Sunday, January 12, 2020

liberate the soul force in the chakras is by the light that we have anchored in the central chakra, the heart

  The only way we can liberate the soul force in the chakras is by the light that we have anchored in the central chakra, the heart.   Therefore the heart is the seat of all life, all living, all giving, all flowing, all energy received from God. And the heart receives the light that is distributed to all the other chakras. The light comes over the crystal cord from the heart of the I AM Presence and it goes directly to the heart, which distributes it to the three chakras above the heart, three chakras below, making a total of seven, plus the eighth chakra, which is in the chamber of the heart.
There are also five secret-ray chakras, making thirteen in all and there are a total of a hundred and forty-four chakras in the body of man. The remaining chakras are lesser points for the release of light and are associated with the points of contact healing or acupuncture.  They are places that can be contacted for a greater flow of energy in the body.
The secondary heart chamber is the eighth chakra, and if you are interested in pursuing a technical and advanced explanation of the chakras, I recommend the series by Djwal Kul that is to be found in depth in The Human Aura….
In the name of Jesus Christ I release all misqualified substance of the throat chakra into the flame now. (3x) It is done in the name of the living God.  (3x)
It is done.  I claim each one’s throat chakra in the name of the spoken Word I AM.  Let the I AM Presence flow.  Speak the Word, O God, as thou spoke it through Moses.  Speak the commandments of the Law and speak the grace of Jesus Christ.
I AM Thy chalice.  I consecrate this center to the diamond shining mind of Morya.  Speak, O Morya, speak . Speak the Word only, and I shall run with thy Word.
Whirl, O chakras, as fiery suns, whitefire light whirling within the heart, whirling within the solar plexus, whirling within the throat—three dazzling fiery suns whirling to perfection, releasing skeins of cosmic consciousness to earth.
In the name of the Christ Self of each one gathered here, we call to the Seven Mighty Elohim to align the seven centers of God-energy, God-consciousness for the victory….
In the name of Jesus the Christ, rise O threefold flame.  Rise and compel consciousness free.  Rise, O threefold flame.  Rise as will of God.  Rise as light of wisdom’s power. Rise as love’s own bower.  Rise as compassion, comfort, purity, holy awe.  Rise, O threefold flame, in the center of thy name, O God, I AM THAT I AM.
Inscribe upon each one in living flame the symbol of victory, the six-pointed star—ascending triangle, descending triangle—matter and Spirit converging for the conflagration of Spirit’s integration in matter, where Father-Mother God fuse the oneness of our love.
Jesus Christ, O Christed one, fill each one with light.  Increase now the sacred fire of each heart.  In the name of Jesus the Christ, we call to the heart of the Elohim Purity and Astrea.  Converge in the heart chamber of each chela of the sacred fire. Circle the cause and core of all human desire. Replace it with God-desire, God wholeness.
In the name of Jesus the Christ I invoke the light of Helios and Vesta, the Great Central Sun Magnet to demagnetize all fear and anxiety in the soul, all impurity.  Beloved Saint Germain, we ask for a reinforcement of true solar awareness for each one by the power of thy Causal Body of violet flame….
  Saint Germain says that there is planetary resistance to purity within the soul chakra. There is also resistance in your own chakras which cannot be overcome in a moment, for it requires application.  Therefore Saint Germain suggests that you pursue further invocations for the clearing of your soul chakra.  It is through the soul chakra that you transfer the Christic light, the seed of Alpha, the Egg of Omega to bring forth divine progeny.  It is the chakra of the seventh ray and of the Aquarian age.  It must be cleared if we are to hold a focus of Saint Germain on the planet.  Let us give our final call on this chakra.
In the name of Jesus the Christ,
I release all misqualified substance
of the seat-of-the-soul chakra into the flame now. (3x)
In the name of the light that lighteth every man and woman that cometh into the world, by the action of the light whereby the soul descended into form let the soul be restored to her high estate of honor before the I AM Presence.
Now, beloved I AM Presence of each one, Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun, Cosmic Virgin, Lord Maitreya:  release the energy for the filling of the soul chakra according to each one’s attainment. To them that have, more shall be given, more shall be added unto them; to them that have not shall be taken away that which they have.
Let us leave the soul as a whirling fiery sun, as a diadem in the Mind of God and rise in consciousness to the third eye, the all-seeing Eye, the place of cosmic vision.
In the name of Jesus the Christ we invoke the flame of Cyclopea and Virginia, Hilarion, Pallas Athena, Raphael and Mary.  Cleanse the third eye for the immaculate conception to anchor there the blueprint of the city foursquare and the Church Universal and Triumphant.  Seal the emerald ray from the heart of Gautama.  Seal the action of the emerald ray.  Seal that ray, O God.
In the name of Jesus the Christ
I release all misqualified substance of the third-eye chakra into the flame now. (3x)  Let us sing our mantra to Cyclopea.  As you sing visualize an emerald right at the brow, a green emerald placed there by your own I AM Presence.  Use that emerald as a prism through which the Christ consciousness may release the beacon of the emerald ray.  It is like a giant beacon at an airport.  See that beacon coming out of the third eye exposing the truth, exposing the lie, establishing God-reality where you are.
[Song 356, “Beloved Cyclopea, Beholder of Perfection,” sung once.]
In the name of the living Christ, beloved I AM Presence, send forth thy beacon of truth to all mankind.  Let us stand with the Goddess of Truth, Pallas Athena in defense of truth, in witness to the truth of being.  Show us Thy Law, clear all seeing and give us oneness of perception.  Transmute the cause and core of all deception.
Now I come, O God, and I challenge, in the name of the living Christ, all black magic and witchcraft, all misuses of the third eye chakra.  I challenge those forces and forcefields throughout the planetary body that have compromised the immaculate vision of the Cosmic Virgin and of Her children here on Terra.  In the name of the living God let them be bound by the action of Astrea, bound on earth as in heaven in answer to the promise of the Lord “Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.”
Let it be done in the name of Jesus the Christ.  Let all those forces that have compromised the image of the Cosmic Virgin be bound by this action now.  Kali, come forth with raised sword.  Bind the demons infesting the third-eye consciousness.  Arrest them now.  Arrest them by cosmic consciousness.
Blaze the light of the emerald ray! Blaze the light of the emerald ray! Blaze the light of truth this day!  We surrender all wrong thoughts and feelings, prejudice and pride, all energy less than the Christ perfection, all images, all resentment, all failure to forgive.
Now Cosmic Virgin, open the lens of the eye.  Let me perceive Thyself, O Cosmic Mother, as myself, as the Self of each one.  O Cosmic Mother, teach them, one and all, that by surrendering every flaw into the flame the immaculate image will appear within the all-seeing Eye.
Is it not worth the surrender of the all of the lesser self to receive the all of the greater Self?
Let us repeat the surrender:
In the name of Jesus the Christ,
I surrender all misqualified substance
Of  the third-eye chakra into the flame now. (3x)
Beloved Cyclopea, beloved, I AM Presence, in the name of the Christ consciousness of all souls of light, release the levels of the emerald ray according to the consecration, concentration and consideration of each one.  In all that is holy, all that is real seal them now.  Seal the third eye in the center of the brow.  Seal each one, O Cosmic Virgin.  O cosmic one, Cyclopea, seal them in the flame of living truth.  I AM real proof as that flame blazing now on the brow of the Elohim is conferred to the brow of each one.  It is done.  Hercules, seal that chakra in blue fire.  Now make it a blazing, whirling, fiery sun.  Whirl, O sun, in the third eye, in the throat, in the heart, in the solar plexus and in the seat of the soul.  Now, consciousness, make them whole.
In the name of the Christ we invoke the light of Purity and Astrea.  Seal the base-of-the-spine chakra.  Seal the energies of the Mother.  Seal the sacred fire in the living flame of Astrea.
Mighty Astrea, lock your cosmic circle and sword of blue flame around that chakra.  Seal all energies and draw them into the vortex of sacred fire for transmutation.  By the authority of the Cosmic Virgin I consecrate the base chakras of all souls of light to the purity of the Cosmic Virgin.
In the name of Jesus the Christ,
I surrender all misqualified substance
of the base-of-the-spine chakra into the flame now.  (3x)
Whitefire core of Being, blaze forth thy ray.  Seal the purity of the Cosmic Virgin.  Seal thy light, O God.  Let it be a blazing sun.  I call to the Seven Mighty Elohim to sustain the balance of Omega in each one.  Now, I AM Presence, send forth the light of Omega.  Let purity reign.  Let purity reign.  Let purity reign.
I AM the resurrection and the life
      of every cell and atom in my four lower bodies
      now made manifest (3x)
I AM the resurrection and the life of Cosmic Mother flow.(3x)
Blaze the action of Omega now into the soul for the liberation of that soul energy, into the solar plexus for the liberation of peace.  Raise the Mother energy now into the heart for the release of the Christ consciousness. Raise the Mother energy as a living fountain of light into the throat chakra for the liberation of the word of compassion and comfort to all souls of light.   Raise the energy of the Mother into the third eye for the release of the vision of the immaculate concept.
Release the light of Omega. Release the energy of the Mother unto the crown.  Let Alpha and Omega fuse now in the crown chakra for the release of wisdom’s ray, the golden sun of illumination, the action of the thousand-petaled lotus.
Release that fire in the crown.  Release that fire in the crown.  Release that fire in the crown.  Burst forth, O God consciousness, in the crown.  Blaze forth Thy light, O God.  We are one. Let us sing “I and My Father Are One; I and My Mother Are One.”
Visualize a golden sun pulsing on the crown.  Where you see the baby’s soft spot and you see the pulse see it in your crown.  This is the life force.  This is the energy of Omega rising to greet Alpha.  This is the fruit of our meditation and of our life on Terra.
[Song 586, “I and My Father Are One; I and My Mother Are One,” sung once.]
This is the place where Durga unites with Shiva.  Durga is another name for the Cosmic Virgin. Let us give a mantra to the marriage of the Mother and the Holy Spirit, the fusion of your energies of the Mother light to the Holy Spirit.  [Song 663]
In the name of the Christ, In the name of the I AM Presence, let the energy of God consciousness be sealed in the crown of each one. Let it be filled now to the capacity of each one, and the holy oil of angels be poured upon the crown of each one as the consecration to the moment of enlightenment that is set as cosmic destiny for each soul.
O Mother Mary, O Cosmic Virgin, let the cosmic clock of each one’s destiny, lead these precious souls, moment by moment, to the hour of Buddhic enlightenment.  Now, Omega, now, Mother Flow, take unto Thyself the Alpha current descending the spine now.  Take the energies of crown, of third eye, of throat, of heart, of solar plexus, of soul and reenter the fiery core there to dwell forevermore as the fountain and foundation of our life.
Seal each one.  Seal the seven chakras.  Seal them by the power of the Elohim.  Seal them by the power of the Cosmic Virgin.  In the name of the Father and of the Mother, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit it is done.
Cosmic white cross from the heart of Jesus and Gautama, seal the crown, seal the third eye, seal the throat, seal the heart, seal the solar plexus, seal the soul, seal the base-of-the-spine chakras.  Seal all the chakras.  All is well.  It is finished.
 -Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet: 5-25-1975 at UCSD, La Jolla


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