine own commodity, as even for a very love of Thee."   I shall continue with the history of the infamy of the fallen ones.  The worst is yet to come.     
                                              Kuthumi                (by H. Schmiechen, 1884)

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