Thursday, January 9, 2020

I am Kuthumi the fearless.

       Pearls of Wisdom 19:5
To Those Who Would Know the One God in the Four Cosmic Forces:
  Four cosmic angels carrying pitchers of water, stand in formation of the sacred four over the galaxies, over the systems of worlds turning, over worlds like Terra turning, over the creation of the Most High turning.  They pour the light of cosmic hierarchies. From the pitchers they carry, they pour the light of the four sacred forces.
  They energize matter.  They infuse the earth, the air, the fire, the water with the energy of the Great Central Sun. They are Aquarians. They bear the water of the new age. It is the living water of life for the crystallization of matter and mankind into a new dimension of time and space and into a new frequency of cosmic consciousness that is the frequency of Aquarius.
  I am Kuthumi the fearless.  And I come in the fierceness of Kali, wielding the sword of the Mother to cut free the children from the demons of intellectual pride, spiritual pride and the vanity of the ego teachings, false to the core!  My sword plunges through to the cause and core of every mockery of the Divine Mother; and by the authority of the divine Manchild I will strip them of their garments of self-righteousness and their cloaks of deceitfulness.
  This is not poetry nor am I being poetic.  I am in the power of the Mother ray. Pure and blunt and direct in the power that will not be tempered by the rituals of diplomacy, I send forth the lightning of the mind of God!We who have meditated on that mind for centuries while mankind have played with the ancient wisdom, we who know the image of the Mother of Wisdom, will not remain silent any longer.  Where we see or hear the falsehoods of the phonies and their psychic cronies concerning the mind of God and the Mother of Wisdom we will thrust the sword.  As has been said, let the chips fall where they may.
  Inasmuch as there are many false teachers abroad in the land of the Mother, teachers of meditation techniques and of the path of initiation, we will tell you something about the true teachers and our sponsorship of those who rightfully and lawfully may call themselves representatives of the Great White Brotherhood.
  Let us concern ourselves for the moment with the teacher of meditation.  Before we sponsor such a one, he must pass certain initiations and undergo certain prescribed disciplines of the sacred fire.  When the training is completed--and that training may endure for several years or several embodiments--we of the ascended masters who have sponsored the trainee place specific electrodes within several of the auric sheaths surrounding his four lower bodies.  These electrodes are for the soul protection of the teacher and of all of the disciples who will come to that teacher for training.  Only an ascended master has the ability to place these electrodes; and they cannot be duplicated by the fallen ones (albeit the black magicians have created their mechanical imitations, as they always do, and have transferred them to the astral bodies of their embodied and disembodied tools). In the case of the ascended masters they use the electrodes for a number of purposes, several of which I make known to you here.  The glow of these electrodes which we anchor in the aura of the teacher can be seen throughout the cosmos.  
Therefore it is not at all difficult for the masters or their advanced disciples to perceive the real teacher from the unreal, the true representative of the Brotherhood from the impostor.  And soon mankind 
in the elevated consciousness of Aquarius will also be able to perceive the true and the false.
  The electrode is a conductor of the energy and consciousness of the Christ.  It is a coded forcefield, a fohatic key sealed in the secret rays.  Intensified by the action of the electrodes in the aura of the teacher, the whitefire of his Presence may be transferred directly to the disciple through the  teacher's purified chakras.
  By the action of the overshadowing of the Brotherhood and the anchoring of the sacred fire in the electrodes, every disciple of the true teacher is shielded from any untransmuted substance that in rare instances may exist in the world of the teacher.  Thus the disciples of the true teacher are protected from any impurities of the teacher’s lower personality which would otherwise be transmitted over the arc of consciousness that must be established between the teacher and the disciple, the Guru and the chela if such a relationship is to exist at all.
  Because it is necessary to have teachers who are tethered to life within the stream of consciousness in the lower planes of matter, we often select teachers who have not yet balanced all of their karma for those who have balanced their karma do not long remain in the mainstream of life.  Once a teacher is ordained by the Great White Brotherhood and receives the electrodes, no matter what remaining karma may be in his world, neither its vibration nor its momentum will betransferred to his students.  This is Law; this is Hierarchy.
  Although the carnal mind of the student, aided and abetted by the mass mind of the race, may interpret the teachers actions as human or as eccentrically ego-orientated, I can assure you that even if the teacher would at some point manifest a human trait, by law that vibration cannot and will not be transmitted to the student.  For by the computerlike action of the electrodes the energy is translated into the testing of the soul of the chela.  When this sacred fire, originating in the Divine Monad--the I AM THAT I AM--of the teacher, is transferred to the student, whether in the form of compassion or disciplined love felt as a chastening heat, the chela may react to the pure energies of the teacher muddied by the impure stream of his own or the mass consciousness.
  The closer the chela comes to the real teacher the more he finds that the mud of the subconscious is disturbed, bringing to the surface of the stream his own impure momentums of spiritual pride and ambition, together with the ego pendulum that swings from conceit to deceit and from self-aggrandizement to self-belittlement.  When these soil the lily-white garments with which the chela has adorned himself, he rebels against the inner law of his own being.  Outraged and irrational, he blames the teacher and hurls the diatribe of his injustice and his revenge against the teacher who now appears to him to be the Devil himself.
  I have seen self-styled chelas who twenty years after such a confrontation with the only real member of Hierarchy they were ever privileged to meet in this life still retain cysts of hatred for the teacher. They reek with the foul odor of disdain for the one who exposed their carnal mind, and all of this they keep hidden beneath the garments of their lily-white
self-righteousness.  They are the denouncers of the true teachers of mankind and they come to poison the children with the pus of their malice. "By their fruits ye shall know them."l
 I would speak of the lie of duality--of the divine and the human factors which some consider to be like parallel lines in the manifestation of the true teachers and messengers of the Great White Brotherhood.  They think that the definition of the discriminating chela is the wary chela who does not quite place his full trust in the Messenger but will weigh each word and action of the teacher, setting himself up as the authority of what is acting, the human or the divine.
  The ascended masters are the authority of the true teacher and the true messenger.  We release the energy, the light, the teaching, the initiations and the discipline to and through our representatives.  If at any time the teacher or the messenger who has surrendered his human will to the divine will should elect to take back that human will, our dispensation would terminate.  The light and the electrodes would be withdrawn and the trained disciple would receive the certain sign of Hierarchy that the instrument had become a dry reed, hollow and without the authentic vibration and backing of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.
  Therefore you need not confound yourself with the foolishness of the carnal mind-with its critical and analytical questioning devoid of the Spirit.  Stand beneath the waterfall and receive unreservedly the flow of the Hierarchy of Aquarius that comes through our embodied Messengers.  When the waterfall ceases to flow, move on, for Hierarchy will not be stopped.  We will open another stream and prepare a channel for the crystal-clear waters of Life.
  In the past we have had to withdraw our support from those who were given the opportunity to represent us.  The one who for a time had the opportunity of representing the Master Djwal Kul soon lost that authority through intellectual pride and the brittleness of the lower mental body, which can never be the channel of the mind of God. Thus I expose to you the false teachings subtly woven into the work of Alice Bailey, whose failure to surrender totally rendered her unfit as an instrument of the Tibetan Master.
  The way of the intellect is not the path of the Buddha or of the chohans of the rays.  It should not be the path of their chelas.  Now the masters of the Far East must seek to undo the harm that has been done to their chelas by the Lucis Trust organization, which claims our backing but has it not at all.  Alice Bailey, due to her lack of surrender to the will of God, never passed the final initiations which would have qualified her as our amanuensis.  Nevertheless the intellect in its attempt to portray Hierarchy is prolific.
  Another who was selected to take the training for the calling of representing the World Teachers and the coming Buddha, Lord Maitreya, the one who wrote At the Feet of the Master under the pen name Alcyone, also failed the test of the intellect and of the subtleties of spiritual pride. Today Krishnamurti, denounced by the Brotherhood, denounces the true teachers and the path of initiation, proclaiming that the individual needs only himself and that this is the only God there is.  Leading thousands of youth in the direction of sophisticated disobedience to the God within, to Christ the inner mentor and to the masters of the Brotherhood, this fallen one has been the instrument of a philosophy that is not and does not in any way represent the true teachings of the Great White Brotherhood.
  Once the vibration of the Great White Brotherhood and the vibration of an authentic messenger is recognized by the chelas on the path, they will discern the heavy astral vibrations of the false teachers and their teachings. In the meantime we pray earnestly for their deliverance from the temptation of the glamor and the maya which surround the personality who has set himself in the seat of authority in place of the one true God. These are examples of those who have usurped the mind of God and the wisdom of the Mother.
  Both schools which have grown up around these ones who fell short of the mark of their high calling present calculated and cunning detours for souls searching for truth. Now we see the burden of the masters who have sponsored these and other chelas who have subsequently failed. They are burdened with an enormous responsibility to correct the errors of those who speak in their name yet have neither the authority nor the light emanation of our Office. 
  There is another who comes more recently to the fore of mankind's consciousness teaching the way of transcendental meditation yet not authorized as a representative of the Great White Brotherhood or as a teacher of meditation. This is the problem not of the chela who fails but of the self-styled guru who has never been a chela of the ascended masters.  The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has not been initiated in the schools of the Great White Brotherhood and therefore does not function under our aegis. He does not carry our vibration nor does he present to the children of God the goal of the ascension.
  The required momentum of spiritual attainment, the required initiations of the true teacher of meditation, have not been given to him nor is he a candidate to receive them.  His teaching is nothing more than autohypnosis, a very effective technique bringing to pass in the consciousness of the meditator all that it claims to do.It employs the power of the mental body and the subconscious mind to program the would-be disciple to a false peace, a false sense of security, and a waning identity that is removed farther and farther from the center of the Christ light with each period of so-called transcendental meditation.
 In this case the leader is self-hypnotized and therefore self-deceived. He is counted by us then as a blind leader of a blind generations Lack of strict requirements for the development of godly virtue, the necessity for suffering and sacrifice on the Way of the Cross and the Eighffold Path taught by Christ and Buddha, expose this method as another byway, a promised shortcut to attainment for which there is no shortcut.
  Needless to say, the Maharishi has not been given the authority to initiate souls under the great Initiator, Lord Maitreya--for he has not attained the Christ consciousness--nor has he received the electrodes in his aura for the transfer of the sacred fire.  Those who tie themselves to him in the relationship of pupil or student therefore are not protected from the elements of his karma, his human momentum or his self-hypnosis. These arc into the world of the pupil, adding the muddied stream of the false teacher to the already muddied stream of the confused disciple.
  We come to clear the way. Let the chips fall where they may. The false teachings must be exposed. Those who are either the instruments or the recipients of the false teachings are welcome to be washed in the waters of the four cosmic angels who even now are pouring the liquid light of Aquarius for the washing of the souls of mankind by the living Word of the Mother. In loyalty to the cause of truth I remain 

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